Chapter Four.... Shifting The Tides

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I flopped onto the bed in my hotel room, still somewhat exhausted from my first ever Pokémon battle. Hop and I stopped by a local Café before stopping at a place called "Budew Drop Inn", and now we were planning on where we should go next! Hop rested himself in a chair across the room, and said in a cheery tone, "So, How're you feeling Lele?" "I feel great Hop. On TOP of the WORLD! LIGHTER THAN AIR!" I said, spinning around before flopping backwards onto the bed wearily. "Haha, you show as much. Lele, you've done scratched the very surface of your Diamond to greatness! The next Gym will be your first crack, then the first full cut will be the Gym here in Motostoke." "Really? Then let's get to cracking then!" I exclaimed, bolting upright in the bed. "I would advise rest, Lele. You looked mighty drained when we left Turffield Stadium!" Hop suggested, and with a sigh, I flopped backward onto the pillows, yawning after making contact. "So, next should be water. Right Hop?" I asked, relaxing my body to the comfort of the squishy mattress. "Indeed. Nessa: The Raging Wave of Hulbury! She's tough, but if you know your Type match-ups, you should be golden." He replied, lounging back into the chair comfortably. "What's Nessa like?" I asked, curious about my new opponent. "Well, for starters," Hop began, thinking to himself, "she's a whiz at handling Water Type Pokémon. She's also a model from what I've heard through the grape vine!" "So she's snotty? Lovely. SO looking forward to battling her!" I sighed sarcastically, to which Hop quickly corrected, "She's not snotty! She's a bit competitive, but Nessa's the kindest soul you'll meet besides Milo." "Hah! Yeah, I'll believe that when I meet her." I laughed, not really believing any word he said about this model. "Lele? Were you ever hurt in the past? Emotionally, I mean!" He asked, and I fell quiet as memories came flooding back to me, drowning me in it's destructive weight. "Lele? Are you alright?" He asked again, snapping me out of my trance, and I stammered, "A-Ah! Y-Yeah, I'm fine. To answer your question, long ago, I had a friend that I used to play with back in Alola. We drifted apart the older we got, and eventually she cut me out of her life completely!" "And she was a model?" "Not a model persay, but she WAS a popular one. After her, I had only my mom and Professor Kukui to look up to as "friends"! I was completely distanced from my classmates at the Poké School there, and Isolated from the rest of the island's residents, so it wasn't like I could make another." I admitted, looking up at the ceiling as her harsh words filled my mind, and the pain of being betrayed broiled inside me. "Gee... I'm sorry that happened to you Lele. I promise, however, that Nessa is different from all of them upitty well-to-do celebrities! I ask only that you give her a chance to prove that." He pleaded, and I sighed as I contemplated my decision to take his word. "So, when are we meeting this "Nessa"?" I asked, sitting up to face Hop. "Well we're in no hurry. I rented you a room here for today and tomorrow, so I guess it's whenever you give the word!" He replied, smiling brightly. "You didn't need too, Hop." I began, feeling bad for making him pay for my accommodations after he's given me so much. "It's fine Lele! You just rest up now, and when you're ready give a holler." Hop assured, and he left the chair to go to his hotel room. After he left, I laid back onto the bed again, weary from my battle with Milo's Flapple, and I yawned. "Gee, that Flapple sure was something! Wore me RIGHT out." I said, rubbing my weary eyes. My eyelids grew heavy as the silence of the room muffled the bustling city outside, and I slipped into a peaceful sleep. A flash of light was what managed to wake me, and the next thing I know I was on some sort of hospital bed. I tried to move, but I was securely strapped to the mattress of the bed! I looked around the room, finding nothing but blank walls, and different kinds of medical tools on a silver tray; even my clothes were changed to a white hospital gown. "H-Hey! Is anyone here?" I called, my voice echoing around the room. When there was nothing but pin drop silence, I called out again, "Why am I strapped to a bed? Wh-Where AM I?" At that moment, a doctor walked in with a manic expression on his face, and he began in a sing songy tone, "Hello Lele! How are you this evening my dear?" "Who are you? What is this place?" I asked, my heart beginning to race at the creepy sight of the doctor's smiling face. He replied in a distant voice, "I'm Doctor Shinohara, and you're my newest study my girl!" "Newest..... Study?" I gulped, and Doctor Shinohara laughed in a crazed manner as he snapped his hospital glove, making me flinch. "Answer me this, Lele," he began, taking a sort