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Enid POV:
Today's the day!!! I woke up and quickly changed into something more comfortable for the day, throwing my Christmas hat on I rushed back into the bedroom. Wednesday was still sleeping so I decided to risk my life by waking her up "WEDNESDAY ! 

GET UP! GET UP!" Wednesday open her eyes and reached onto her bedside table where I vividly remember she put a dagger on the night before.

"Okay... Merry Christmas?" With that Wednesday chased me around with a dagger in hand while I tried my best not to scream and wake up the rest of the dorm.

After Wednesday calmed down and Thing took her dagger, I packed all my gifts for the day. She got ready and I slipped her Christmas hat on as we both made our way to the quad for breakfast. Today wasn't proper school but for the first half of the day we were asked to stay on the compound for gift giving.

Wednesday and I sat at one of the tables having breakfast with the friend group and after hearing an announcement from the new principal we started gift giving. We all had big and small gifts opened in front of us discussing random things that happened throughout the year before Wednesday brought the attention back to her.

Wednesday POV:
As I said before, Christmas was a big thing in my family and, as much as it pains me to say it, some of these people in Nevermore had become part of my family. So late at night on some days, I would sneak out and buy the friend group presents and now was the time to get it over with. "So I know you all weren't expecting this but I did get you all something." Shocked gases were heard around the table as others just looked confused. "Come on Wednesday you're going soft on us." Bianca remarked. "I can always take it back Bianca." Bianca rolled her eyes as I handed out gifts.

I had made sure to get everyone something special. As much as I hated all of them, they did help me with the Hyde case, put up with my threats and continue being my friends. Though I hate myself for it, I do care about them. Going around the table everyone open their gifts one by one.

 I gave Xavier a few paint brushes with his initials and a sketchbook with his name engraved on it. 

Ajax got some new beans with different snake designs and patterns.

Bianca got different types of makeup that Yoko helped me choose after I lied about gifting it to Another siren. She immediately pointed it out.

Divina and Kent got matching siren tail keychains.

Yoko got some blood splash patterned items and red nail polish.

I gave Eugene a bee pattern hoodie that he put on after opening it and sat contently flicking the antennae on the hood.

And lastly I gave Thing some nail equipment and hand cream.

After sitting back down and receiving all my "thanks yous" from the group. I leaned over to Enid and told her she would get her gift later. We all spoke I bit more before going our separate ways for the rest of the day. 

It was now night when I walked back inside I saw two small presents sitting under the Christmas tree closer to my side of the room and Enid sat right next to them.

"Who are these for?" I questioned Enid as I sit on the floor in the middle of the room close to where she was. "You and Thing silly." she replied as she pushed the presents to Thing and I separately. In return I pushed over a slightly bigger box from my side over to her. "Yours " I simply stated as Thing and I both unwrapped our gifts, Enid waiting to unwrap hers after.

Enid had gotten Thing a few right hand gloves to keep him warm and a few more just for style which lead to them having their whole conversation as I opened mine. Inside was a small box containing a half black metal necklace, half a yin-yang.

I looked up to her confused. "Well I didn't know if you liked jewelry or not so I kept it simple.I have the other half."she said as she pulled out the white piece from beneath her shirt and connected the two pieces. "I thought it fit. You know? Me being Yang you being Yin." She looked up to see if I was listening before she continued.

" Night and Day. Moon and Sun. Two things that shouldn't work but do. And the fact that we are both the strongest when we are with each other. Like interconnected forces. Its fine if you don't like it I could always get something else-"

"No. I like it. It fits." I cut her off. She smiled brightly at me before turning to open her gift. I covered my mouth as I slightly smiled as well.

Enid opened the gift box to reveal a collection of different pink, yellow and blue items."The night you told me you were pansexual. Thought it would fit with all the color on your side." Enid just crawled over and hugged me. I sat there stunned and didn't get chance to hug back before she let go.

We both stared at each other for a bit before I got up to grab a few things. Two blankets, two pillows and Enid's laptop. I set up everything on the floor before turning back to Enid. "Before we go to bed I wanted us the listen to something." Enid wrapped both of us up in the blankets resting her head on my shoulder as music started filling the soundless void of our room as we both began to slowly close our eyes.

'Happy Xmas- John Legend'
(slowed version )

"I like this song."

"Good. Its a reminder of what happened this year...how we survived. "

A/n: But Enid as a pansexual makes more sense to me. She had a crush on Ajax and if we are going Wenclair from after that being lesbian doesn't make the most sense. 

Her hair: Pink, Blonde, Blue
Her nails: Pink, Yellow, Blue

She gives off energetic pan energy.

♥ 𝓦𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 ♥Where stories live. Discover now