Will they continue?

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Huey POV

We were able to arrive at the mansion without a scratch in sight. We finally defeated the F.O.W.L headquarters! I thought, frantically waving my arms. Louie just stared at me with visible confusion and his hands in his pockets."calm down will ya?" He asked with an annoyed tone. I roll my eyes at him.

Our whole family collapsed to the floor as soon as we enter the mansion while i just stood there dumbfounded."is everyone worn out?" I said to them. All except Webby nodded. I turned to her with my eye brows furrowed. She got up and grabbed my wrist,"we'll be back soon!" She yelled, dragging me upstairs."what's up web?" No response, she continued to run down the hallway with me trailing behind her. I didn't bother to resist, cause in the end it won't matter. She threw me into her room causing me to hit my head on the floor.

"OW! What the hell webby?!"

"Sorry hue, but i need help!"

"With what?"

"My sisters, do you think dad- i mean scrooge is going to let them stay?"

"Of course?! I mean technically they're his children so it would make sense! Plus, junior woodchuck rule 234, never abandon a fellow wood chuck, or in this case a sister!"

She stared at her board with intent thought, till she smiled."you're right hue, thank you!" She exclaimed giving me a warm embrace, nearly choking me."ok you can let go." I said with a horse voice. She let go and turned to the door,"well why don't we go back?" She opened the door and walked out into the hallway, i just stood and stared at her board.

Are we still going to have adventures day in and day out or are going to live like those 'normal' families, i mean the papyrus was in fact destroyed so there's no worrying right? I took a look at all of the strings on her board and where they led to. Wow?! I never really took the time to
Look into these? I looked at string and saw the one to lena was...cut off?

If you want me to make this a real fic plz vote

 robot boyfriend (huey x boyd) hanaki tropeWhere stories live. Discover now