Chapter 6

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"Oh, Hyunsuk... Do you want to stay for dinner?" Hyunsuk choked on his saliva upon hearing the question that come from Jihoon's mouth. He didn't even expect Jihoon would invite him for dinner again.

His face grew warm and he stuttered, "Uhm.. doesn't it trouble you?"

The tall man with dark straight hair just laughed at the remark, "Of course not! Well, last time, it was you the one that troubled,"  he added a smile as a side note.  Jihoon's smile was as charming as usual, no matter how many times Hyunsuk saw it; it always made his heart beat faster.

"Papa!" Both of them turned their head to see Jisung who just comes out of the room. His tiny hand rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Hi, Jisung," Hyunsuk greeted the little boy. He put on a sweet smile at the child. Jisung's eyes immediately sparkled upon seeing him.

"Teacher Choi, you're here!"  Jisung exclaimed excitedly, making Hyunsuk flustered in response. He let out a soft chuckle. He opens his arm when he sees Jisung running towards him. The little boy giggles when he felt Hyunsuk's warm hug.

"Hey, hey kid. Don't you meet Teacher Choi at your daycare today? You're even crying to sleep. You troubled Teacher Choi," Jihoon teased as he approached Jisung. The child pouted when he hears this.

"Hmph, what do you know..." The little boy grumbles.

Hyunsuk just chuckled at the sight. "Jisung has been a good boy,"  he said, patting Jisung's back. Jisung's expression lightened up a bit. A bright smile is plastered on his features as he looks up at Hyunsuk.

"Oh my, look at you being all happy with Teacher Choi flattering you. You don't even remember about your papa," Jihoon said with an exaggerated fake hurt voice. He pulls Jisung into a hug, ruffling his hair and earning an irritated squeal from Jisung.

"Papa, let go of me!" Jisung whines, trying to get Jihoon off of him but as usual,  Jihoon wouldn't budge from his grip. The latter just laughs at Jisung, making the child glare playfully at him.

Hyunsuk couldn't help but smile at the scene unfolding before him. He could see the fondness and warmth Jihoon felt toward their son. It makes Hyunsuk's heart swell at the thought.  He wanted to see him like that more often but isn't it just because of his greed?

He should be grateful that he could be this close to Jihoon. But deep inside, his heart told him it was not enough. That he wants more. He wants Jihoon's affection. His attention. His love. But he shouldn't be selfish. Right?

Hyunsuk snapped out of his reverie when he heard Jisung's giggles.

'Ah... I really shouldn't let this feeling overflow. It hurts,'  he thought to himself. He took a deep breath before he cleared his throat, "Uhm... Should I prepare our dinner now?" he offered, trying his best to sound nonchalant. He tries his best to put on a smile on his face. He glances at those two. Jisung's face brightens up, his sparkly eyes staring at Hyunsuk. He smiled widely showing his pearly whites.

The sudden guilt of pang hit him hard at that moment. How can he be on the verge to ruin this little boy's life?

"Ah, it's fine. Mrs. Hong did cook the dinner," Jihoon answered, breaking Hyunsuk out of his thoughts. He looked down, and heavy feelings settles inside his chest, almost suffocating him. Hyunsuk takes another deep breath, this time trying to calm his racing heart.

"Alright then," he said, smiling awkwardly at Jihoon and Jisung. Then, a thought comes to his mind. "Mrs. Hong?"  he asked, furrowing his brows.

"Oh, she's the new housekeeper. She started working here last week. Well, it's great that she's here. At least, our home isn't as messy as before. Plus, we don't have to eat takeout foods anymore," Jihoon stated, scratching the nape of his neck while looking away. A shy smile forms on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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