chapter 2 (electric bugaloo)

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While the Mario princess prepared for the party, in another kingdom a king was preparing as well though for a different occasion.
The Koopa kingdom was busy just going about their normal everyday lives, though some of them were prepping to head to the party as they all have heard of the new heir to the throne so the whole kingdom was buzzing over what may happen between the kingdoms.

The only Koopa who didn't care was the king Koopa of the land, lord Bowser, he was too busy getting himself ready for his golf game with his friend King Boo. He practiced his swings out in his garden as his father and right hand man Kamek chattered on about the party he was to attend.
"Now Bowser, you must look nice and decent for the party."
"You will be on your best behavior."
"Uh huh."
"This is a new partnership you must establish, you've already kept peace with Mario but you're not all that close with Lord Luigi so you absolutely must get on his best side now that he's heir, we can use him as we please if we do."
"Yeah yeah sure, Yes! That was a good swing!" Bowser smiled and did a little air fist pump, proud of his perfect swing.
"Lord Bowser!" Kamek scowled and hit bowser on the head with his wand as he hovered above him, scolding the Koopa for not listening, "Are you even paying attention!"
Bowser scowled back and rubbed his head, "Kamek, I am a king! This isn't my first party. I know what to do." He huffed, little puffs of smoke coming out of his nose from frustration, "All you need to do is just care for Jr. While I'm at the party, I should be back not too late."
Kamek rolled his eyes and grumbled, "if you're not too busy flirting with the green prince."
Bowser growled and huffed as his face Flushed, "I will not be flirting with the prince! Just because I called him cute one time!"
Kamek cackled as he continued to tease bowser before using his magic to dissappear, leaving the poor king embarrassed.

He wouldn't deny that at some point he did find the green prince attractive, it was actually at one of his parties where bowser had gotten a little too tipsy.


It was well into the evening during the fall season and they were all dressed in costumes, everyone has had a Lil too much to drink even our green prince as he took a breather on the sidelines. Luigi was dressed in a thief outfit though his costume was a little messy now from all the dancing he was taking a break from.

Bowser was dressed as a vampire and followed Luigi off to the side, laughing a little as he leaned against the wall next to him and placed his big clawed hand on luigis head as he ruffled his hair, "You sure know how to throw a party greeny!" He complimented as he took his hand off of him, "I'm surprised you started drinking too!"

Luigi just chuckled and looked up at the taller Koopa, looking into his red eyes as bowser looked right back into his pretty blue eyes, "I am an adult yknow, bowser. I'm not a babyyyy." He giggled out as he dragged out his last words in a slurred manner. Bowser chuckled as he stared into luigis eyes, his little thief mask slightly crooked so he carefully went and fixed his mask for him, "Heh, well I don't know what adult would dress like cops and robbers." He joked

Luigi enjoyed the warmth of his hand slightly before huffing and pushing his hand away, "Well what adult dresses like a vampire?" He mocked as he pouted. Bowser couldn't help but do a belly laugh over how childish he was acting in his drunken state, "For being an adult you're certainly pouty like a child!" Luigi whined and gently smacked bowsers arm as he continued to pout, "I'm not a child! I'm an adult who does adult things!" Bowser couldn't help but in his tipsy state to use that as an opening to mess with him.
Bowser turned towards the smaller as he lowered his head slightly to be more at his level as he talked in a more low husk voice, "Adult things huh? And what adult things are you doing, Prince luigi?" He questioned as Luigi got slightly flustered over how close he was though with drunk confidence he grinned, "All sorts of adult things, I bet I can even keep up with you." He claimed as bowser hummed and slightly tilted up one brow, "Oh can you now? Is that a challenge then?" Bowser questioned as Luigi boldly moved closer and up to his ear as he gently played with bowsers horn and hair as he whispered, "I bet I can handle whatever you throw my way, King bowser." He challenged as bowser shuddered and found his own face Flushed as he grew flustered, he didn't expect this of the green prince. With clouded judgment bowser moved Luigi slightly so he was in the princes's neck as he gave it a long lick making the prince shudder and grip onto the Koopas sleeve, moaning a surprised "Bowser!" With a gasp. Bowser continued to mess with his neck, enjoying the little noises coming from the smaller before pulling away and taking in the sight of Luigi as red faced mess, panting slightly with a tight grip on the Koopa clothing. His hair all ruffled and messy as he stared into his eyes, bowser couldn't help but blush at the sight and gave a low chuckle as he gently held his head up by his chin, "Mmm....You're so cute, Luigi." He spoke softly as he gently ran his thumb across his lips feeling how soft they were. The two stared into eachothers eyes for a little too long as they slowly started getting closer before being interrupted as bowsers name was being called. The king huffed and pulled away as Luigi quickly fixed himself up as Kamek flew over to them, "Lord Bowser it is simply getting much too late! I have come to get you to bring you home!" He scolded as bowser gruffed a small, "Fine." Before looking at Luigi and gave him a wink, "I'll see ya later cutie~" he teased as Luigi blushed. Kamek was a little surprised at the sight before sighing and teleporting them home.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

