Chapter 10- Ambush

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Major Trigger Warning- SA. This chapter is very heavy, but nothing is described in a lot of detail. Also hints towards past SA. If any of this triggers you please don't read this chapter. Look after yourself first ❤️


"Pizza is here!" You shouted, walking through the front door of the cabin.

Those three words were like a trigger because a second later, El's bedroom door opened, and the two young girls rushed out before you could even put the boxes on the table.

"It smells amazing!" Max exclaimed, helping you open the boxes while El grabbed four dinner plates from the cupboard.

"Thank you, Y/N." El said, already stacking slices of each different pizzas onto her plate.

You forced a smile watching her and Max load their plates while you unrolled the garlic bread hating how much your hands were shaking at the simple task.

Your heart was still hammering against your ribcage after seeing Hank at your front door.

He was at your house. He was waiting for you to come home. He was there. It was him.

All this time, there was a small part of you that had thought that this whole thing was just in your head, and you were jumping to conclusions. But it was real, and he had followed you to Hawkins.

"Are you okay?" El's gentle voice suddenly asked.

You blinked at her words too caught up in your own head to properly hear her just as she carefully took the garlic bread from your trembling hands and handed it to Max to give you her full attention.

"Did something happen?" El asked, holding your now empty but still trembling hands.

Max hovered close behind, her blue eyes looking you up and down for any injuries like claw marks from Demo-dogs like the last time she had seen you. If only it had been a Demo-dog at your house. You would rather deal with one of those monsters than this human monster.

You opened your mouth to dismiss the girls worries even though El could probably feel your emotions anyway or something. You weren't entirely sure of the extent of her powers, was that something she could do?

"What's going on?" Hopper's voice suddenly called out from across the room.

He stepped out of his bedroom with his hair dripping wet from the shower. He was no longer in his uniform instead wearing a pair of sweatpants and a flannel shirt that had no right being so attractive.

"I am unsure." El answered honestly, her brows furrowed as she stared up at you. "Something happened."

That seemed to catch Hopper's attention because he was by your side within a blink of an eye.


You met his gaze with an uneasy expression not exactly trusting your voice at the moment to speak.

Jesus Christ, you thought you had gotten better since moving here. You thought you had moved on from Hank and all the shit he had put you through but one look at him from a distance through your car windshield and you were right back to square one.

Realisation slowly washed over Hopper, "you saw him, didn't you?"

It wasn't a question. He already knew the answer, but you nodded anyway, and his jaw clenched shut in sudden fury.

"Saw who?" El asked in confusion.

"Girls eat the pizza in your room. I need to talk to Y/N privately." Hopper instructed his voice coming out calm, but you could tell he was anything but calm on the inside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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