of needle out, and flicking it before placing it in a tube sticking from my right arm, "did you honestly think that you'd be safe in Galar? In that tiny, little home in Postwick?" "HOP! What've you done to him and his family?!" I asked, anger broiling inside me. "An interesting reaction, especially for the people who handed you over to us." Shinohara replied cruelly, and my eyes widened as I trembled. "N-NO! HOP AND LEON WOULDN'T DO THAT TO ME! THEY'RE MY-" "Friends? Aquaintances? FAMILY?" He taunted, and my blood ran ice cold as he pointed at a window that was never there before. Behind the glass stood Hop, grinning like a demon, and Leon placed an approving hand on his shoulder as he gave the same unholy smile. "Hop? Leon? Wh-What is this?! Please help me!" I whimpered, tears streaking my face in disbelief. ""Help me Hop and Leon!"" Hop sneered cruelly, and Leon began to howl with an ungodly laugh that would make Arceus shake with terror! "Guys, please! H-Help me! Help ME!" I sobbed through gritted teeth, feeling betrayed by the two as they continued to mock, and laugh, and before I knew it more familiar faces joined: Professor Magnolia, Sonia, Gloria, Milo, even Professor Kukui was there.... Howling.... MOCKING! I looked down at my stomach, and the Doctor began to make an incision along the dotted line as I screamed hysterically for someone to save me! The sound of an alarm buzzed loud, making me shoot upwards in my bed, terrified as I brought my knees to my face as I sobbed, "Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this?" I continued to sob as the alarm came to a stop, and I contemplated what I should do next while the sun was still up. "I-I have to get Hop. I NEED to get Hop!" I cried to myself, and I flung myself off the bed, and briskly made my way out into the hall, and next door to Hop's hotel room. I held my hand up to knock, but something kept me from carrying out the action as my hand hovered before his door. I was hesitant..... Was it all a warning? No, it couldn't be! But was I willing to take that chance? I took a few shaken breaths as I stood in front of his door, unsure of what to do. I placed my hand back to my side, and used my sleeve to dab my frightened eyes as a decision came to mind. I turned from his door, made my way to the elevator, and pressed a series of buttons that took me to the main lobby of Budew Drop Inn, still looking very much tired and fearful. Once at the main floor, I quickly glided out of the elevator, and down the stairs until I reached the exit; breathing the crisp evening air as the breeze lightly blew on my partially wet face. I began to walk forward, traversing this new territory of my journey alone, and I did the only thing a newcomer would when they want to arrive at an unfamiliar place: asked the locals. "E-Excuse me Miss, could you point me in the direction of Hulbury please?" I asked, but the woman passed me by without a second glance. "A-Alright, you have a good one. OH! Excuse me, little boy? Could you tell me how to get to Hulbury?" I said, stopping a young boy with brown hair. "Hulbury? I've never been there before. Sorry lady!" He replied before quickly catching up to a girl around my age, presumably his sister. "O-Okay, thank you for your time! A-Alola Sir. Could YOU tell me how to get to Hulbury from Motostoke?" "No can do love! Time's not being particularly friendly today, if you catch my drift." The man replied, and I nodded as I replied, "I understand. Sorry for disrupting you Sir!" I've asked twenty people in total, but NONE of them could, would, or seemed even slightly interested in guiding me to my next destination. "Yes Leon, Galar is SO filled with kind folk!" I muttered to myself, continuing to wander aimlessly until I happened upon a young couple sitting on a bench with amourus gazes for one another. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you two but I'm in need of assistance. Could one of you tell me how to get to Hulbury?" I asked, feeling hopeful that they'd be kind enough to tell me which way to go. "Hmm? Oh, hey! We didn't see you there little one. Did you need something?" The woman asked in a trance like state. "Y-Yes, I would like to know how to get to Hulbury from Motostoke please." I replied, repeating my request for assistance. "Hulbury.... Such a lovely town, Hulbury, with the ocean and it endless horizon." The man fawned dreamily as his lady added, "And the historic lighthouse on the side. What a perfect place to build a life! Oh, I'm sorry dear, were you trying to say something?" It was clear to me that they had their heads too high in the clouds to be of any real help, and so trying to hide my annoyance with the couple, I said, "N-No, I didn't. I just happened to see you two and thought that you two were cute together! Sorry for intruding." "It's okay little one, it's not every day someone can witness