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Jax's pov
There's something about her. Gemma asks me "okay what's up with you and Tara?" Tara? I chuckle "nothing she's Abel's doctor." "Good, that other girl...Charlotte seems sweet" she replies. I huff out a chuckle "don't mom" "what? The junkie relapsed and is in rehab, you're freshly divorced. You could use some good right about now, juice says she has no record of any kind, she's from Missouri and seems close with her family" she rattles off. I say "you ran a background check on her?!" She shrugs "what? Now you know she has no priors or dirty secrets." I huff "yeah" and I say "I'm going to see Abel" "Abel or the nurse you're sweet on?" She asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes "leave it ma"

And I head to the hospital just to see her with Abel taking his vitals soothing him with her voice and a smile. I ask her "have any of your own?" She jumps "you just bout gave me a heart attack"I chuckle at her "sorry Darlin. Keep goin he seems to like you" she chuckles "he's sweet" finishing up her work and I ask "how's he doing?" "He's growing stronger, he's on pain meds to keep him comfortable while he heals and toxicology says he's drug free besides what we're giving him" she says with a smile. Fuck that smile. I nod "thank you for everything you're doing for him" "you don't have to thank me jax." She tells me and I nod "I do. You've been staying by his side around the clock I hear. That's not your job. And yet you're doing it. So thank you."

She shuffles shyly "I uh...I told you I'd look after him. So I am. I'm just doing my job jax, really." I move a curl from her face and get caught in her eyes and caress her cheek "and I'm telling you I appreciate it and your work Darlin. Get some rest you look tired" her cheek turns a pink and she says "can't. I'm working a double" stepping away as the door opens. It's Tara. "Nurse Fitzgerald youre needed elsewhere" she says looking between us. I know what she's doing. She replies "but Abel is my only assignment?" Confused and she says "take a break then" she shrinks at Tara's glare "I uh....okay" leaving her head down low.

I glare at tara "was that necessary? She's Abel's nurse doing her job" she scoffs "is that why you were holding her? Because she's his nurse? It's inappropriate jax. Your wife is in rehab right now after fighting for her life" I chuckle "ex wife. And if I was holding you you'd have no issue. You have no right to be jealous or angry. You left me tara. I've got every right to move the fuck on"

She snaps "is that what that was? You moving on? She's innocent jax she doesn't know shit! And I bet she'd leave if she truly knew what you are" "maybe it is and was! What I do isn't your business! You left me! For years! I spent so long wishing you'd just come back but now....I wish you'd have stayed in Chicago! You have no right to treat her like shit because we are close and might go further! And if and when the time comes and I have to pull her into this life the choice will be hers whether she stays or goes! I know she's innocent. She's so fucking pure tara. Maybe it's what I like about her! Innocence and purity is something no one I've ever been with ever had before and I want to explore hers! So kindly treat my son and fuck off!" I snap, trying not to wake Abel who's asleep and he fusses anyway and I huff "get out and send her back in here" she leaves "she won't stick around if she finds out"

I get the feeling hat she might be wrong. But who knows. I gently try and soothe Abel but he just cries harder. The door opens and she asks "is every thing okay?" Walking over and I nod "yeah tara and I argued and woke him and he won't stop crying now" I watch her coo to him gently "hey Abel" putting on gloves and putting her hand in the cage and he grabs it and she smiles as he calms down. Just with her touch alone. Wow. I don't know how long we spend together with Abel and talking. Eventually it's time to feed him. She hands me a gown and gloves.

"Want to hold and feed him?" I shake my head "don't wanna chance hurting him. You do it" she nods and I watch her as she interacts with him gently feeding him. He's still so small. I ask "how long will he be in there?" "Until we're sure he's okay and his stitches heal. Maybe another month or so. But with how he's progressing I think he might get out and into your arms early" she responds. And Abel actually smiles. A little but. She grins "yeah you'll be out soon Abel" finishing and putting him back.

I ask "have any plans tomorrow?" "Just working another double" she chuckles. I shake my head "you've word a double all week. You should rest and then let me take you out. That's if you're not seeing anyone" she blushes "I uh...I already committed to the shift...but um...I'd like that" I grin "you have to promise you won't stay cooped up in here and get sleep. Text me your availability and I'll plan" she nods "I'm being forced to take a day off the day after tomorrow" "It's a date then" I say she smiles "a date"

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