Chapter Eleven: Delivered

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It's been at least 2 weeks since Aliayah haven't heard from Jungkook, along with the others. She tried her best to not think of the negatives, ignore the worrying consciousness in her head. She knew he could take care of himself, he was a fighter after all. A fighter with self-doubts, insecurities and fragility. There wasn't much she could do also. He eventually turned his phone off and never left a message or a hint on his location. All she could do was depressingly sulk around and wonder exclusively about him. Until, her friends tried making the best of things to cheer her up. Such as hanging out at the movies, and indoor rock climbing. And she wasn't going to lie, she enjoyed all of those things and even got the chance to spend time with Mika outside of work. 

But even experiencing the most exciting moments of her life, she still couldn't get him out of head. 

Aliayah had training today with Yoongi, and it was pretty weird without Jungkook fooling around and throwing her off her game. It's been nearly a month since she began practicing fighting and she started to get the hang of it pretty fast. As she entered the building, sitting at the front desk was a new secretary. She was way nicer than Veronica, and actually had a sense of humor. She was an old friend of Yoongi's and used to pick on him everyday due to being short. (He still is) Aliayah headed inside the gym and was quickly greeted by Bear. He caressed his body against her leg as a soft meow left his lips. Aliayah cooed and bent down to pet his tiny head.

"It's nice to see you too, Bear." She says, as her finger tickles his chin as she sits back up and strolls over to Yoongi who was sitting on the steps of the ring. She throws her bag down next to the benches and stretches her back, a loud cracking sound here and there. Yoongi glances up from his phone and then back down at it. "You're here early." He jokes, though not cracking a smile.  Aliayah rolls her eyes. "It's only 5:15." She answers, putting her hair into a bun. Bear walks in between her legs, waiting to be picked up.

Aliayah smiles at him and holds him in her arms. "Still haven't found his folks?" Yoongi questions, looking at the white feline in Aliayah grasps. She shakes her head no, wrapping her fingers through the cat's fur. "I've made a post about him a few days ago, no responses besides "he's cute" or "If you don't want him, I'll take him!"." She says, mocking her repliers.  Yoongi chuckles and stands up, crossing his arms. "Keep trying, I'm sure his owners will pop up eventually." 

"It's been about 3 weeks." Aliayah adds, giving him an "Are you serious" type of look. "Okay, enough about the cat. Let's get this over with, have somewhere to be at 6." Yoongi implies as he  steps into the ring. Bear jumps out of Aliayah's hands as he follows behind the male. "So, a short practice today?" She asks while picking up her gloves from the mat. Yoongi hums "meeting up with someone." Aliayah smirks in a joking way. "It's a girl ain't it? Ooh I see you Yoongi!" She teases. Yoongi's face slightly cringes and sighs. "We won't be needing gloves today Aliayah." The girl puts her hands on her hips "Don't try to debunk the subject." She giggles at his expression while removing her gloves. "Okay, okay. I'm done, no gloves. What's new?" 

Aliayah gets into position, her hands in fist as they hang upright in front of her, ready to strike. "If you really want to avoid getting knocked unconscious by your attacker, or experiencing the worst headache of your life, try brain blocking." Yoongi advised. Aliayah rests her stance. "What…the hell is Brain blocking?" Yoongi sighs and walks around her.

"Brain blocking, just a short phrase for Head blocking. Something I came up with back then to help trainees like you." He explains. "Now, you never know where your attacker aims first. usually, it's the weakest parts such as the: chest, nose, throat, gut, knees and?" 

"Head." Aliayah finished his sentence, looking down at her feet as Yoongi continued to circle around her. "Right. You can always avoid these simple charges but when coming for the head.." 

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