Problematic brothers

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The waves splashing against the rocks, sending little droplets of water on my face. As I saw the sun finally hit the surface, I smiled. Once again the boy who I had unsure feelings for came up to me.

"Hey Lani." He said sitting down next to me with a smirk.

"Lani? Who's Lani." I asked with a confused face.

"It's my nickname for you." He said with a little laugh. 

I let out a little giggle, "I have a nickname for you, Jungle boy." I responded nudging him a little bit. 

He rolled his eyes as we both watched the sun came up in the distance. Maybe I liked him a little bit but I would never admit to it, and anyways my mother would never approve of him. I soon left, leaving him sitting alone. I had some duties to do before I can have my free time, I had to help my parents plan new huts for the village. 

As I was busy helping my parents, my brother was up to no good. Him and his friends stared at Kiri as she looked into the sand, my brothers friends started laughing at her and calling her a freak. She then noticed they were there.

"Huh, what did you say?" Kiri asked as she got up.

"Are you some sort of freak?" Aonung asked with Rotxo repeating after him. 

"No." Kiri said walking away from the boys.

"Are you sure, I mean you're not even real Na'vi. Look at these hands, I mean look." Aonung said grabbing her hand.

"Hey, back off fish lips." Lo'ak interrupted. 

"Oh, another 4 fingered freak." Aonung said backing away from Lo'ak.

Aonung's friends then started teasing Lo'ak about his tail, pulling it by the end and pushing Lo'ak around in a circle. 

"Leave us alone." Kiri demanded but the boys ignored her, carrying on their antics. 

As the boys continued their teasing, Neteyam snuck up behind Aonung and pushed him back, catching him by surprise. 

"You heard what she said. Leave them alone." Neteyam said pressing his finger against Aonung. 

"Ah, big brother com-" One of Aonung's friends said but being inturrupted by Aonung's hand, the boy went silent. 

"Back off." Neteyam said pointing his finger out to Aonung. "Now."

Aonung listened, putting his hands in the air, showing the signs of surrender. 

"Smart choice, and from now on, I need you to respect my sister." Neteyam demanded. 

Neteyam then grabbed his brother and sister and started walking off but Lo'ak could still hear the boys making fun of their tails, calling their family freaks. Lo'ak turned around with an angry face, 

"Lo'ak." Neteyam said trying to not let him go back up to Aonung.

"I got this bro." Lo'ak said assuring Neteyam.

As Lo'ak walked up to Aonung, he showed him a 'magic trick' that he can do with his hand.

"I know this hand is funny, look." Lo'ak showed his 4 fingered hand. "I'm a freak, alien but I can do something really cool. Watch, first I ball it up really tight like this."

As Lo'ak showed his hand, clenching it into a ball, Aonung became intrigued and interested. When Aonung didn't expect anything, Lo'ak lifted his arm going in for a swing. Making Aonung fall to the ground, the look on Aonung's face changed as Lo'ak said..

"That's called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again!" He yelled as Aonung's friends help him up. 

Aonung hissed as he tackled Lo'ak to the ground, the other boys kicking and pulling parts of Lo'ak's body. As Lo'ak started being pulled in every-way and everywhere, Neteyam felt the need to join in. Touching his braid just before joining in, he grabbed Aonung and punched him in the face. While Neteyam dealt with Aonung, Lo'ak was getting dragged by his tail from the other boys.

"Ow, my tail." Lo'ak yelled while he dragged someone by the ear. 

"Let go of my ear." One of the boys screamed. 

Back at the village I had finished my duties, I decided to talk a walk alone. I walked along the shore line, feeling the waves hit my feet. I heard commotion coming from around the corner, screaming and yelling. I ran to the noise to find the boys all fighting, I rolled my eyes. 

I went up to Kiri asking "What happened." 

"Your brother started an argument with us." Kiri said laughing at the sight of the boys.

"Of course it was my brother." I replied looking at the boys with disgust.

As the boys went on and on, I saw that the situation was getting worse. The boys had blood dripping from their noses and lips. I knew I had to stop this but it was funny to watch. 

"Ok, you guys can stop now." I demanded but the boys kept fighting.

I put my fingers together and made a whistle sound, "STOP!" 

The boys all froze and stared at me, Neteyam was on top of Aonung about to punch him in the face, two other boys pulling Lo'ak by the tail and leg, and Lo'ak pulling one of the other boys ear. 

"You all look like idiots." Kiri agreed with me. "Father's going to be so mad at you, Aonung." I yelled. 

I told everyone to go back to their huts except for Aonung, Lo'ak and Neteyam. I led them to my father and their father, what they all did was wrong, we don't use violence here.

When we arrived at the hut, we all sat down waiting for both our fathers. The three stayed silent, Aonung giving Lo'ak death stares and Neteyam looking at me from across the room. 

"What happened." My father yelled walking into the hut. 

I nudged Aonung, insisting him to tell father. Aonung rolled his eyes, standing up and telling father. Father's face then turned to a disappointed emotion, he looked to the sully brothers.

"Is this true?" My father asked.

The two nodded both looking to the ground after, my father told their father that they need to go back to their hut. The three sully family members left, my father taking my brother into the other room. 

It soon fell night, I stared out into the distance, hearing footsteps came up behind me. It was jungle boy, he came and sat down next to me without saying a word. I turned to his face seeing his black eye. I reached my hand out, softly touching his eye. 

"Are you ok?" I asked in a caring voice. 

"I think you should ask your brother, he looks worse." He said laughing.

I giggled, shaking my head. I removed my hand and placed it on the rock I was sitting on, I then felt something on top of my hand. I looked down seeing Neteyam's hand there, I looked up and we made eye contact. I sat there for a bit smiling but moved my hand, looking back out into the distance. I heard a sigh come from Neteyam as his face turned sad, he got up and walked back to the village.

I honestly wished my father never told me the stories of the sky people, when I look at him I see two people. Him and then the 'demon' people, I knew I was hurting his feelings but I had so many thoughts in my head, they were telling me what to think of him, telling me he's a bad person. 

But I had to let go of those stories, "Give him a chance, Leilani. He trusts you." I said to myself. 

(Word count: 1247 words)

a/n: Hi guys so I really like this chapter, so it's so long but please make sure to vote and share. thank you all so much for reading. 🫶🫶🙏

AVATAR: Hater to lover  🌊x🌿जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें