Chapter 3- monsters are real

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Hopper never showed up for work the following day, which was a little odd because since you started at Hawkins PD, he hadn't missed a day yet.

Powell and Callahan didn't think too much of it, so you didn't either. However, when you arrived at work the next day and Hopper still wasn't there, you knew something wasn't right.

"Shouldn't he, like, call someone if he was taking a sick day though?" You said, looking over at your work colleagues.

"It's Jim. He does whatever he wants. I'm sure he's fine." Powell dismissed from where he was sitting at his desk.

"What if he's not?" You asked, nervously.

"He's the Chief. He's always fine." Callahan responded, but that did little to ease your worries.

"I'm going to go and grab some lunch. I'll be back soon." You suddenly said, grabbing the keys to one of the police cruisers off the hook before walking out the station.

You drove around Hawkins for nearly 20 minutes, but there was no sign of Hopper anywhere and you had no idea where he lived, because apparently, he wasn't staying in his house by the lake according to Powell and nobody knew his new address which was weird.

You thought back to yesterday and the look on his face after he finished marking the map for the rotting pumpkins. Maybe he had gone back to the farm to investigate further? You honestly had no idea, but there was only one way to find out.

The drive out to the farm was quick and before you knew it, you were turning onto their dirt driveway and spotting the Chief's Chevy Blazer parked out in the middle of the pumpkin field.

You sighed with relief and carefully drove through the field, being mindful to keep the wheels in the same tracks Hopper's car took, not wanting to ruin the farmer's crop... well, not that these pumpkins weren't already ruined.

Parking behind the Chevy, you got out the car and very quickly realised that Hopper wasn't here, but there was a giant hole dug in front of his car that caught your attention.

Did he dig this hole? Why?

"Hopper?!" You shouted, turning a full 360 as you scanned the field and surrounding woods, but there was no sign of him.

Frowning in confusion, you slowly walked over to the hole, noticing the shovel on the ground beside it, confirming that Hopper had definitely dug it but why?

Carefully, you stepped down into the giant crater like hole, but paused when you saw what looked to be moving vines in the middle of the it.

"What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself, staring at the vines.

Vines weren't meant to move, right?

You climbed out the hole and grabbed the shovel before stepping back down into it and jabbing the shovel at the vines. The vines instantly recoiled at the contact, and you could have sworn you heard them make a soft hissing noise, but that was impossible. Plants couldn't make noises.

The vines continued to move, revealing an opening at the bottom of the hole causing you to drop the shovel before pulling out your flashlight from your belt and shining it through the hole which led down into some kind of underground tunnel.

"Hopper?!" You shouted.

He didn't respond though, and you caught sight of what looked to be a crumbled piece of a cigarette on the ground inside the tunnel.

The son of a bitch went into this creepy ass tunnel.

Why? Why would he do that?

You looked back up at the cars debating what to do before thinking, fuck it.

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