chapter 3

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The time couldn't be any more slower as the time grew closer and closer to the start of the evenings events. The soon to be king paced around nervously as his brother and possible sister in law tried their best to comfort him as best as they can before he had an anxiety attack.

The moment was interrupted as a young woman busted into the castle with a loud cheer and a large glass bottle in hand, "Congratulations Weegee!" She bellowed as Luigi perked right up and ran over to the woman with a tight hug once they collided, "Daisy you made it!" He laughed in relief to see one of his dearest friends had finally made it before the party had started.
Daisy returned the hug as she nuzzled the smaller, "Of course! I wanted to see my favorite prince before he got dragged around all night by rich snobs!" She laughed and looked up at the other two with a bright smile, "Peach! Mario! It's always great to see you guys, woah, I'm digging the threads!" She complimented as she looked over both their outfits.

"It's always a pleasure to see you too, Daisy." Mario smiled back as Peach Squealed and joined the group hug, "It's been too long Daisy!" Daisy couldn't help but laugh as she hugged them all before pulling away, "Yeah I know, Sarasaland is always busy yknow. I can never take a moments peace without being dragged away to another shoot." She chuckled.
Luigi stepped back and admired her outfit, "Wow! That modeling gig is really doing wonders for you, that outfit is amazing!" He gushed along with Peach who joined in the compliments, "It's so casual yet elegant, is that a leg slit??" She gasped as Daisy did a little twirl and stuck her leg out to show off her party outfit.

"Enough to party in while also being able to flirt with the lonely ladies tonight~" she purred out as peach laughed, "Whats that you brought?" Mario questioned, looking at the bottle in her hands.
"Oh, this?" She brought the bottle up and shook it side to side slightly, "It's just a little fun for tonight, after all the formalities and everyone got comfortable I thought we'd add some fun to the punch." She giggled showing off the label that had 'Vodka' written in cursive on it.
Luigi couldn't help but chuckle, "I wouldn't mind a little liquid courage right about now."
"Now THATS what I'm talking about!" Daisy high fived him as Mario went over and took the bottle from her politely, "Now now, no drinking until after the guests arrive. We don't wanna be the only fun ones now do we?" He smiled as he walked to the drinks table to place it down as the other three boo'ed at him.

"So how does the heir to the throne feel?" Daisy questioned, "Well nervous of course but I just know this party will pick me right up now that the life of it showed up!" Luigi laughed as Daisy posed dramatically and did an ironic hair flip, "You know it! And hey, if anyone tries to give you crap during the party. I'll take care of em." She crackled her knuckles to show off as Mario returned with a small chuckle, "Don't worry, we have security everywhere and planned everything. We won't need your strength today." He assured her.
"Oh fine! Peachy! Let's catch up girl, it's girl chat time while the boys greet their guests!" The two giggled as they ran off to the garden to catch up on life and gossip.

Mario sighed with a smile as he went over to his brother, "You ready? Guests should be arriving here shortly."
Luigi deflated slightly as he leaned against his brother, "I dunno Mario, do ya really think I'll be okay as-a ruler?" He questioned looking up at him. Mario helped straighten him up so he'd stand better as he fixed up his clothing and hair, "You're gonna do perfectly, you always throw the most amazing parties. This one would be no different, it just has more focus on you than-a me your birthday! Everyone is partying to celebrate you, Luigi. Enjoy it." He assured him as they hugged one more time before a Toad had called out to them,

"The guests have arrived!"


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