true love at work! I'd count myself lucky that I did if I were you." The man swooned, continuing to fawn over his woman. "R-Right.... You have a good one!" I said, quickly leaving the two star-crossed lovers to their solitude. I continued to walk, muttering more to myself as the feelings of being lonely, and missing home welled my soul, and I asked myself in frustration, "Isn't there SOMEONE here that can help me?!" I may have talked a little too loud, for a voice piped up from behind me, "Pardon me, Miss?" I spun around, startled at first, but I calmed myself as an oddly dressed man approached me. "I couldn't help but overhear that you were in need of assistance. Is there anything I could do?" He asked. I was shocked to say the least, and I replied gratefully, "YES! Thank you SO much for asking sir, you wouldn't believe the evening I had. Could you happen to point me into the direction of Hulbury please?" "A tourist are you?" "Gym Challenger, but yes. See I'm from Alola, and I've already beat Milo, so I'm now currently looking for a Gym Leader named Nessa!" I explained as he placed a hand to his chin. "I see. It's not every day we get a tourist whose wanting to take on the Gyms outside of our annual championship cup! Where you want to go is this bridge on the outskirts beside us, through Galar mine number two, and tada! You're at Hulbury. Or if you've got some money, you can take the train from here to Hulbury station. Whichever suits your fancy is fine by me Miss!" He said, and I hugged him as I sighed, "Thank you SO much! I'll take the walking path." "Excuse me, but are you feeling well? I've also noticed that you look a bit drained." He asked, concerned by my appearance. "Just tired, sir. Thank you for your concern, and Alola!" I replied, and just as he instructed, I left through the outskirts of Motostoke, and into Galar Mine number two. I was stunned by the sight of beautiful, multi colored, glowing gemstones that protruded from every corner, and my breath was just stolen from me! "Woah..." I sighed, coming up to one, and touching it gingerly as I continued, "What ARE these?" I was beginning to wish Hop was there beside me to explain what these beautiful gems were, but the emptiness made the experience somewhat more intriguing, almost magical! I followed the dimly lit path ahead, making sure not to disturb any of the Pokémon that may inhabit the area, and admiring the quantity of these spectacles. "Hiya there!" A voice called, snapping me out of my trance as my eyes fell upon a man dressed in construction attire. "Alola! Hey, what are these glowing gem thingies?" I asked, pointing at the wall. "Those, kiddo, are called "Wishing Stars"." He explained, meeting me halfway as I asked, "Like the ones in the sky?!" "New here, eh? Well, darling, the jewels you see here are actually just bits of ore packed with something called "Galar Particles". The particles are then harvested from them, and converted into energy which is dispersed throughout the Galar region!" He replied, leaving me in fascination at the curious history of the jewels. "That's SO cool! All of that from that one tiny "star"? I wish I was that significant!" I said, envious over the power that those little things possess. "Well kid," the man replied, patting my shoulder, "sometimes it takes the smallest, most insignificant things to make something huge! Here, take one to remember our conversation by." He took a magenta colored gem, and placed gingerly in my hand before closing his own around it. "Thank you sir. I promise I'll keep what we talked about in mind as I continue my journey to collect Gym badges!" I said, smiling slightly by his words of encouragement, and we bid each other farewell as I continued on towards a light at the end of the tunnel. When I emerged, I shielded my eyes from the harsh sun as the smell of the ocean breeze hit me; a familiar scent bringing me back to my beloved region as I filled my lungs with the pleasing smell. I looked around, and I saw that I was in a small town, complete with a seafood restaurant, shipping docks, and a small market outdoors! I walked over to a lady, similarly dressed to the man I encountered in the mine, and asked hopefully, "Excuse me, ma'am? Does this place happen to be Hulbury?" "Sure is Honey! And I'm betting you're a Gym Challenger?" "Correct! Could you tell me where to find Nessa?" "Course I can! Just follow up this here road, take the curve, and you'll find yourself at the stadium in no time at all." She instructed, and I nodded quickly in response as I said, "Thank you!" "No sweat dear. Good luck on your journey!" She said, waving me off as I walked along the sidewalk; anxiously awaiting this "Nessa" with every fiber of my being as I strategized. "Now, if I'm to defeat this "Nessa", then I'm going to need the best Grass Type that Alola has to offer! Let's see here..." I told myself, trailing