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"Hop? Could you see about maintaining the readings on the indoor garden? We cannot afford for them to wilt!" Professor Sonia asked, flipping through books. "Sure thing! I'll get right on it." I responded, running over and pressing a few buttons on a computerized pad to activate temperature controls. "You know, Sonia, if we get a Rotom, we could hook it up to this thing and it would become voice activated. That way, it's easier to maintain when we have other research going on!" I said, smiling. "Haha, what would be the fun in THAT? I like asking you to run little errands and stuff for me!" Sonia laughed. It had been months since my friend, Gloria, beat my brother for the championship cup, AND the title of champion. All of Galar still remembers our deeds, and we were revered as heroes! All was at peace; nobody could complain, however, I still felt an empty void inside me, longing to be back out on the road even for a final time! "Penny for your thoughts?" Sonia asked, setting down her book in concern. I shook myself out of my yearning, and quickly replied, "Just missing Gloria is all. Her brother Victor worries for her, being off by herself for long periods of time like that, but SOMEONE had to stay and help their Mum." "Ah yes, it's been too long! It makes me wonder what crazy adventures she's on THIS time." Sonia fawned, closing her eyes in thought. I finished up my work for the evening, and stated, "I'm off. See you tomorrow morning Professor!" "I TOLD you already, Hop, just call me Sonia!" She laughed, and with a cheeky smile, I left the Pokémon Lab. Sonia, despite it being months since she was appointed Professor, never quite got the hang of being called such. Leon and I always made it a point to tease her in good fun about it, and usually we'd be in for an earful each and every time! It was fun, but not as fun as it was when I was adventuring with Gloria and Victor: Competing in the Gym Challenge, Making it to the finals, and even stopping Eternatus together filled my heart with a certain fire! On my walk home to my house in Postwick, I couldn't help but think of the people I met, and the people dear to me, wondering what it was they were up to at this current moment. "I wonder if Peirs had any more exhibition matches lately. Marnie's been worked ragged I hear, being the new Gym Leader of Spikemuth and all. And that insufferable Bede's attitude was in the process of being reworked finally! Can't be TOO prideful if you are to be a Fairy Type Gym Leader. Still MAD, that Opal, with her talk of "Pink this" and "Pink that"." I thought aloud, kicking at some loose sand in the road. I continued down Route One, stopping every now and then to admire the still life around me. The gaping hole in my heart grew emptier, and I couldn't help but miss everyone I've ever met, and the little battles my two buds and I had, and my brother most of all. I finally reached the front door of my house, my face drooped in a frown, and my shoulders hunched as I turned the handle. As soon as I opened the door, a hushed conversation began to take place, and I recognized the voices as they said in low tones, "Are you SURE it's wise to keep her HERE?" "She has nowhere else to go! Our best bet is to put her somewhere where she can be closely monitored, AND ensured protection." I took a right to my kitchen, and there, at the table, sat my mother, Professor Magnolia, and a peculiar, unfamiliar girl sitting nervously between them. The girl's hair was whiter than freshly fallen snow in Circhester, and her eyes glowed a brilliant blue, like the ocean that surrounded Hulbury! From the look on her face, I knew the girl had something troubling her, and the two of us locked eyes, causing her to nearly jump from her seat in a petrified fit. The two women at the table followed her frightened gaze, and my mother stammered, "O-Oh! Um, hello sweetie. You're home earlier than expected! How's Sonia doing?" "She's...... Fine? Mum? Who is that between you?" I asked curiously, pointing to the unfamiliar face in the room as she hid behind Magnolia. "Hop, this here is Lele. Lele, meet Hop, my youngest son." My mother introduced awkwardly, and I silently waved at her as she trained distrustful eyes onto me. "It's alright, Lele, he means no harm." Professor Magnolia assured, and timidly, the girl responded, "Alola Hop." ""Alola"?" I asked, scratching my head when the Professor explained, "It means "Hello", dear. She herself is Alolan!" "Alolan?" I began, shocked, "She's quite a distance from home then! How'd Lele end up here in Galar?" "It's a long story my child, and one that I haven't much time to explain. Just know that Lele here will be staying with you for a while or so until everything blows over." Professor Magnolia said, and I couldn't help but get the shivers by it. "Hop? Why not show Lele to Leon's room? I'm positive he wouldn't mind!" My mother said after a moments silence. "And if you could be so kind as to carry up her case dear? Thank you." Professor Magnolia added, rolling a small suitcase around her chair. "S-Sure.." I replied, a little hesitant about the idea of a stranger in our house. I led the odd girl