Chapter Nine: Decisive Action

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(A/n): I have reached the pinnacle of laziness and now am going to assume that after eight chapters everyone remembers the formatting so I don't have to put it here.


Rita Rossweisse arrived in Arc City after receiving an order from the Overseer to eliminate the "Grey Serpent". Anti-Entropy had moved as Otto had predicted, and Rita was in charge of the "minor clean up".

Everything had gone according to plan, she dispatched some small obstacles in her mission and got rid of the grey serpent. 

Ending her call with the Overseer, she prepared to go after her intended target for this mission, that is, the Anti-Entropy team that must have been deployed by now. Sensing three people near her, she put herself on alert.

'Speak of the devil and he shall come, though they got here much earlier than expected."

Having already left a small "gift" for them when they try to access the grey serpent's database she felt fairly confident about taking on Theresa, Mei, and Bronya, after all she didn't need to necessarily win the fight. 

As the three approached from the front, she can't help but feel somewhat happy, their inexperience had lead them to not utilize their number advantage to surround her.

"Well, I can't say that I-"

However, before she finished the comment, the elegant, laid back look on her face as suddenly wiped off as she raised her scythe, at the same time, Stalker Carbon leaped towards whatever was approaching from above, only to be smashed to pieces, making Rita shut her eyes to weather the resulting shockwave.

Leaping backwards, she opened her eyes briefly to see a fist approaching her, barely reacting in time, she raised her weapon again only to find that it was bent at a almost 90 degree angle. Thinking fast, she raised her blade up instead, watching as it got blown clean off the handle. 

This also allowed her a moment to see her enemy, and to her surprise, it was Raiden Mei, but the fact that another Raiden Mei stood behind the one attacking her made her mind freeze up. This moment was all that was needed for a colossal, mechanical, red hand to appear and grab her.


She was rudely cut off again with a quick punch to the jaw, knocking her out cold.

Slinging the maid over her shoulders, the Herrscher of Thunder walked back to Theresa, Bronya, and herself.

"The Job is done, lets head back." She said, walking past them.

"Was that really necessary? I almost feel bad for her..." Mei asked her future self.

Giving her a reassuring smile, the Herrscher just continued on her way.


Durandal was worried.

This wasn't an emotion she was used to, at least not on such a scale.

Otto, who was usually composed, ran off after checking the security footage obtained from satellite imagery, leaving her in charge at the Schicksal Headquarters. Now that in of itself was strange, Otto was quite the hermit, and rarely steps outside unless it was necessary to do so.  

The fact that a large amount of Anti-Entropy forces showed up after he left also made her anxious, though she was sure that it was still manageable.

However, when she tried to contact him, she was only notified that the communications were down at the moment. They were completely blind now, no signal, no satellites, and the electricity was running on backup power.

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