Fitting In

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"Ah. Nice quiet morning, berries, and a nice calm stream. Doesn't get much better than this." Alexis says as she is eating berries the next morning.

"There you are!" A voice says startling Alexis.

"Ah!" Alexis shouts as she throws a berry at the bird before seeing it is Roberto.

"Whoa! Good shot though." Roberto says as he dodges the berry.

"Don't you know not to sneak up on a person?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"Sorry about that. I thought I should come check on your after Jewel said you didn't come back the other night." Roberto says as he flies down and lands beside Alexis.

"Well as you can see I'm fine." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Whoa. Easy now. I just came to talk. Why so tense?" Roberto asks as he smiles.

"I'm sorry. I'm just usually not so welcome among other birds." Alexis says as she sighs.

"Why? Because you were a human's pet?" Roberto asks.

"How did-" Alexis then gets cut off by Roberto.

"Jewel told me about you. She told me you were part wolf which I didn't understand but she told me you being owned by a human is how you got that pretty trinket." Roberto says as he gestures to Alexis's collar.

"Yeah..." Alexis says as she looks down.

"I'm sorry. I lost people I cared about as well." Roberto says sadly.

"I don't want pity." Alexis says coldly.

"Not trying to. Just trying to be friendly." Roberto says.

"Why?" Alexis asks.

"Can't I be friendly to a beautiful dove?" Roberto asks kindly.

"I guess." Alexis says.

"Well you wanna go for a fly with me? We could dance if you were just nervous of doing it in front of others." Roberto says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"No! I mean no thank you." Alexis says nervously.

"Come on. Please? I wanna see you dance. I'm sure a beautiful-" Roberto then gets cut off by Alexis.

"I can't dance okay?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Huh? You can't dance?" Roberto asks.

"No I can't. I love to sing but dancing has just never been something I was good at." Alexis says shyly.

"Fly with me." Roberto says as Alexis looks at him.

"Huh?" Alexis asks.

"Just do it." Roberto says reassuringly.

"O-Okay." Alexis says as she flies off with Roberto.

"See? Not so bad." Roberto says as Alexis chuckles.

"That's because we're just flying silver tongue. Let's see if you can keep up with a city bird." Alexis says as she takes off flying much faster.

"Oh you're on. Got ya!" Roberto shouts playfully as he catches Alexis.

"Wow. You're the first besides Jewel to catch me... Uh what are you doing? Roberto!" Alexis says in alarm as Roberto tries to dance with her while keeping a firm hold on her so she can't move away.

"Relax. Just dance with me. Don't worry about the moves. Just let your body flow." Roberto says reassuringly as he smiles.

"I don't know." Alexis says as she looks down before trying to dance nervously as Roberto laughs happily.

"You're doing amazing. You dance beautifully." Roberto says happily.

"Oh. Well thank you." Alexis says shyly as she smiles and blushes.

"That's it girl. Just feel the rhythm of the jungle. Whoa." Roberto says as he looks at Alexis.

"Whoa what?" Alexis asks.

"Your eyes. They're beautiful." Roberto says as Alexis smiles before continuing to dance with him.


"I had fun with you today Roberto." Alexis says happily as she is sitting with her head on Roberto's chest with his wing around her.

"I had fun with you as well Alexis. For a city girl you're quite the catch of the jungle." Roberto says as he chuckles.

"Thanks... You shouldn't be getting attached to me." Alexis says as she looks down before pulling away from Roberto.

"Why not? I like you? Don't you like me?" Roberto asks sadly.

"It's not that. You wouldn't like the other side of me." Alexis says sadly.

"Let me judge that." Roberto says as he smiles reassuringly at Alexis.

"You promise you won't leave if I show you? To have me you have to accept me completely." Alexis says.

"Trust me I will. I know what the music in my heart is telling me and it's telling me you're the one for me." Roberto says as Alexis chuckles.

"Okay silver tongue. You win. Okay here goes nothing." Alexis says nervously.

"It's okay. I mean what I say." Roberto says as he smiles before Alexis nods and nervously shifts to wolf form and looks at Roberto.

"Well?... Roberto? I knew it." Alexis says as she sees Roberto look at her before he flies off.

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