from the kitchen up a couple flights of stairs, and into my brother's room, Lele maintaining a somber expression the entire way. "Well, make yourself at home then Lele. I'll be across the way should you need anything, alright?" I said softly, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. I spun on my heel to leave when she grabbed my arm softly, causing me to abruptly stop as she called "Wait!" "Yes, Lele? What is it?" I asked, turning back to face her as my stomach twisted into nervous knots. "I-I need someone to talk to... Please?" Lele replied, darting her eyes about the room in a paranoid fashion. We walked over to my brother's bed, and I patiently took a seat as she quietly sat beside me, thinking of what it was to say next. After a few seconds of silence, I decided to ask, "So Alola, huh? What's it like there?" "Tropical." Lele began fondly, "There's always the sweet scent of Berries in the villages, and the buttery scent of freshly baked Malasadas in the markets! How is it here in Galar?" "Eh, that depends on where it is you GO in Galar." I replied knowledgeably as I continued, "If you're heading to Circhester, best you bring a coat for the ENTIRE city is covered in snow! If you're going to Stow-on-Side, however, wear something more cool and comfortable because the weather there is sweltering. But all in all, the most temperate parts of Galar would be the major cities: Hammerlocke, Motostoke, and Wyndon." "Oh..... I see...." She replied, looking about ready to sob! "Erm... Your name is really pretty!" I said quickly, switching the topic in hopes of a lighter air. "Thank you." Lele began, her eyes growing distant. "My mom chose it when I was born after one of the four guardian Pokémon of Alola: Tapu Lele! In fact, the Kahuna for my village had said that when I was born, Tapu Lele appeared, and lit the sky with stars as a celebration of sorts. That's when my mom decided to name me "Lele" in it's honor." "Wow, that's quite a tale! I bet Tapu Lele was happy that your mum chose to name you after it." I sighed, awestruck. "From what my mom told me, it was overjoyed! I miss her so much...." She said, a single tear rolling down her pale cheek. "So," I began, switching topics once more to avoid the thickening air forming again, "was your trip here a fun one?" Lele's eyes suddenly flashed, and she snapped, "Nothing about me coming here was FUN! I fled Alola because my life was in danger there, and here was where Professor Kukui said was the most secure besides Unova. That's SCARY for someone to go through!" "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to offend, I'm just rubbish at changing the mood of a chin wag. Wouldn't surprise me at all, I'm even a rubbish Pokémon trainer!" I sighed, defeated by another loss. "N-No, I'M sorry!" Lele quickly countered as she carried on, "It's just.... the reason I had to take this silly voyage anyway.... It wasn't by choice, y'know?" "Oh?" "If I told you the REAL reason I'm here in Galar, would you laugh and tell?" She asked, a little insecure. "Not at ALL! Why DID you come to Galar?" I asked, adjusting my position to face Lele. She took a deep breath, and sighed shamefully, "Before I was born, my mother fell in love with a strange man. They were SO close to each other, spending each and every day talking about what they wanted in life, swimming in the Alolan sea, and admiring the bright, Alolan nights. It wasn't until my mom was having me that he told her the truth...." Lele fell silent, and I sort of began to dread where this story was going. "What? What did he tell your Mum?" I pressed, curiosity filling every fiber of my being. She sighed again, and replied with something that not even I was prepared to hear. "He began to revert back to his true form! As it had turned out, my dad was a measly Ditto disguised as a human man." "WHAT?!" I asked in pure shock. "That's why I'm here in Galar, Hop! I'm HALF Ditto! My father disappeared after I had turned one, and my mother just a few days ago after handing me off to Professor Kukui in a state of fear. It would be revealed this very night, that some Poké Researchers had gotten wind of my lineage, and came to, and I quote, "Collect me for their ongoing experiments on Human to Pokémon compatibility". They wanted to take my DNA, and make more Humanoids by combining them with other Pokémon bred in captivity as a "Super Soldier Pokémon Hybrid"! I have a hunch about who jabbered their gums, he seemed pretty upset when I refused to be "Tamed", whatever THAT means, but I'm not too sure." Lele concluded, going quiet again. I could only remain in silence, with my mouth agape in shock by the news I was receiving, and I knew I should've said something after because in that moment Lele cried, "I'm a freak! Nobody's ever going to want "The Ditto Child"!" "Come now Lele, that isn't true! I think it's right amazing that you're part Ditto. Do you have their abilities? What Pokémon can you turn into?" I asked, looking on at her in amazement. "Uhhhhh, sure? What Pokémon do you have? I can only transform if I've seen the Pokémon in person!" "I'll be back!" I responded, bouncing to my feet, and leaving the room in a flash. "Hop my dear? Where are you