Part 5 ~ The Shopping Center

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It was finally the weekend. That meant I was meeting up with Sunoo and the others, my heart was RACING. 

I picked out my best clothes, which were a black shirt, blue jeans, a black zip-up hoodie, and converse shoes. I was kind of thinking of wearing a suit type of thing but it's not a dress-up party so I decided to dress up quite chill.

Normally I would just brush my hair out a bit but today I wanted to style it because I needed to look as if I actually had my life together (which I certainly do not...) So I straightened my wavy brown locks that fell in front of my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't have straightened my hair...

It was now 11:50 am, meaning I had 10 minutes left. Guess what, THE SHOPPING CENTER IS 20 MINUTES AWAY. God, will I ever have peace? At this point, I was ready to text Ni-ki that I wasn't coming. But you know what? I just made myself run which made the journey a lot faster however I was 5 minutes late...

Ni-ki was spam-texting me while I was running as fast as I could so I could actually be earlier than 20 minutes late. My first time hanging out with the cool kids and I blew my chance. Kind of.

I was shocked that they were still waiting, none of them seemed impatient. Normally the other popular kids would've told me to just not come and to never speak to them ever again, however, they were really nice I didn't actually expect them to be like this. Obviously, I didn't mean to assume the worst of them but like nearly every popular kid in Gleam High are knobheads.

I was greeted by them all individually, Sunoo being the brightest out of all of them as I was now his 'best friend'. "Okay, now that we are all here let's go clothes shopping!" Sunoo said with a big smile on his face. "Alright, clothes shops, we are on our way!" Jake screamed, not too loudly, and put his hands up in the air. His Australian accent was really visible when he spoke.

We all walked around a shop called 'Persona' looking at every clothes that were our style. Me and Jay were looking through the darker coloured clothes and having casual chats at some points, Ni-ki joining in sometimes when he saw something that caught his eye.

After some time we went to pay for our clothes at the checkout, I bought black cargos that were baggy and a black jumper that had a white collared shirt underneath. I didn't see what the others bought but from the outfits that they were wearing, I bet they were quite stylish and really suited them.

We went to many shops like music shops, grocery shops, and more clothes shops, and our last stop was an ice cream parlor that was a great end for our shopping spree. I got lemon sorbet, Ni-ki got Chocolate, Sunoo got mint chocolate, Jungwon got vanilla, Sunghoon got Chocolate, Jay got chocolate and vanilla (fancy guy), Jake got lemon sorbet and Heeseung got Chocolate. As you can see they all went basic, unlike me and Jake.

When we finished the cold delights we said our goodbyes and parted ways. It began to get dark so I walked quickly as I didn't want to be walking in the dark and have a high chance of being kidnapped.

I got home at 7:47 pm and decided to make myself a hot chocolate because I was shivering like a leaf. I never really made myself a hot chocolate, especially in summer but it was cold today so I thought why not. 

After some time I fell asleep...

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OK, SO I DECIDED TO NOT PUBLISH A CHAPTER EVERY DAY BC IT'S TIRING...AND IM ADDING SUSPENSE?? I was on a call with my very handsome friend while writing this so obviously it turned out amazing bc of his magic😍 So ty, u will know who I'm talking about when you read this bestie. ANYWAYS I DON'T HAVE MUCH TO SAY BUT THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL COME OUT IN UH LIKE 2 DAYS?? HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT READER! <333

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