Don't pay attention now!

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As I had turned away I coughed lightly, a small lump sitting in my throat. I quickly snatch a napkin from the kitchen table, coughing in it again, it had hurt like hell, as i look down to make sure no one sees.

A few small rose petals sat on the napkin, i stuff it in my hat like lightning. Fortunately, someone noticed in time. Uncle Donald.

He gave me a look that cried, "try to keep it in!"
I give him a look back that said,"it's going to be pretty hard when I'm sitting next to the person I like!"

He stopped his glare for a moment to process the information correctly, he then looks back up,"so this is the boy you've talked about?"

I sigh and nod, that lump in my throat still in there somewhere. Uncle Scrooge seemed to not understand what we were saying, and that was a good thing.

"Huey? Are you ok, must I perform cpr?" Boyd questioned, prepping his hands to do it. I look up, frantically waving my arms in front of me to assure him there's no need to,"no! No no... no need to do that, see? I'm fine..!"

He lowers his hands and smiles, glad he doesn't have take any drastic measures. "Ok sure, whatever you request!" His peppy smile and voice making me go lightly red.

I felt my heart sink into my stomach as I see a rose petal fall out my hat, clearly Boyd taking note and aware, but for whatever reason not mentioning it.


I grew anxious, Uncle Scrooge was onto us, don't know how, but he is.

He threw a few glares at Huey to catch him off guard as he spoke with Boyd nervously, honestly reminds me of daisy. I don't know wither i should be proud of my nephew, or worried. That's a robot for fucks sake!?

Ive met Boyd once or twice before, I think one time it was for a sleepover, and the other I think for a file check? He's kind and respectful to him and others I'll give him that, but he's probably just programmed to be that way..

And how will they even grow up with each other, he doesn't age if his looks don't change. Unless Dr.Gearloose somehow is able to change his appearance without ruining his programming, and let's be honest. He isn't that good at making designs.

Wait, how would it even work? he's a robot, I think they're supposed to be emotionless, if not maybe they just don't feel romantic feelings or more.

Im looking to deep into this, I should just leave it be, he's only eleven after all..


I wasn't blinking at all, zoning out as my mom told Dewey the mysteries she experienced as a child.

I got up, heading over to the bathroom just to get away from all the noise before I explode. Until I see Uncle Scrooges bathroom door was unlocked, huh. That's unusual?

I glance over at my surroundings, making sure no one could see to interfere. I think to myself, the coast is clear.

But I then see a girl with a pink skirt, grayish blue shirt, and a pink bow to tie it all up. "Ey, what do you think you're doing?" She asks like a detective, I sigh"just y'know, tryin' to use the bathroom, like the one you're blocking at the moment." I blurt out flatly.

"Isn't this Scrooge's bathroom? You and your brothers bathroom is wayyyy down the hall..!"
She says, clearly knowing I'm doing something I'm not supposed to.

"Yeah well, I uh- gotta go real bad ok?" I lie, feeling uneasy as I can still hear everyone down in the kitchen. She squints her eyes curiously, placing her hands on her hips.

"Mhm, I'll get back to you later." She slides down the stairs rail.

I sigh, slowly dragging my feet towards the bathroom. I see a bit of red in the toilet, is someone on their period or something, the duck?

I take a closer look, is that a ducking rose? Am I seeing things? Wha- I'm so confused right now..

(Sorry if it's short, Im trying to publish another chapter quick bc I haven't updated in a long time.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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 robot boyfriend (huey x boyd) hanaki tropeWhere stories live. Discover now