Chapter 2

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"Papa, papa. Are you friend with Teacher Choi?" His four years old son asked, eyes wide in excitement and face lit up by a huge smile he had on his face. Jihoon looks down at the excited boy who's laying comfortably on his bed, chuckling lightly as he ruffles Jisung's hair.

"Yes, he was my classmate," Jisung tilts his head in confusion.

"Classmate? Are you close to him?" The little child questions. Jihoon hums in thought. He brings his hand to his chin,  thinking of an answer before replying.

"Hmm, well we're never talked before," Jihoon mumbles, "he doesn't like talking to people." It comes out slow, maybe even too quiet for Jisung to hear.

"Why? Did you hate him?" The little boy asks, eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. Jihoon can't help but snort as he shakes his head.

"No! Why would I hate him?"Jihoon laughs a little more, finding his son's question is so funny.

"Same. I don't hate Teacher Choi too. I love him. I'll marry him when I grow older," Jihoon chokes on his saliva upon hearing his son's words. The poor man coughs a few times, cheeks bright red as he tries to compose himself. When he's done, he looks back at his son.

"What?! Who do you wanna marry?!" Jihoon exclaims voice raised in surprise, almost making Jisung flinch.

"I want to marry Teacher Choi!"Jisung answers happily.

"Why him?!"

"He's nice to me and beautiful too," Jihoon's eyes widened in disbelief at his son's words.

"Are you talking about a female teacher?" He asks, looking at his son. Jisung shakes his head vigorously as he speaks.

"Nope! I meant Teacher Choi,"

"But he's... You know he's a man, like you and papa, right?"

Jihoon questioned with a raised eyebrow. The young boy nodded his head at his dad's question.

"And he's old like papa too,"


"And you still wanna marry him?"   Jihoon says incredulously. Jisung nods again enthusiastically.

"Yup! I'm going to marry him when I grow up!"

Jihoon could just be facepalming.

"I don't mind you thinking of marrying anyone else but that man is off-limits," said Jihoon in a low tone, scared that he might wake Jisung up.

"Good morning Teacher Choi!" Hyunsuk turns his head as he heard an excited shout, a few feet away from him. He sees Jihoon approaching him, with Jisung in his arm, the younger one got giggling while waving his hand happily at him. He smiled and waved back to them with a smile. His puffy cheeks are reddened by the cold, which Hyunsuk found adorable.

"Morning Hyunsuk," Jihoon greeted, putting down Jisung on the floor as both of them walk over to him. Hyunsuk just smiles at him while grabbing Jisung's hand. He's accidentally locked their gazes together. Jihoon's eyes seem bright, maybe because of the reflection of the white snow. He quickly breaks it away, scared he would fall for those big, round doe eyes that are so hypnotizing. It's been a week since that day, after his first meeting with Jihoon. The latter has been sending Jisung to the daycare early in the morning and taking him home late in the evening. That's how their meetings usually went and yet Hyunsuk still doesn't know how should he react around Jihoon. His heartbeat increased, every time the latter went near him. It feels stupid that he can't get rid of the butterflies that came with seeing Jihoon's face but it's hard when he has this feeling.

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