going in such a rush?" My Gran asked as I whizzed by her in the threshold of my bedroom. I dug through my room, looking through drawers, on shelves, and even raided my closet for my Pokémon. "I'm looking for my team, Gran. Lele's going to show me something WICKED!" I said excitedly, rummaging around my bedside table. "Oh, your Pokémon are in a neat little case on top of your desk sweetie! Poor dears were scattered about, so I took the liberty of collecting them up for you." She said, smiling brightly. I ran over to my desk, grabbed a random ball from the case, and, before I left, kissed my Gran on the cheek. "Such a sweet boy." I heard her say as I rounded the corner of Lee's threshold, and I smiled as I held up the PokéBall in my hand. "Got one Lele!" "What's THAT?" She asked, contorting her face in confusion. "This," I began, handing the Ball to her, "is a PokéBall. It catches the Pokémon we desire, and it houses them in this. Once caught, they're ours for the taking! We raise them up, train them, and we test their strength against other Pokémon to see how much we've grown as a team. I was a trainer once before becoming Professor Slonia's assistant!" Lele observed the Ball in her hand, and replied solemnly, "That sounds like slavery, and this Ball is their prison. I can't imagine being crammed up in something like this, and it pains me to do so!" An awkward feeling grew inside me as I took the Ball back from her, and decided to get the wheels moving before Lele became upset again. "Let's start with this one, shall we?" I said, readying my arm to throw. I counted back from three mentally, took a deep breath, and released my partner from the Ball into the center of the room with a blinding flash! The rush of the moment came back to me as I remembered the first time I became a trainer, and I smiled joyfully at the Rillaboom that now stood before us. Lele's eyes went wide with wonder as she stood up slowly to observe the massive, Grass Type for herself. "Holy Nanap Berries! I've seen enormous Pokémon back in Alola, but NONE like THIS one! Please, who are you?" She asked, circling around Rillaboom before looking up into it's deep, mahogany eyes. I raised a brow, confused as to who she was referring to as my Rillaboom made a few grunts in response, and my spine tingled as she started again, "You're called a "Rillaboom"? WOW! You're SO cool Rillaboom!" "Can you talk to Pokémon Lele?" I asked, scratching my head as I tried to wrap my noggin around the whole thing. Lele nodded happily as she simply replied, "Being part Ditto has it's fair share of perks. Talking and understanding Pokémon are just a few things I can do! Transforming at will has proven to be a challenge because if I don't know the Pokémon of which you speak of, I can't turn into it. But tell me to turn into something like a Gyrados, or Eggsecutor then I can take that form just fine!" "Eggsecutor? What on earth is THAT?" I asked, coming up beside Lele to greet Rillaboom. "It's different depending on where you live. In Alola, Eggsecutor are like tall palm trees with four legs! I'm not sure about a Kantonian Eggsecutor though." Lele explained, then she closed her eyes, and began to hum to herself. As she hummed, something weird began to happen, and her small, thin frame began to expand! Her form twisted and turned, shrunk and grew until I was eventually face to face with a second Rillaboom! "Woah! WICKED!" I breathed excitedly, jumping around like a happy Bunnelby. "Heehee, thank you." The clone said, and I staggered back as I let out a surprised yelp. "Was that you, Lele?" I asked, slowly approaching the second Rillaboom in the room. "Yeah, it's a boon. I haven't quite worked out how to mimic the cries of the Pokémon I turn into, but hey! How often can you go to your friends and brag that you had a full conversation with your Rillaboom, eh?" She replied, winking. I couldn't help but laugh at the faces Victor and Gloria would both make if I did, and Lele began to change back into herself again, beaming proudly. "You're something else Lele. I think you'll fit in WELL here!" I said, patting her shoulder lightly. Lele giggled a little, then a yawn left her lips as she replied, "Changing into such a large, galliant creature like your Rillaboom here DEFINITELY took my energy for SURE!" "Well then, we'll leave you to your solitude. Get a good night's rest, okay Lele?" "Sure thing Hop." She replied, opening her case. I waved for Rillaboom to follow, and we began to make for the threshold when Lele called once more, "Hop?" "Yes?" I answered, peeking my head back in at her. She smiled warmly, and I could see that her nerves were no longer bothering her as she responded, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for talking to me." "Anytime mate! Don't hesitate to wake or stop me if you need something." I replied, rubbing my nose before setting off to my room. "Good night Lele!" I called from across the hall as I changed into my pajamas. "You too Hop! Sweet dreams!" She called back, and I smiled. She was odd no doubt, but at least she was kind, and I felt the comfort of having a friend once again well up inside me.

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