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《• Planet Earth Realm
- Seattle, WA• 》


The young retail worker sat in the interrogation room, the FBI jacket handed to her by her uncle still around her shoulders. She was covered in dirt and mud stained parts of her clothes, as the Seattle rain was still merciless so she was still cold despite changing clothes at the hospital.

Her hairy vampire friend helped come up with a clever alibi, and set up everything accordingly to how it was rehearsed.

She wiped some of the leftover mud from her cheek with the sleeve of the jacket.

During the search, agents found her unconscious by the lake near the forests, but uninjured, not far from a previous crime scene that took place months ago.

Medics examined her before she was bought to the FBI headquarters to get her statement.

Two agents then walked in to the interrogation room, sitting across from her while setting a cup of hot chocolate in front of her.

"Thank you," she said quietly as she sipped some.

"How are you feeling, Tania?" One agent asked.

"Better.... I'm-I'm just tired...." she said.

"We'll make this quick so you and your boyfriend can head home," the other agent, a female, said. "He and your uncle are waiting for you outside."

She nodded.

"We understand it must be traumatic for you, but is there any way you can describe what happened?" the female agent asked.

Tania feigned a frown and looked down. "A-All I can remember is leaving from work and heading to my car in the mall parking garage...."

"Yes, that's where we found your car abandoned, and personal belongings on the ground," the other agent said.

"Did you happen to get a good look at whoever grabbed you?" The female agent asked.

Tania shook her head. "I had a sack thrown over my head the entire time.... I was never able to see anyone's face, and then it all just went dark....." Tania explained. "I did hear a woman's voice, but..... Before I knew it, I woke up in the woods....."

The two agents looked at each other.

"I-I'm sorry, but, I wish I could be of more help...." Tania said sadly. "Everything is all a blur..."

"Its alright.... Its possible the trauma from this ordeal as blocked most of your memories," the female agent said softly. "Why don't you give yourself some time, and then you can call us once you have some sort of information on your captors."

Tania gulped and nodded, fidgeting with the plastic tab of her cup.

"Could... Could the same people that tried to kidnap me also have done something to Lynette?" Tania tried. "I-I mean, she worked in the same mall.... A-Are they the same people who drained those bodies...?"

They looked at each other, then back at Tania.

"Its possible.... However, we have no further information on her search," the female agent said.

"Well, aside from Miss Smith's boyfriend, Trevor Collins, listed on some domestic disturbance calls throughout the years, a few ER visits as well," one of the agent said. "Some cops and medical professionals were taking bribery from him and his father apparently, hence why no action was taken, but those cops are being investigated, as if the father. Traffic cameras did also capture him and his friends chasing Miss Smith the night she disappeared... What happened afterwards in that alley to everyone is a mystery we may never understand....."

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