off in thought. "I could turn into Eggsecutor, but I'm not too sure of it's battle stats! I'm sure that it's speed wouldn't be too desirable as well. It would be wrong of me to steal Tapu Bulu's form without his blessing! Come now, THINK! What is the strongest Grass Type Pokémon that you can think of Lele?" I asked myself, thinking long and hard about which shape to take when battling Nessa when I remembered a lecture from one of Kukui's classes. "There's a certain Ultra Beast that'd be wicked cool to try out in a battle! I believe it is called "Kartana". It sounds powerful; too powerful to pass up! Yes, I've chosen my new form!" I said in a low, yet confident tone, and in the distance was the oh so familiar water symbol. "I made it! I finally made it!" I cheered with a smile, only for my face to droop as I realized I was still alone. "Gosh, I do miss Hop..." I said in regret, shuffling onwards toward the Gym to face off against my second Gym Leader. Once I was inside, a friendly voice asked me, "Here to take on Nessa?" I looked around, puzzled by the voice until my eyes met a dark skinned girl with shortened hair, almost like a Pixie Bob style! Her Gym outfit was a simple crop top with short, skin tight shorts, and I grew kind of embarrassed by the sight of such immodest clothing as I replied, "Y-Yeah..... Is she available now?" "Why certainly! She'll be thrilled to find that a Trainer's come through her doors to face off in an EPIC battle. Not very many people give this place a look anymore; not since the Gym Challenge anyway!" The girl replied, smiling brightly. "S-Sure..." I said uncomfortably as the girl left to find Nessa, and I thought to myself, "WOW is that a lot of skin! Hop didn't tell me they were practically in swimsuits, though that's really egg on my face for not connecting the dots. Shoot! He'd probably tell me that it wasn't a big deal and to ignore it as best I can. I do wish I had him with me to cheer me on...." "Hey there Gym Challenger!" A voice chirped cheerfully, and I snapped out of my thoughts to behold a tall, beautiful girl standing over me. Her flawless dark skin glimmered in the light of the lobby, her hair twisted in a mixture of sky blue and raven black as it sparkled from the gold and silver adornments in it, and her thin figure was accentuated with a waist belt made of beads. Hop wasn't lying when he said she was a model, and her flawlessness gave it away proudly! I began to question my own beauty, envious of her as she said in a peppy tone, "Meowth catch your tongue?" "N-No! I-I'm here to battle Nessa. Do you happen to be her?" I asked coldly, already knowing what her would answer would be. "The one and only! Gym Leader of Hulbury, and the pretty face on last week's Fashion magazine." Nessa replied, showing me the magazine only for blind eyes to glance at it. "I'm sorry, but I'm not too interested in fashion of any sort. I'm only here to make a request before we battle!" I said, pushing the magazine back toward her, much to her dislike, and I placed my hands on my waist in a dignified manner. She clicked her tongue, and Nessa waved me into the hallway leading to the stadium floor with her trainer close behind us. "Now," she began, her pep turning into seriousness, "what is it you're requesting kid?" "The name's Lele, if you would. I'm from Alola, and my request to you is quite plain: I'd like a private match between you and I." "OK? May I ask you why that is?" Nessa asked, her and her colleague both raising a brow toward me. "I'll tell you once you're friend here's out of the room." I said, feeling uncomfortable by their gazes, and Nessa widened her eyes in shock. "Pardon, but whatever you have to discuss with me privately, my Trainer's here can listen along as well!" "But it's complicated, you see-" "No I don't. Could you mayhaps give us a bit more insight?" She asked, a snarky tongue on the edge of my hearing as I tried to calmly explain to her my proposition, and my situation. "Alright, you WIN! She can stay and listen if you can ENSURE me that whatever we talk about here stays between me, HER, your SPECTATORS, and most importantly, YOU Nessa." I said through gritted teeth, and the two exchanged concerned glances as Nessa replied hesitantly, "Alright..... Fine! You have our word." I took a deep breath to calm myself as I explained quickly, "Before I tell you my proposition, there is something crucial you must know Nessa." "Which is?" "I-I'm HALF Ditto, and I represent myself as both my Pokémon AND my trainer!" I blurted, and the whole room went quiet for a bit. At this point I was certain she'd laugh, but that wasn't the case when she calmly replied, "Right! It's clear your not serious about taking me on, so I'm afraid I must decline your offer." "Excuse me?" I asked, my muscles spasming and twitching all over as I tried to resist the urge to transform. It wasn't