Chapter 5- mind reading

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It didn't take long before you were all piling out the car and into what you assumed was Joyce Byers house. Pieces of paper were stuck to the walls inside. Scribbled drawings were painted on each sheet that stretched from room to room, all connecting like some weird homemade wallpaper.

Will Byers was still unconscious lying on the couch while Jonathan, Joyce and Bob stood over him worriedly. The kids were all huddled in the corner of the room having a suspiciously hushed conversation, but you didn't have enough energy to try and see what they were doing.

"Sam Owens. Dr. Sam Owens. I don't know how many people are there! I don't know how many people are left alive!" Hopper's voice shouted from across the room where he was leaning against the wall with a phone to his ear.

The person he was talking to would think he was crazy. There was no way they would believe that monsters were inside Hawkins Laboratory and killing people. Hell, you wouldn't believe it either if you hadn't nearly been killed by one yourself.

"I am the police! Chief Jim Hopper! ...yes, the number that I gave you, yes. I will be here."

He hung up the phone on the wall a little rougher than necessary and sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.

"They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin asked, already knowing the answer.

"We'll see."

"'We'll see'? We can't just sit here while those things are loose!" Mike shouted.

"We stay here, and we wait for help." Hopper answered sternly, staring at the kid before he turned and walked over to where you were sitting at the table. "Is it still bleeding? How bad?"

You glanced down at Steve's jacket that you were holding against your stomach and slowly peeled it away, wincing as the material stuck to the wound.

The entire front of your shirt was red. The green coloured scrub shirt that you were wearing now undetectable beneath the blood.

Yeah, it was definitely still bleeding.

"Shit." Hopper swore under his breath as he knelt down in front of you. "Shit. Shit. This is bad. Why didn't you tell me it was this bad? You need to go to the hospital."

"Not an option right now, Chief. We're kinda dealing with monsters from an alternate dimension, remember?" You pointed out, pressing the jacket back over the wound with a grimace.

"Here. Joyce found the first aid kit." Bob said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere holding the small red and white box.

"This is far beyond the annual first aid training we get, Y/N." Hopper said, taking the first aid kit with shaky hands. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"I do." Bob said, holding his hand up like he was in a classroom. "I, uh, I trained to be a nurse in my younger years."

Hopper was quick to hand the first aid kit back and got to his feet, giving Bob some room to work. The kids across the room had all turned quiet, their eyes glued to you as Bob removed the jacket and cut away the already ruined shirt, exposing the deep bloodied gash across your stomach.

"Jesus Christ." Dustin whispered.

"Is she going to be okay?" Max asked worriedly.

"Wait, who even is she?" Lucas asked in confusion.

"She's the new Deputy. She saved Bob and Joyces lives." Mike answered.

"That she did!" Bob agreed, glancing over his shoulder at the kids, having overheard them talking too before he turned back towards you. "Thank you for that. Like, seriously, thank you. I would've been dead back there for sure if you hadn't distracted that thing."

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