♥️ Sore Loser

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It wasn't very often you got to hang out with raph, but here you were sitting back against his chest and you and his younger brother Leo played the new lou jistu game Mikey had ran out and grabbed(of course not without some trouble as always) of course originally it was meant to just be you and raph playing but Leo had to infiltrate your alone time

You were absolutely sure Leo was cheating though, you weren't sure if raph suspected the same but if Leo kept winning you were bound to throw the controller at the projection screen that was until raph wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you neck "calm down 'lil miss, it's just a game" he hummed into your ear, you turned red and huffed now slightly distracted but determined to beat Leo even with you mind thinking about how nice it felt to have raph's arms around you so snuggly

If you weren't careful you'd go into a daze from the pure dopamine alone, you were always so happy to have raph's pressed against you but you didn't have time to think about that Leo was about to win again! "Don't you dare Leonardo I swear you cheating asshole!" You growled and glared at him through you peripheral vision before you're character was promptly downed

"oh you jerk! You're cheating and I know it!" Raph instinctively gripped you waist "baby calm down, he's not cheating he beats Mikey and me all the time I think he's just really good at the game... As much as I hate to admit it" he hummed and pressed a kiss you your cheek, you let out a sigh and handed raph the controller you didn't want to play anymore

Leo was beating you to much and you didn't find it fair how he was so good at a game he barely played at all "you sure love? I don't mind playing but you're in the middle of the game" he hummed and looked up at the projection screen before looking back at you, you gave a curt nod and leaned back into his plastron, gently snuggling you back against him

He let out a pleased hum at the feeling of you pressed to his chest "if you sure I suppose I can try and beat Leo" he hummed before hear a soft scoff "sorry big bro but I don't think you can beat me, remember how much you suck at this game? You couldn't even beat Mikey"

he chuckled before going quite as you glared down at the blue bandana wearing turtle on the floor "keep cheating and see if I don't get Donnie to reboot your phone without you knowing" you teased, he let out a offended gasp "you wouldn't dare"

"Do you wanna test me?" You smirked "no but still I can't help I just that good at this game" you let out an irritated snarl, would he just shut up already you were sick of his prideful snarky remarks it didn't help any that he ruined you time alone with your boyfriend, not that you could complain much cause sure you didn't like listening to him brag but you didn't want to hurt his feelings

"Fine I'll be quite" he mumbled before going back to the game, now playing again raph as you snuggled back into your boyfriend, huffing and turned to straddle him, nuzzling into his plastron and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you figured you'd let them play and instead take a nap so there you sat, in you boyfriends lap curled up against his chest drifting off to sleep, raph took notice and ran his fingers through your hair before kissing you forehead

Looking over at Leo and mumbling "be quite okay Leo I think she fell asleep" at that he paused the game and looked up from the screen "aww how cute she's curled up on you" he teased, raph deadpanned at him "shush you'll wake her up quieten your voice" he huffed softly, Leo rolled his eyes "you know... She such a sore loser" he mumbled "I'm not even that good at this game and I still beat her, guess that's what got her so upset"

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