A fight between the brothers

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Ātaahua and Lo'ak left the secret spot and walked back to the village, they meet with everyone else in the dining tent. There they had a hāngī, that contained vegetables and meat. They had seafood including Kina, and a special herbal tea which was believed to connect you too Eywa. 

After dinner Ātaahua showed the Sully family where they would be sleeping,

"This is where you will be sleeping." Says Ātaahua.

"Where is your sleeping tent." Lo'ak asked.

"It's not far from here, just around the corner." She replied.

"Why do you want to know, little brother." Neteyam stepped in.

Everyone around laughed, making Lo'ak become embarrassed. 

"Anyways, I have to go back to my tent now. See you all in the morning." Ātaahua said walking away. 

Night fell and everyone went to sleep, except for Lo'ak. He was kept thinking about Ātaahua, how beautiful she was, how she kind she was, and his relationship with her. Lo'ak tried to get to sleep but he couldn't, he quietly got up and snuck out of his bed. He remembered the spot Ātaahua showed him earlier today, he followed the secret path and saw Ātaahua sitting watching the water from below. 

"Ātaahua?" He called out.

Ātaahua turned around in shock, "What are you doing here Lo'ak?" 

"I couldn't get to sleep, so I came here." He replied. 

"Oh ok, but you need to be carful next time. They have Na'vi watching over you guys, you could have been spotted sneaking out." She said.

"Next time I'll be carful." He said walking up to the seat she was sitting at. "What are you doing up here?" He asked

"I come up here at night to get away." She said explaining to Lo'ak. "When I go to sleep, I get these visions. Visions of Eywa, but it hurts" Ātaahua responded. "In these visions, I feel the pain of every creature connected to Eywa, so instead of sleeping, I stay up here." 

"Have you told anyone else?" Lo'ak asked

"No, they wouldn't believe me." She said

"Then why did you tell me?" Lo'ak wondered

"Because I trust you, you are the only one I trust, Lo'ak." Ātaahua said locking eye contact with Lo'ak. They stared at each other for a while, they could both feel each others feelings and how they felt. They started coming closer to each other but a big yell came from the village...

Lo'ak and Ātaahua ran to see what was going on, they reached the village and saw both of their brothers fighting. Neteyam was throwing lots of punches, while Aonung and his friends were pulling his tail and his hair.

"Hey, get off him!" Kiri yelled from the sidelines.

"Guys stop this now!" Ātaahua yelled watching Lo'ak step in to help his brother.

Lo'ak kicked Aonung in the stomach, pulled his hair and tripped him up. Neteyma was able to get up and hit Aonung's friends back. Kiri and Ātaahua kept on yelling at the boys. The fight started to get really bad, Ātaahua stepped in and pulled her brother away. Ātaahua yelled at Aonung's friends and told them to stop. 

"What happened here." Ātaahua yelled.

"He punched me." Aonung said.

"You called my sister a freak!" Neteyma yelled.

Ātaahua stared at her brother and told him, "Brother, go to mother and father. We will discuss this with them." She then turned to Lo'ak who was holding his brother back from the rest of the boys. Lo'ak, control your brother. We don't use violence here!" She yelled.

Ātaahua caught up with Aonung and his friends laughing about what had happened, she grabbed Aonung's hair and dragged him to his parents. 

Meanwhile, Lo'ak and Neteyam were talking about how they definitely won that fight. They laughed about all the punches they threw and the kicks until a large shadow came over top of them. It was their dad. 

"You punched him!?" Jake yelled back in the tent with Lo'ak and Neteyam. "We were welcomed here and given essentials, and you pay them back with a punch?!" 

"Dad, they called Kiri a freak." Neteyam said

"Violence, is not the key." Their dad said.

"Dad, it was my fault. I started it." Lo'ak said standing up for his brother.

"You always make this family disappointed. Go apologise. Now!" Jake demanded.

Lo'ak started walking off but Neteyam chased him. 

"Why do you always say it was your fault?" Neteyam asked

"Because dad always finds away to make it my fault, so I might as well say it was my fault." Lo'ak said walking with his head down. "Dad sees you as the golden child, but when he looks at me, he sees disappointment." 

Neteyam didn't know what to say, "Just let me apologise, you can go back to bed." Lo'ak said.

Lo'ak walked over to where the Chiefs family lived, he saw Ātaahua yelling at Aonung. Their parents and Tsireya, watching them fight, Tonowari looked very disappointed of Aonung but Ronal showed no emotion. 

Lo'ak knocked and the whole family turned to him. "I want to apologise on behalf of me and my brother. We are sincerely sorry." He said looking down to the floor.

"Look up boy." Chief Tonowari said.

Lo'ak looked up making eye contact with Ātaahua again, Aonung stepped forward and apologised for what he said to Kiri and that he didn't mean it. Lo'ak didn't believe him and knew he only said that because his parents told him too. Lo'ak left to go back to bed, but he heard a sound coming from the water...

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