like I couldn't handle my abilities, after all, I transform when and wherever I please on my own will, but stronger emotions like anger, fear, and even stress has proven to be more of a challenge to keep my forms contained! "You heard me. Come back when you're ready to be a big girl, instead of an infant. Only THEN will I battle you!" She repeated, her snarkiness becoming more appearrant. I punched the wall beside me, cracking it a bit as I tried to keep my composure, and I replied through gritted teeth, "You think I'm playing games?" "You're about as loony as they come! Do you honestly believe that I, Nessa, would believe that little invention of a story? What next? You're a quarter part Applin? Or you're a third part Sirfetch'd?" Nessa asked, and the girl beside her busted into laughter. I dug my fingers into the wall, sweat dripping down my face as my eyes flashed with fury. "What's wrong? Angry because I figured you out?" Nessa asked, and she cackled alongside the girl, which set me into motion. I tried to fight back the urge, but it was too much, and the next thing I knew I was spouting venomously, "LOOK HERE YOU FISH LIPPED PRISS!" "Excuse ME?! That is NO way to be talking to your elders!" Nessa snapped, making me laugh in return as I replied in a slow, hysterical voice, "I don't care. You know what? I DON'T! I don't care about your title," I started to expand before her eyes, frightening the two Gym colleagues as I continued, "I don't care about your Fashion magazine cover, I don't CARE about your lousy, pretty face and tiny figure, and overall, I JUST DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! SO TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE READY TO SIT AND LISTEN, AND ZIP YOUR POMPOUS, ENTITLED YAP!" I had grown twice their size now, and I ripped the piece of wall in my hand out from it's place before launching it at the two fearful girls who now huddled in the corner. I looked at myself in the window to see what it was I had become, and to my surprise I had turned into Bewear! I looked back at the two huddled in the corner, and I advanced on them as I placed both arms on either side of the corner, trapping them as I continued through gritted teeth in a softer tone, "So, miss Model of the year, what'll it be?" "Y-Y-Your-" She stammered when I interrupted, "What? Insane? Dangerous? A MONSTER?!" "NO! No." She cried, the girl behind her shaking her head furiously as their fear filled my nostrils, like a stink that never leaves. "Then WHAT am I, NESSA!?" I hissed. "Y-Y-Your here for the Gym, right? T-To ch-challenge me, yes? Wh-What are your requests?" She stammered, trembling. "That's much better. Now I can hope to have a CIVIL conversation with you without completely losing my temper again." I said, shrinking back down to my normal self as another one of Nessa's colleagues busted through the door, concerned as she asked, "Are you lot alright? I heard screaming!" I looked at the two girls, their colors drained as they shot between her and I, and I quickly lied, "Th-There was a wild Bewear! Broke the wall right there, and we hid. It left after it heard you come!" "Y-Yes! The Bewear nearly attacked us, and we were trying to protect that young trainer there." Nessa added nervously, and the girl behind her nodded furiously in agreement. "O-Oh.... Well, I'll go scout for it if you'd like!" "Yes, please do..." She sighed, and the other girl quickly turned tail to chase after the invisible Bewear. "At least I can trust you to keep my secret." I said, dusing myself off as she stuttered, "Y-Your request? Please?" "Oh, Right! I wanted a private match with you, and only your spectators can witness. But they must be SILENT as well, or else trouble will come knocking at my door!" "B-But you have no Pokémon, and if you ARE a Pokémon you have no trainer! Y-Y-You can't expect her to just battle you when you're alone." The trainer jumped in, and I replied simply, "That's why I'd like a CLEAN battle; none of this "Dynamax", and it's JUST a one on one." I explained, smiling softly at the Gym Leader. She remained quiet as she pondered my request, and I added for assurance, "Look, I'll take full responsibility of what happens to me, and if you manage to beat me, I'll drop from the Gym Challenge altogether. What about it Nessa? Will you take me on? I give you my word." I held out my hand for her to shake, and just like Milo, Nessa took my hand hesitantly, and gave it a firm shake of agreement. "I'll need a moment to prepare my Pokémon, and I'll meet you on the pitch right through those doors there." She instructed, and with a light shove, she sent me onto the a tiled floor to wait for her. "It's like the bottom of a pool in here! I wonder if they have a button that could flood this place with water so that they can swim when they're not busy?" I said, looking around the stadium for secret buttons that