Chapter 3

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"Ahh, I'm sorry that you have to walk all the way here. This is just what I could think of when you said you wanted to talk to me," said Jihoon the moment they entered the medium-sized apartment. The place wasn't that far from the daycare, it just takes them less than 20 minutes to walk.

All along their way, they kept exchanging a few small talks; about the weather, random things they see on their way, and so forth.

Hyunsuk takes off his shoes and his long coat as he entered. His mouth is agape at what he sees. Towels, clothes, and books are strewn around the place, some in their rightful places on the shelves while others are still in the basket on the floor. He then looks at Jihoon who doesn't seem to take much notice of Hyunsuk's reaction.

"Woah, Teacher Choi is here!" exclaimed Jisung excitedly. He came rushing inside, and throw his jacket and scarf on the ground.

"Ahh so cold. Papa quick turn on the heater," He whined as he runs to one of the rooms, which seems to be his room.

"Yah, Jisung. Clean yourself up first and change into pajamas," command Jihoon as he turns on the heater to warm the whole house.

Hyunsuk is still stunned at what he sees. His eyes scanned the place again. The apartment was smaller than his own, but not by much. It has 2 bedrooms with a bathroom and a living room that is attached to the kitchen. It is just separated by a low cabinet.

"Please take a seat," Jihoon says politely as he pointed at the couch beside him after collecting some clothes on the couch and put it on the table near it. He then excuses himself to go to the kitchen. Hyunsuk nodded in response. He then placed his long coat on the armrest of the couch before taking a seat. In front of him right now, there's a coffee table. A few books and papers are scattered on it. Hyunsuk knows it's a bad habit to touch what's not his but he just couldn't help himself to see the mess.

Without hesitation, he picks the books up, arrange them neatly, and stacked them nicely on the table. He then moves on to the papers. He collected them one by one, didn't bother to see the content, and placed them neatly on top of the books. To avoid it from flapping around, he places a small book on it.

"I'm sorry that you have to clean the mess," says Jihoon when he approached with two glasses of steaming drink. He then takes a seat across from Hyunsuk while putting down glasses on the table. He gives a glass of the drink to Hyunsuk which Hyunsuk gratefully received. He puts the cup on the table to let it cool down.

"Ah... it's messy huh? Sorry. I don't have time to clean it up," said Jihoon scratching the back of his neck awkwardly suddenly. His eyes shift everywhere but directly to Hyunsuk.

Maybe looking there's no reaction from Hyunsuk, Jihoon opens his mouth again, "The housekeeper quit because she had to move to another city with her husband. And I haven't yet found any new one ..." he doesn't seem to want to continue as he clears his throat. Then proceeds to pick up the cup on the table to sip the hot liquid.

"Where's Jisung's mom?" asks Hyunsuk suddenly after a few seconds. He takes the cup and sips on it to avoid the awkwardness between them. Jihoon looks surprised at the question. He then fixed his seating before answering.

"Oh, you didn't know because you moved right after graduating. Jisung's mother... Ah, Chaewon... She passed away from an illness when Jisung just turned one year old," Jihoon's voice sounds heavy but calm at the same time.

Hyunsuk seems to be taken aback by Jihoon's words. Lee Chaewon. He knows too well who's that person. Like Jihoon, she's too a bright, cheerful kid. Along with being very pretty, she also has a nice personality. Such a perfect pair for Jihoon. Both of them are called 'official school couples' after they're going out.

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