Bowser blushed at the memory, after that time whenever he saw Luigi he would be slightly more gruff than normal while Luigi acted like nothing happened which made him frustrated each time. Was he ashamed of it? He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name being called, he turned towards the voice and saw his friend approaching.

King boo floated over with his big smile as usual, "Bowser! Long time no see!" The ghost greeted as bowser smiled and waved away his thoughts, "Boo! It's been too long my friend. How have you been?" Bowser questioned as Boo floated infront of him, "Oh the usual stuff but nevermind those! What do you think with the whole Mushroom kingdom deal?" Boo chuckled, he was always one for gossip.
Bowser rolled his eyes with a grin, "I wish that kingdom luck, I mean cmon, greenie?"
"Aw cmoonnnn~ Cut the cutie some slack, he's more than a pretty face yknow. The kid is pretty tough, I've fought him plenty!" Boo laughed as bowser tilted his head, "Cutie? Since when did you start finding the prince cute?" He questioned, surprised by his friends wording.

"Yknow after we've declared peace with his kingdom he actually came by with a peace basket, ha! I was so mad at him but when he destroyed his ghost pack infront of me and when on a rant of wanting to get close and all that, I couldn't help but find his bold actions cute." Boo gushed as he covered his eyes and got slightly flustered as his little body swayed side to side, "He even helps out with my kingdom and volunteers with the ghost shelter, all the animals love the guy! I mean when I first saw him I thought he was nothing but wimp but he's got guts! Made me respect him a little."

Bowser groaned and scoffed, feeling slightly jealous that he got that amount of kindness when all bowser got was just invited to games. "Well whatever, he's just gonna end up like us since he's becoming king now. Maybe even worse, who knows if he can handle that much land pressure."

Boo laughed and smiled, "He's lucky we're at peace now otherwise I would've taken over his land the second he became king!"
Bowser couldn't help but laugh along, "Who's to say we still can't take over?" He joked, "Yeah right, Mario would have our heads!"
"Yknow, once Luigi is officially in charge him and peach are going away on an adventure trip to give Luigi time alone to adjust to the ruling."
"Really?" Boo laughed before dropping his smile and started thinking, "Yknow....why don't we take over?" He questioned.
"What do you mean?" Bowser questioned back.
"I'm saying, why don't we take over? I mean with Luigi being alone it gives one of us a chance to swoop in without Mario around."
"Boo, we can't just attack the kingdom and not expect an all out war to happen."
"No no no! I'm saying, we court the prince. He's single, cute, and in power so that's great benefits to us! Plus he's too weak to defy us as his 'partner' so it's all a massive win!"
Bowser shook his head as he listened, "You're saying, to trick the guy into marrying one of us in order to get the kingdom?"
"It works doesn't it? We have our own land PLUS the Mushroom kingdom? Hoho! I wouldn't dream of ruling above ground that isn't abandoned!" Boo gushed as he drooled purple saliva slightly at the idea of all the chaos he would ensue.
Bowser thought of it and how much power he'd have, after the Mushroom kingdom then he'd have way more armies to take over more lands! Bowser cackled as he grinned at Boo, "You sure are evil my friend! But how would we do it? Surely he wouldn't fold that easily."
Boo shrugged and smiled, "It'll take awhile sure, but in the end it'll be worth it, though with my charming i can be I don't think you'd stand a chance." He challenged as bowser folded his arms, "Is that so? Why don't we make it a bet then? Let's see who can get the prince first." He held his hand out as Boo happily took and shook his paw, "You have yourself a challenge. Now, let's go play some golf before the party tonight!"
The two laughed as they headed off to play their game.

With that the bet has been placed and they couldn't wait until the party that night.

Princely desires of a King (a bowuigi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now