Chapter 2

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Sara, Nate, Mick, Ray, Amaya and Firestorm came out of the ship and a huge fight broke between the Daxamites and the heroes in the middle of the street. It didn't take long for DEO agents join with Alex, J'onn and Mon El.

- Mother you need to stop this now! – Mon El yelled.

- No until you listen to me.

- Do you want me to listen? Ok I will. Tell me what you want.

- You know what I want. I want you to come back with me. Otherwise I'll have to take this planet.

- I won't go back with you to rule. I hated that life and I don't want to go back. Go away and never come back to Earth. – Mon El pleaded. He knew his chances were almost 0, but he had to try.

- I can't do that, darling. – Rhea yelled, trying to hit Kara but being stopped by a small creature that became big out of sudden, hitting a punch directly into her face.

- Nice, haircut! – Mick yelled while Ray waved back at him, excited.

Mick pointed his fire gun towards Rhea's face.

- No one hits skirt in my presence, scum! – Mick used his fire gun on Rhea's feet and she avoided it, hitting him back.

- Thanks Mick – Kara said

- Stupid human!

- HEY! Watch your mouth, weirdo! – Amaya said using her totem, giving her the strength of an elephant and ran towards Rhea, knocking her down.

Kara took advantage of the distraction to fly fast and grab Rhea, flying high in the sky with her.

- We have a plan to stop you for good. I don't want to use it, but you're not giving me a choice.

- And what will you do, naïve girl?

- I have a team at the DEO ready to spread a toxin in the atmosphere that is dangerous to Daxamites. You will have no other choice but leave. I was hoping we could bring some sense into you, but everyone else told me this was the only way, I didn't believe them and I wanted to talk to you first, but as a last resort, I will do it.

- You foolish girl, you would lose Mon El forever... I'm sure he would hate you for that.

- It was actually his idea!

Rhea stared in disbelief at Kara. Anger started to take over her once again.


- The only one paying will be you. Mon El is willing to sacrifice his life on Earth to save the planet from you. I know deep down there is someone that cares for her son. I know our planets weren't friends, but I'm here, asking you to reconsider. Leave in peace and maybe you will be able to fix your relation ship with your son. If you make me do this, he may never forgive you. Are you willing to risk it all?

- Yes. I am.

Kara was hoping she could bring some sense into Rhea, to think about her son, but sadly this would never happen. She knew what she had to do. She knew she would never be able to see her good friend again, she tried so hard to avoid it, but it was the only option. She remembered Mon El's words to her, asking for her to do the right thing if she had to, because he wouldn't let Earth suffer because of him. She was really proud of who he became, definitely a better person than he was when he arrived to Earth.

- You leave me no choice... - Kara said staring at the sky and using her heat vision to send a sign.

J'onn understood the message and flew away. He got to the DEO in no time and ordered for the device to be turned on. It didn't take long for the Daxamites to fall down, all over the place, gasping for air. They all flew back towards their ship.

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