could accidentally become activated. After a few minutes of waiting, Nessa appeared at the other end of the floor, a PokéBall in her hand, and a determined look filled her eyes as she stated firmly, "Let's get to it. Arrokuda! Show her what it means to be a Water Type master!" She released a blue PokéBall from her hand, and it produced the most frightening looking Pokémon I've ever witnessed! "Good gravey! You're the ugliest thing I've ever met!" I exclaimed, my face scrunching up at the horrid sight of the Water Type before me. "Well YOUR one to talk DITTO! How ridiculous, wasting my time with someone as pathetic as YOU." It hissed, and I clenched my fists as I replied, "Just you wait Arrokuda! I'm not some ordinary Ditto that you're used to spitting on, I guarantee that!" "Then take your pick! Steal a form! All you are is a COPYMON." Arrokuda hissed, and I growled, "I take the form of the Grass Type ultra beast: Kartana!" My body stretched and twisted until my arms and legs became sharper than blades, and my body creased and folded like paper until my form stood like a fortress! "Ah, an interesting form indeed! And your scent, why it's like nobody will tell who you REALLY are child." "That's the beauty of Ditto and their abilities Arrokuda. Don't hold back on me because, as you'll quickly find, I WILL win this little battle of ours!" I cried in determination, and Nessa shouted, "Arrokuda, wash this dreamer away with Liquidation!" Arrokuda's mouth opened, and a huge ball of water took form. "Eek!" I shrieked, leaping into the air at max speed, almost a total blur as a forceful blast of water jetted towards the spot I was just in. "My turn! I use a little something called "Razor Leaf"!" I commanded, summoning a storm of leaves that rained down on Arrokuda with staggering strength! "Ahh!" It screamed, trying desperately to get away from the green storm, only to fail immensely. It fell to the ground, and I wondered if I had immediately won when it's head lifted off the stadium floor weakly. "Hmph! Didn't seem like you were ready for my super effective hit, Arrokuda." I boasted, making it growl angrily as it turned to Nessa for it's next orders. "Not bad kid, but we don't submerge THAT quickly. Switch out!" She cried, pulling Arrokuda back into it's water themed cell, and releasing another Pokémon that I wasn't at ALL prepared for! "Dreadnaw! Use Scald!" Nessa commanded, and knocked off my gaurd, a blast of burning water splashed me. "GYAHHHHH!" I yelped painfully, crashing back to the floor beneath me, and I looked up at Nessa as I cried, "HEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO "ONE ON ONE"?!" "You said that about TEAMS! You NEVER specified how many Pokémon I'm allowed to use." She justified, standing proudly over me as she commanded, "Liquidation!" I managed enough strength to move myself behind a sort of cover, and I quickly rethinked my ENTIRE strat. "Okay, if THAT'S how she wants to play..." I said, and I quickly turned into the next Pokémon in my mind arsenal. Dreadnaw chomped it's way through my cover, expecting Kartana as it boomed, "Gotcha!" "No you don't!" I replied, sending a rush of green it's way as I leapt back up into the air, and stuck an impressive landing before Nessa as her jaw dropped in awe. "Wh-What ARE you?!" She cried, and I replied in a stone cold tone, "I have taken the form of a master Grass Type from Alola: Decidueye! It's only fair that as both trainer AND Pokémon I get the same right to switch out and rest my forms as I please, much like yourself." Nessa balled her hands into fists, and screeched, "Dreadnaw and I shall make quick work of your new form before washing your first one into the sea! Dreadnaw, use Scald!" Drednaw readied a blast of steaming water, and shot it towards me at full force, making me dodge the hit spectacularly as I backflipped over the fire. "Phantom Force!" I cried, turning completely transparent as Dreadnaw cried, "You coward! SHOW YOURSELF!" "As you wish." I replied, reappearing behind it before sending it flying with a powerful gust of spiritual energy. "Ack!" It cried, crashing from the wall to the floor, and I wasted no time as I readied another mass of green. "Get ready for a storm: a LEAF STORM!" I cried, and I released the greenery on the unsuspecting Dreadnaw cowering against the wall it crashed into. "DODGE!" Nessa squealed, and with a stroke of luck on it's side, Dreadnaw moved just in time before the leaves struck it like a moving car. "Enough of your cheap tricks, Ditto! Time to face me like a REAL Pokémon." It boomed, to which I clicked my tongue as I replied, "You ought to learn some manners. Is this ANY way to treat your opponent? Phantom Force!" I commanded, and I disappeared from view again. "H-HEY! WHERE DID YOU GO YOU CHEAT!" Dreadnaw stuttered, and Nessa ordered, "Use Water Gun, and don't stop until you've FOUND