chapter 4

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(A/N just a heads up, well 1st of all its my day off so expect numerous chapters today. 2nd, I live in Washington and we are currently undergoing a ice Storm threat which may cause power outages and fuck up our roads sooo uhh...may get more days off work to write if my power doesn't blow! Stay tuned for more chaps today and the rest of the week ☆)

The next day arose and the tension within the castle was getting a little thick, it was time for Mario to bid farewell as he leaves for his vacation weeks with Peach after Luigis breakdown at his own party.
Needless to say, the elder was rightfully worried to be leaving on a trip after such an event.

"Mario, I swear I will be fine. You go with Peach and enjoy your vacation, I will take care of the kingdom like always." Luigi reassured as he watched his poor brother now be the one pacing the room, viewing him from his seat on the bed. "But what if this happens again, weegee? But Daisy isn't here to help! I don't want you alone during those kinds of moments, not when you have more stress on yourself. What if something happens? I feel bad for not being there during the party, I would feel terrible if no one was there while I'm away!" Mario stopped in his tracks as he turned towards his brother with furrowed upturned brows and tensed body, his own anxiety making him panick.
Luigi sighed with a chuckle as he got up and went to his brother with a pat on his shoulder, "Mama Mia, you're sounding like me!" He laughed as Mario's body relaxed a little over seeing Luigi find some sort of humor in all of this, "At least you're laughing about it." Mario mumbled as a quiet chuckle followed.
He fixed his posture up as he took in a deep breath before sighing and grabbing Luigi gently by his face, staring into his eyes, "Promise me, Luigi, promise that you swear you will call Daisy or Toad or anybody to help you if this starts happening."
Luigi sighed as he avoided eye contact briefly, quickly going through his options before looking back into his brothers eyes and giving him a weak smile, "Fine, I promise you that I will as long as you promise that you'll stick with your plan." His smile turned to a grin as Mario laughed and pulled away, going towards his night stand and pulling out a small black box, holding it within his hands carefully as he stared at it with nothing but love in his eyes.
"Do you think she'll like it?" He questioned looking up at Luigi with a slight worry flash in his expression.
"Like it? Mario, she'll love it! Even if it was just candy you know-a Peach would love it! She's been waiting for that question for years yknow!" Luigi dramatically threw his arms up as Mario's face turned a few shades red or embarrassment, "I know I know! Imma apologize to her after-a waiting so long to ask, I just....I wanted to keep her options open for if she was happier somewhere else or...with someone else, I didn't want to be in her way of anything she wanted but after finally seeing she was ready for such a commitment and I wasn't ruining anything for her. I figured it was time." He spoke sincerely as he looked back at the box and daydreamer of how exactly he planned on proposing to her. Mario always wanted what was best for Peach and wanted her to be 100% happy, knowing she'd be that happy with their engagement finally was like a dream come true.

A knock on the door interrupted them as Mario quickly shoved the box in his pocket in panic before clearing his throat, "Come in!" He called before a Toad opened the door and peeked his head in, "Lord Mario, Peach has arrived and the vehicle is ready for your departure. Shall I let them know you're on your way?" Mario quickly went and threw in last minute things into his bag as he rushed, quickly hiding the box deep in his suit case, "Yes yes! I'll be down in a few minutes! Thank you toad!" He smiled at his deer servant as they nodded and shut the door behind them as they left to speak to the driver. "You ready?" Luigi questioned as he helped his brother zip up the overly stuffed bag, "Mama Mia how is this more nerve wracking than a-fighting Bowser?" Mario questioned as he nervously laughed.
Luigi pulled him into a tight hug as he squeezed him comfortingly, "Hey, you're going to be fine Mario. She'll say yes, you just have to ask the question. You got this."
Mario embraced him back as he gripped onto his clothes, enjoying the hug to calm his nerves before pulling away and sighing, "Well, there's no time like the present." He smiled and placed his hand on Luigi's shoulder as he grabbed the bag with the other hand,
"Good luck, weegee."
"Good luck, Mario. "
With that Mario headed out his room, calling behind him one last time, "And don't forget to call me!" Luigi couldn't help but laugh, "Arrivederci Mario!" He called out after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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