Chapter 4

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Sara left Alex's place early, despite feeling a bit hangover. She was glad she was used to it and knew exactly what could help her: burn some energy. She went to the DEO and found the training room empty, so she took advantage of that to train for a while.

- Sara? Fell off the bed? – James asked, stopping by the door and looking around – It's just you there?

- Sort of and yes. – She said – I needed to burn some energy before the party. Everyone else was sleeping so I just came here by myself. Why? Do you want to join me? – Sara said crossing her arms as if she was challenging him.

- To train with you?

- Yes. Whoever wins pays the breakfast.

- Ok. Prepare to empty your pockets – He laughed and they started the training session.

Sara moved so fast that James never saw it coming, he even felt kind of dizzy, trying to keep up with her. She was on fire, he had to admit. After a few combined moves, she had him on the floor, begging for mercy while she pretended to twist his arms on his back.

- Ok, ok... you won.

- Just so you know, I eat a lot in the morning... Prepare to empty your pockets

James laughed accepting the defeat and they both left for breakfast.

- So, what were you doing at the DEO this early? – Sara asked after finishing her beloved coffee.

- J'onn called me to talk about me finally joining the team.

- Yay! Congratulations... How did you become Guardian anyways?

- Thanks. I was just tired of being the friend that takes pictures when I could actually do something to help my community, you know? I had a few years of martial arts training and I knew I needed to improve my skills... So J'onn offered me help with that. He told me that was the only way he would allow me to work with the DEO...

- Yes, it was the right thing to do – Sara said – I helped Ollie train some people that joined team Arrow a few years ago. This is a risky job; it could put many people in danger so they needed to know exactly what they were getting themselves into.

- Oliver told me the same thing in our last training. He also told me to slap water... How on Earth that can help me? I was so pissed...

Sara laughed, remembering Oliver's old training technique that would drive anyone crazy.

- Oliver himself didn't understand it when he first started, he told me, and his mentor on Lian Yu taught that to him. You'll understand it with time, just be patient.

They kept chatting and finishing their breakfast when Winn arrived, holding a bag and a large cup of coffee, and sat with them.

- Man, I'm hungry – He said grabbing a sandwich from the bag and biting it – Oh, Alex texted me and told me if I saw you, to let you know that Lena wants to talk to you at her place.

- Oh...ok. – Sara said grabbing the empty cup and throwing it in the trash – Well, nice training with you James, see you next time.

- I demand a rematch! – James teased

- You know you'll lose again... Just accept it – She laughed and left.

- She is cool – James said.

- And pretty...I wonder if she is single... - Winn mentioned as he kept eating.

- Bro... No. And don't you have a girlfriend? – James laughed – Don't even start.

Kara woke up early and noticed Oliver and her fell asleep together on the couch. She felt his hand over her stomach and turned slowly around, facing him. His hand moved to her waist and she noticed him slowly waking up. They kept facing each other, until Oliver fully woke up, feeling confused.

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