Tongue Technology

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In a panic, your dad calls you, saying he has a particular client and needs you to bring him sugar packs and stir sticks. He had left them at home. You are in a mad rush to get the boxes to your dad before your meeting with your next client.

 Trying to make only one trip from your car to his coffee and cake truck, you carry the boxes stacked high to the point where you can barely look around them.

You hurry to your dad's coffee truck when, just several feet away, suddenly, you collide with something and fall backward. The boxes fall over your head and beside you, dumping sugar packets and stir sticks.

When you collided, his iced Americana coffee was propelled from his grip, and its top popped off, spilling cold coffee on you both.

You both glance at each other and then suddenly, you can't help but laugh. He reaches a hand out to help you stand. Once standing, you start picking stir sticks out of your hair and your blouse.

 Coffee rolls down his face and reaches his lips. He runs his tongue over his lip tasting the coffee he was about to enjoy. Mesmerized by the action, a sudden memory flashes through your mind, 'tongue technology.'

 You shake your head to clear it, thinking,  'No way, it can't be . . .' and you let the memory go.

He grabs some napkins off the truck, wiping his hair and face. He hands you a small handful of napkins just as an older man runs out of the truck. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" Your dad rushes to your side, his hands gently touching your face and shoulders, concern etched on his face

You softly laugh and say as you pull another stir stick out of your blouse, "Dad, I'm fine." 

Your dad turns to Yoongi. "Young man, you need to watch where you're going!" Yoongi takes a small step back, looking around your father to you.

 You take your dad by the arm. "Appa, stop.  We both are at fault, me more so than him. " 

Yoongi watches you and your father talk like he isn't even there and grins.

"That's no excuse. He should be the gentleman, and . . ." 

You interrupt your dad. "Don't blame him. I was trying to save a trip back to my car to bring the supplies you asked for. I couldn't really see where I was going when this young man . . ." she gestures to Yoongi, "pops up out of nowhere, and we collide with each other."

 The young man grins and says, "My name is Min Yoongi." 

You flash him a quick smile before speaking to your dad again, saying, "He was . . ." Suddenly, you stop and turn to stare at him. Your dad is still talking, but you don't hear a word he says.

Your dad is just going on and on about how you could have been hurt and how his sugar is wasted. His love for his food truck is second only to you. You can't stop staring at Yoongi.

 He grins at you. "You haven't changed. You always carried too much. Even in school, you would carry too many books. You ran into me then too, as I recall, as well as that time at the campus coffee shop and that time at graduation . . . and when you passed your bar exam. "

Your dad is looking back and forth at both of you as you softly ask, "Yoongi?" You smile broadly, "It is you! I almost didn't recognize you with that scar and hairstyle." 

You both hug each other, laughing. Your dad rolls his eyes and calls for his assistant to help him clean up the supplies.

Yoongi spins around with you in his arms, then sits you on your feet, not letting go. "Oh my god, it has been so long since I last saw you." 

You laugh, "Two years, six weeks, thirteen days, twenty minutes . . ." You look at your watch, "and thirteen seconds ago. But I think graduation was the most painful for you."

He says, "How could I forget? You were carrying your baby brothers, and when you ran into me, I was the one on the ground. The ground still wet from rain, I might add."

His hand goes to his hip as he massages it in memory of the pain. "Oh yeah, I remember it to this day." he grimaces a little. 

You start blushing and tell him, "I'm so sorry. I do seem to have a habit of running into you, literally."

He laughs, "Ever since I've known you, it seems something keeps throwing us together

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He laughs, "Ever since I've known you, it seems something keeps throwing us together."

"Fate must have thought we were past due for another run-in." You tell him, and both burst out laughing.

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