Chapter 1

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The sounds of the kids' laughter filled the air. A mix of giggles, shrieks, and laughs that were almost too loud to hear, or at least not from a distance.

"Kids, please be careful! The snow is slippery!" He called out with concern in his voice as he watched a few children run around on the ground, getting their shoes soaked by the falling flakes.

"Ahh, Teacher Choi full of worries as usual," replied one of the kids who had run ahead. Some snowflakes covered his hair while he was laughing so hard. "It's okay! We'll be fine!"

He sighed loudly but then smiled after seeing them all smiling back at him. They are still just kids after all, and they're won't be able to stay out for much longer.

"Hyunsuk," he turns his head upon hearing someone call out his name. A female teacher named Suhi approached him, her smile brightening when she saw him. She handed over a glass of hot tea.

"Here you go."

He took it gently as he thanked the woman.

"You are lost to those kids again, right?" The woman teased. Hyunsuk chuckled lightly before taking a sip from the cup. A warm feeling slowly spreads throughout his body as he enjoyed his warm beverage.

He let out a sigh before nodding slowly in response. "I can never win against them."

Suhi lets out a chuckle before sipping on her tea. Her eyes fall into the direction where the kids were playing.

"That's because you love them too much," she said.

"Hahaha, I can't deny that," he replied as he continued sipping.

The two of them stayed silent for some time, watching the kids play until it was time to get inside.

"Alright, kids! Time for our warm cocoa time!" Suhi cheerfully exclaimed a few minutes after they finished their drinks.

"Yay!" The kids cheered excitedly. They're all wearing big smiles on their faces and Hyunsuk has no choice but to laugh softly. He can only shake his head fondly at those children and their antics before clapping his hand, to get everyone's attention.

"Kids, be careful with your steps! Don't push each other and watch your step," he instructed before pointing towards the entrance of the playground.

One by one, they began moving forward carefully while Hyunsuk followed behind them, making sure that all of them are safe while keeping an eye on them. A little boy suddenly stopped in his track. He turned around and looked up at Hyunsuk with his doe eyes.

"Teacher Choi?" Hyunsuk knelt and looked him in the eyes.


"Let's go together," the child grinned as he extended his hands out to him. Hyunsuk could feel the warmth rising to his cheeks as he heard those words. His lips form a small, yet warm smile.

"Alright, alright. Let's go." He said, standing up as he extends his hand towards the kid. The young boy nodded happily before grabbing his hand. Both of them walk side by side until they reach the classroom.

The aroma of chocolate wafted around the room. There, the children immediately rushed to the table where a few cups of hot chocolate milk are served and sat there happily. Their chattering fills the whole classroom and Hyunsuk couldn't help but think that these kids make him smile whenever he enters the daycare.

He then glances at his hand, the hand held firmly by the young boy who's sitting beside him.

"Park Jisung?" He calls out in his soft tone when he noticed the latter still clutching onto his hand. Strange when other kids are running to grab their drinks but Park Jisung just stood there quietly, staring intently at the table.

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