Chapter 1

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One week for Christmas.

Kara took a deep breath, looking at her reflection on the mirror. She stood near her bed, rubbing her hands together nervously as she thought about the year she had, the big changes in her life, the new friends she had and how excited she was to celebrate the Holidays with everyone she loved. But before all of that, she knew there was something really important she had to do.

- I'm doing it. – She smiled, turning around and finished getting ready.

Kara decided not to use her super speed and just walk there instead. It gave her time to practice in her head what she was about to do. It made her even more nervous.

She finally got there, walked in until she reached the familiar room. She knocked on the door, nervously and had a huge smile on when the door opened.

- Kara! – Lena smiled, welcoming her in – What a nice surprise.

- Hey Lena. – She said as the door was closed behind her. – I...I wanted to talk to you about something.

- Sure.

They sat across each other on the couch near the window. Kara got up, suddenly feeling way too nervous.

- We have been friends for a while, right? Almost a year now... - Kara started

- Yes. I would say best friends, if I'm not getting way over my head...

- No, you're right...- Kara started walking from one side to the other

- Is everything alright? – Lena looked worried at her.

- No, I mean yes it is... Is just that... Ok...

Kara sat beside Lena and took a deep breath.

- Do you trust me?

- Of course I do Kara, what kind of question is this?

- Because I trust you. I know how people are used to distrust you because of who you are and your family. But I've always know that you were different. That I could really trust you and call you my friend.

- I'm really happy to know that... I've never had that many friends in my life, God I never could really try to have friends because of my family... You don't know how much this means to me Kara, so thank you. – Lena smiled and hugged Kara, feeling a bit emotional.

- That's why I feel like is the time to tell you the truth about me.

Lena let go of Kara's hug and stared at her, with a mix of curiosity and worry.

- I'm Supergirl.

Lena just kept staring at Kara, not knowing exactly what to say. How on Earth could Kara be Supergirl? It made no sense.

- What? – Lena asked, blinking twice – How... I mean, this is... How can you be Supergirl? You were both at my gala...

- Like this.

Kara took off her glasses and let her hair lose. She smiled nervously and flew near the ceiling. Lena kept staring at her in awe.

- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, like I've said, you have become a really good friend and the moment I knew I could trust you was the moment I decided to tell you the truth.

- It's ok Kara. We didn't know each other that much a few months ago, I totally understand.

- Also... - Kara came back to the couch, putting her glasses again, feeling a little bit less nervous than before. – There is a lot I need to tell you but the thing is I had to be sure you would be safe. Because knowing my secret can be dangerous, I keep it to protect people. Even recently, when I found there is a multiverse out there with plenty of Earths full of potential enemies that can cross over anytime they want... I had to be extra careful.

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