Chapter 5

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"Papa, look," Jisung says, showing his father a drawing he had done in the daycare earlier today. Jihoon quickly turns his head from his phone to see it.  He immediately smiles at what he sees. His hand instinctively reaches out to the paper in Jisung's hands.

"What's this?" He asks with that deep baritone tone of his. His eyes still fixate on what his son drew. Jisung 's little smile gets wider and the corners of his eyes crinkle up into crescents. 

"Today, we can't play outside because of the snow. So teachers told us to draw a picture of us and the person we love," Jisung answers cheerfully.

His father looks down at the picture and laughs lightly. His eyes brighten upon hearing the words.  "Woah? Is this me?" Jihoon asks, pointing to the image. Jisung then peeks at what his father is pointing at.

"Nah, that's Teacher Choi. This one is you and this one is Jisung," Jisung points at different people respectively while explaining each one of them. Jihoon nods along and hums in understanding but then a thought comes to his mind.

"Teacher Choi? What's he doing here?" Jihoon asks with genuine curiosity. His eyebrows meet. He completely wondered what even Hyunsuk doing in his son's drawing. Did he even consent to it? The little boy frowns at the question but eventually answers.

"Well, it's because I love him!" His child proudly declares without a single hint of embarrassment or hesitation. Jihoon raises a brow and gives Jisung a  questioning look. His lips form an 'o'. "He loves me too~!" Jisung repeats in a singsong voice and grins brightly at his father, who's staring back dumbfounded, eyes wide as saucers.

"Wait, what?!" He blurts out after clearing his throat. His eyes widen even more, if possible, in disbelief. He blinks at his son multiple times before his brain finally processes what his son just said.

"Did he know did you draw him here?" Jihoon says, bewildered. With a proud grin, Jisung nods enthusiastically.

"Yes, he knows. He's happy," Jisung answers confidently. His face brightens further with pride. His cheeks reddened as he smiles widely. Jihoon just sighed when he heard his son.

"You seem happy too," Jihoon says softly. He ruffles his son's hair lovingly and smiles warmly. His son giggles and tries to bat his hands away but Jihoon simply continues petting him gently. He feels so much relief knowing how happy his son is. The happiness radiating off of Jisung makes Jihoon's heart flutter. It makes him feel all fuzzy inside.

"Ah, Jisung! Papa loves you so much!!" he squeals happily as he tackles his son into a tight hug. Jisung who seems to be surprised by such an enthusiastic display suddenly starts laughing.

"Papa, you're being too loud," Jisung whines, trying to push his dad away but Jihoon won't let go of him.  Eventually, Jisung relents and lets himself relax against his father, who's now peppering kisses onto his face.

"Do you love papa?" Jihoon asks quietly and gently when he feels his son start relaxing a bit. Jisung nods vigorously.

"I love you a lot!" The little boy chimes out. The corners of Jihoon's lips curled up at that answer.

"And Teacher Choi too! I love you both," Jisung adds excitedly. Jihoon's eyebrows shoot up. He let go of  Jisung for a second, his expression confused.

"Tell me why you love me," He asks his son cautiously. He looks at him expectantly, waiting for a reply.

"Because you're my papa," Jisung answers without missing a beat. Jihoon stares at him for another long moment, then he asks again.

"Then, why do you love Teacher Choi? He isn't even your papa," Jihoon presses further. Jisung shrugs.

"Teacher Choi has a pretty smile. He also pretty, nice, smart, and... pretty," Jisung explains matter of factly. His eyes sparkled.

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