Part 1 ~ Café Shop

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I walked in sync with my best friend, Millie. Together we were making our way to the best cafe in our town, Jo's Cafe.

I came here often either by myself but if I felt like it I went with one of my friends.

With one earphone in my ear, I was listening to Adrenaline by Cravity but at the same time, I spoke with Millie.

As we reached our destination I opened the door and let her enter first. We both walked towards the cream-coloured counter and looked up at the menu, which had all kinds of pastries, cakes, and drinks to choose from, before ordering the drinks we had the desire to have. I chose a cup of tea while she chose a caramel latte, after ordering we decided to sit down at a table in which the seats had a shade of crimson. We waited a few minutes to receive the drinks we had ordered as again this cafe never disappointed and was named THE best here.

While taking sips of our drinks the bell that was placed on top of the door jingled various times and the people entering would normally whisper as they didn't want to disturb the almost silence. However, this time a loud yet joyful voice was heard as soon as he entered, because of how booming his voice was he had gotten many looks from people. Obviously, I turned around to look at who this voice belonged to and saw two young men, one tall and the other short. The taller one had blonde hair that covered his eyes gently and looked quite tired so I doubted it was him. The shorter one had black hair that was perfectly straightened and had been put in place very gracefully. He had a beaming smile plastered on his face and his eyes like crescent moons because of how big his smile was. Bingo. It was the shorter one. His aura seemed really cute but the older one seemed calm.

As I took a closer look at them they seemed like the two boys my friend had described some time back. I tried hard to remember their names...Kim Sunoo? If I had remembered correctly the shorter one was named Sunoo. The latter, Nishimura Riki, however, preferred to be called Ni-ki. They were apparently quite popular and I realized many girls had their eyes on them. Me and Millie both weren't the most popular in school but we knew everyone, however not even noticing that they were both in OUR school and not knowing was weird.

My eyes met with Sunoos' and he smiled at me as if he knew me. Being my nice self I smiled back. He's actually quite cute... I thought to myself.

When me and Millie finished our drinks we went out of the cafe and spoke about the two boys we will now keep an eye out for...

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Ahhhh, my first ever book! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter...It took me 50 minutes to write last night however I had to improve some bits this morning as I realized I made A LOT of mistakes...I hope you look forward to my next chapter reader! I will try my best not to be a sloppy writer and yes this is a promise so if I do break it then feel free to have a go at me. Btw, THIS IS NOT A SHIP BOOK. No romance in this book sorry! Well...maybe some but probably not. Since it is the Christmas holidays and I have spare time I thought why not write? I will upload another chapter today as this was really meant to be uploaded yesterday...Have faith in me pls!!! I sadly won't be writing during school time so if I do choose to write another book it will probably be in another break I have off school! Sorry! Have a good day reader <3

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