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Charlottes pov
Jax goes and talks to Jocelyn heatedly and he has her show him his tattoo. Gemma asks me "you okay with that darlin?" As I bounce Abel. I reply "no. And Jax knows as well and is dealing with it" she nods "I've never seen him like this before. You bring out a side of my boy I never knew existed. Thank you" I smile her way "you don't need to thank me Gemma. You raised a good man"

"Do you love him?" She asks. I reply "it's too soon to say such a thing" she grabs my free hand "you're mothering his child. And you live together. Love has no time limit. I can see how you look at one another. There's definitely love there" I blush slightly "really?"
She nods "absolutely. I've never seen him this happy before or him look at anyone the way he looks at you." She continues "it's okay to feel what you feel when you feel it darlin. Love doesn't have a time stamp" squeezing my shoulder. The doorbell rings and I stand "sit Charlie. You shouldn't be moving so much" she tells me. "Movement is good just not too much of it. It's okay Gem. It's probably my parents" I tell her with a smile. I go over and hear Jax telling Jocelyn to get out. And she smirks "not so fast" and I open the door with Abel in my arms and freeze seeing Wendy. She grins at Abel "he's gotten so big" and reaches for him and I back away "no thanks to you" I reply stiffly. She says "you're the doctor right?" She smiles as Jax comes behind me "jax" he looks at her "what are you doing here Wendy."

"I'm here and clean and I want to see my son and raise him" she grins. Walking in and says "doc I want to see my son" jax says "Lottie is my girlfriend. And the only mother Abel has ever known." "I didn't sign my rights away so I have every right to have my son jax. Besides we're not divorced either" she says giving me a look. Bile rises in my throat. Not divorced. White noise. That's all.

"Princess. Princess. Lottie" I blink and say "what?" Looking between the...couple. Married. Jax is still married. Hers. He's not mine to have or love. "Baby I had no idea she didn't file the papers." He says she takes Abel and he immediately screams and cries. I snap "you're upsetting him!" She replies "he just doesn't know me yet he will. I'm his mother. Something you can never be....a mother...isn't that right?" I freeze. How could they know? Gemma speaks "you nasty crack whore. How fucking dare you?! She's been doing what you should've been. And more! You should be fucking thanking her you bitch!" I head to the room as Gemma takes Abel.

I sit on the edge of the bed my head in my hands thinking back. When I say Zach took everything from me...I meant it. A tear falls and I wipe it not wanting to cry anymore because of Zach. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder. "It's just me princess." I chuckle "cats out the bag I guess. This isn't how I wanted you to find out that I can't have kids" sniffling. He makes me look at him "darlin" wiping my face gently. "He took everything from me...my baby Jax" I sigh. I tell him "telling him I was pregnant is how it all started. I was in love with the thought of being loved and couldn't see the red flags until it was too late. I've always wanted a family of my own, always. I was happy...and thought he would be too. He wasn't. Not even a little bit. He was mad because if I was pregnant then I'd get fat and...loose once I give birth...he beat me into a miscarriage....my little Jack didn't stand a chance and neither did I. He uh... 'did me a favor' and took me to the hospital after. Said I had fallen down the stairs. I was numb to everything at that point. He beat me so badly that they said that the chance of me ever getting pregnant again is rare. I didn't have anything to live for. He took the one thing I've always wanted. A big part of me died that night. He tried to be nice again but that ran out quickly. I was stuck and half of the time I was already dead inside. Then my brother came...and then he was arrested."

He pulls me into his arms and I find peace within them. He tells me "I'm so sorry princess. They had no right. None at all." I ask "you're not upset with me for telling you?" He tells me "darlin I'd never be upset that you didn't want to share a piece of your trauma with me. It was up to you if you wanted to share that or if you were ready to, and they forced your hand. Don't apologize for that" "what if we get to a point where you want another child Jax. And I can't give that to you" I ask. He kisses me softly "then I wouldn't want it darlin. There's no harm in trying. There's other methods as well we can try when we get to that point. Point is. I won't leave you because of your fertility issue even if I wake up one day and desire to be a dad again. I'd only ever want that with you" I tell him "you're too good to me Jax Teller" he kisses me again "everyone would beg to differ."

"Darlin" he sighs. And I ask "what?" "Wendy isn't his mother. You are. And that's how it'll always be. He loves you. You see how he screams like he's been stabbed when taken from you? That kid adores you Lottie. Wendy-" I ask "what about her Jax?" He sighs "she's not signing another set of divorce papers unless I let her stay for a week here in the extra room. I'll file them myself this time. Jocelyn is down there right now with the guys being held down and getting my crow blacked out. 7 days." "Is this her way of asking for time to try and get you back and edge me out?" I ask. "I don't know baby. But look at me" he sighs and I do. "This. Us. It's real. You're not going anywhere okay? If she is up to something. It's us against her okay? Show her we're real and there's no room for her between us or anywhere else and then she said once the days are up she'll sign over her rights to Abel and I want you to have em"I smile "really?" "Baby of course" he grin and we kiss again passionately.

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