her!" At that moment, I was dodging wave after wave of jetting water, and it was near impossible to get behind Dreadnaw as I struggled to keep the move in effect. "At this rate the move will become inactive! What do I do?!" I thought, keeping as quiet as I possibly could, careful not to alert Dreadnaw as it continued to fire. "Dreadnaw is looking mighty weary! Keep that advantage on your side, Lele." "Huh? You again? Who ARE you?" "WE are the Pokémon who will guide you on your path to victory, and the saviors who will protect you along your road to self discovery and happiness. Now look around you; can you see an opening?" The strange voice asked, and I looked around carefully to see what was available in my environment as I continuously dodged liquid bullets. "I-I see no opening. Drat, what shall I do?!" "Calm yourself young one! You must go for a critical hit if you wish to weaken your opponent enough to gain a super effective strike on them. It takes strength of the highest degree, patience, and presice skill to carry one that will completely depleat your adversary of his or her physical strength. Focus, Lele, and take the risk!" It said, and I closed my eyes as I drew a deep calming breath. I studied my surroundings, and when I was ready, I leapt, flipped, and dove to avoid being hit by the blasts until I finally reached Dreadnaw. "BOO!" I yelled, and used my charged up attack to land a critical hit on it from behind, sending Dreadnaw flying once more towards a different wall, weakening it tremendously as I finished it off with the move "Brave Bird". "Ahhh!" Dreadnaw screamed as I crashed into it from the side, and sent it flying a third time! Once on the ground, Dreadnaw let out a low, droning groan, and I knew that I had knocked it out of the challenge as I switched back into a fully energized Kartana. Nessa growled as she called back her mechanical looking turtle Pokémon, frustrated that I was in the lead, and she cried out, "Arrokuda! You had enough rest, now DROWN HER IN HER FAILURE." Once Arrokuda reappeared on the field, it hissed cruelly, "Interesting.... VERY interesting! You managed to use an unoriginal form to somewhat gracefully take down my Trainer's strongest Pokémon! But I'll soon avenge Dreadnaw than yield to a genetic mess up." "You forget Arrokuda," I began, charging up for a final blow, "this "Genetic Messup" you're talking to is a jack of all trades. I can be as strong, OR as weak as I please, and I most CERTAINLY speak for ALL Ditto when I say that we have greater powers than you could ever wish to attain in your miserable, slimey, scaley life time!" And with a final command from Nessa to use "Liquidation", I spun around to dodge the move, and got up to it's side, catching it off gaurd as I yelled, "Leaf Blade!" And I cut down in a slashing motion as a green light sent Arrokuda across the floor, wailing in pain before it eventually went quiet.... All was still in the stadium as Nessa brought Arrokuda back to her, eyes filled with frustration, but a genuine smile on her lips. "I'm shocked..... absolutely gobsmacked!" She began, approaching me as I reformed back to my human body. "You weren't too bad yourself to be fair. That twist with Dreadnaw though was the LAST thing I imagined would happen!" I replied, feeling much better and more confident about myself. "But you adapted well, a skill that not every trainer masters in a few seconds flat. I can proudly say that I'm honored to have battled the first Poké Human in Galarian history, and reward you with this small token of thanks for a battle well fought!" She shook my hand, slipping me another badge, one with a water droplet design on the front, and I smiled a toothy smile as I replied, "Th-Thank you! And, well, about the thing with the Bewear...." "No sweat! To be honest I thought it was facinating to say the least miss-" "Lele, from Alola. Thank you Nessa, truly!" I replied softly. Hop was right, Nessa wasn't at all a bad person, and I actually liked my battle with her even if it had a few twists! I left the Gym beside Nessa, chatting with her about my story of travel when I heard, "THERE you are!" Nessa and I looked up, and there was none other than Hop running up to greet me, along with Gloria, Victor, Milo, Leon, and Sonia. I ran to him, happy to finally have him by me as I exclaimed, "HOP! Hop you won't believe it, I defeated Nessa and got the Water badge." I showed the badge to him, and a look of shock filled his eyes for a split second before turning back to anger. "You had me worried sick about you Lele! I called Lee thinking you'd given up and returned to Postwick, only to find that you hadn't. Then I call Milo to see if you had gone back to Turffield for any reason, only for him to say that he hadn't seen you either, and here we find you BY YOURSELF in Hulbury! What in dog's name were you thinking, Lele?! Someone could've snatched you up!" He scolded, taking me by the arms firmly as the others stood around me, equally as angered. "I-I.... I..... It's too complicated for you guys to understand..." I replied, and it was only half of the truth. Imagine how they'd have felt if I outright told them that a nightmare made me question their trustworthiness after all that they did for me? "Then explain it so that we DO understand, Lele. Running off without even so much as a letter? You had Hop thinking it was his fault that you were missing!" Leon said, coming up beside his brother, who looked a little painstricken by my simple response. "Leon's right, you SHOULD have left something to tell him that you were okay at least." Victor added, placing a hand on Hop's shoulder. I sighed, feeling guilty about the stress I put Hop through, and I looked around uncomfortably as I said, "Alright, I'll spill, but not out here!" "You could use the locker room if you'd like." Nessa offered awkwardly, and Leon nodded as he replied, "That would be great, thank you." We all entered back into the Gym where Nessa escorted us to a sealed off room, a sign that read "Challengers Only" in bold, black letters across the front. After fiddling around with the keys, she managed to find the right one to the door, and waved us on in as she said, "If you need anything, let me know and I'll see what I can do." I took a seat on the bench, and Hop, Gloria, and Victor all squeezed beside me as Sonia pulled up a chair, Milo took the bench across from us, and Leon leaned against the wall. All of them awaited an explanation, and so I began, "Wh-While we were at the Budew Drop Inn in Motostoke, I-I had a nightmare that I was on this hospital bed, strapped down! The doctor told me that it was Hop who turned me in, and he even invited all of you to watch as the doctor began to slice me up like a cooked ham. The worst part was that all of you mocked me and laughed as I screamed, and cried for one of you to save me!" I began to cry as the horrifying images flowed through my mind again, and I threw my arms around Hop as I sobbed, "I was scared Hop, and I know it was silly of me to be so, but I was!" "So THAT'S why you left without a word?" Gloria asked, and my guilt cut me even deeper than it already did. Remaining silent, they all exchanged looks when I said, "I don't wanna go.... I wanna live, Hop!" "You WILL live." He assured, putting his arms around me gently, and I could feel Gloria and Victor do the same as I cried into his shoulder softly. I could hear Sonia sniffle a little, keeping herself from outright sobbing as Leon tapped Hop on the shoulder, and signaled a command to him. Hop stood up from the bench as I rested my head on Gloria, and he left the room as Leon got on one knee to look me in the eye. "Lele," he began in a soft, yet firm voice, "I know you have a hard time trusting people, and I'm aware how frightened you are, but I want to make one thing plain to you. You ARE safe here, and we will NOT give you up to anyone or ANYTHING, got that?" "Yes Leon. I'm sorry for scaring you all..." I sobbed, taking his hand and placing it gently on my face as I cried. "And you have my full promise that your secret is safe." Milo added, placing a hand on my head to ruffle my hair. "And mine too." Nessa said, handing me a glass of water out of nowhere as Hop smiled gently from behind her. "We're your friends, Lele, and we won't let ANYONE hurt you!" Gloria finished as I took the glass in my hands, and took a swig. Once I gulped down the water, I looked around at the small group around me, and I felt grateful to have them in my life though I've only known them a few short days. I took a ragged breath, and smiled at my new friends as I replied, "Thank you. Thank you everyone!" "You're welcome girly! Here, let's get you all cleaned up before we get you to Motostoke to battle the Fire Type Gym Leader himself." Sonia said, offering up a wet wipe to clean my face. "And if you're up for it, maybe just the few of us in here could watch, and cheer you on from the sidelines, yes?" Hop asked hopefully. "You lot can watch from the side, Milo and I can be spectators." Nessa corrected, and Milo nodded in agreement at the thought. "I DID say I'd make it up to you, didn't I? Very well, you can watch me battle in Motostoke! What's the Gym Leader's name there?" I asked as Gloria and Victor helped me to stand. "YES! His name is Kabu, and he's really kind. You'll like him for sure!" Hop replied ecstatically, making the adults in the room laugh at how child like he was. "Right. Shall we go then?" I asked, dusting myself off. "Whenever you're ready, Lele." Gloria replied with a laugh, and just like that, I now had, not one, but seven people to join me, and I've never felt more accepted than I was on that train ride to my next destination: Motostoke.

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