Chapter Fourteen.... Record Keeping

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I remained silent on the way back to Wedgehurst, looking down at the camera Gordie had given me when Piers asked, "Feelin' well?" "Hm? Yeah, I'm just wondering what my class would think of the photos I took." I replied, sifting through the seven I shot: one of Piers, Marnie, Gordie, and Raihan, two of the town of Spikemuth, and one of Hammerlocke Gym. "I think they look smashin'. If you ever decide not to be a trainer, you could make a fine photographer!" Piers suggested, looking over my shoulder. Gordie was a nice man, much more on the conceited spectrum than Raihan but still a well rounded individual. I told him of the journals that I've been keeping, and as we left, he bought me a camera to snap photos of as he explained, "Words aren't enough to fully express the awesomeness of Galar". "My only regret is that we have a time schedule to maintain, otherwise I'd be taking pictures of Motostoke and the wild area as well!" I sighed, placing the photos into the pocket of my jacket. "There's always next time. Maybe you could snap a photo of some o' the Pokémon Galar has to teach em' 'bout Regions outside Alola." Piers suggested, grinning a bit as I nodded. "You're absolutely right, Piers! I'll start off with Hop's Rillaboom when we return to Postwick, or prehaps Sonia's Yamper? I wonder how they'd react to such unfamiliar Pokémon!" "I bet they'd be pleased to know what kinds of Pokémon you met, AND people o' course." My cup was overflowing with stories and subjects to talk about, and the anticipation was killing me as I shuffled around beside him. "Lele? Has anyone told you 'bout 'ow we do battles 'ere in Galar?" Piers asked, leaning back comfortably on the seat before crossing his legs partially. "Yes. Professor Sonia did during my first few days in Galar. "Dynamax and Gigantamax", right?" "An' I presume you know why it is a trainer chooses to do so?" "I'm guessing to draw out the strength of a Pokémon, though I don't quite agree with it if I'm being honest." " 'Ow come?" "It feels wrong to me, y'know, forcing out a Pokémon's true battle prowess by forcing them to grow larger than life itself. I mean, people go on saying, "Pokémon are friends, and we should love and cherish them!", then those same people shove them into little spheres, pit them against each other until one faints, and furthermore do everything in their power to force them to be the strongest! If that's not abuse, I don't know what is."  I replied, looking away from him as we sat in silence. "Y'know, I prefer old fashioned battlin' myself. Though not many people think of me as great for it, I take joy outta not Dynamaxin' or Gigantamaxin' Pokémon, an' that's not only cuz I 'ave no choice to, but because I willingly choose to really take on the full breadth of battle without enhancers." Piers said, looking up as he closed his eyes in thought as he continued, "My Marnie, she's not like me at all. I won't force 'er to be like me either, but I wish for once she can see the beauty of a REAL match, and mayhaps come to enjoy them to some degree. There are very few in Galar with these beliefs, and I'm 'appy to know you're one that does!" "But those prison spheres! The pitting! Doesn't it become too much? Having them hurt, and hurt other Pokémon for pleasure?" "Lele, you're talkin' like there aren't Pokémon out there that DO fight each other for fun, and that's just the bare minimum o' Pokémon that fight for territorial gain, or simply to thrive. Tyrogue, for example, will fight just 'bout anythin' what crosses paths with it just cuz it's there! Axew, on the other hand, hold contests with it's own to determine the more dominant leader of the group, an' Corviknight 'ave been known to hunt an' eat certain bug type Pokémon." "B-But at least that's NATURAL, Piers!" "So is catchin' 'em, and raisin' 'em to their strongest. Only difference really is one is more tame 'an a wild one! I certainly would rather 'ave a tame Obstagoon 'an a wild one, given their rough nature o' course." "But do you know how miserable it must make them, leaving them in those things?" I asked, placing a hand over my chest. "Love, I'll tell you somethin' that many others 'ave failed to explain to you." Piers began, glancing over at me as he said, "If a Pokémon you caught is MISERABLE, then it ain't bein' in the Poké Ball that's the issue. No, if your Pokémon is in pain, or sufferin', that's an error on the trainer's end that needs some recognition 'fore it gets outta hand! True that, yes, there are some unfortunate Pokémon that 'ave horrid trainers that give 'em the short end of the bar, an' yes, we feel pity for 'em, but sixty-one percent of the time Pokémon ASK trainer's to catch 'em cuz they sense a pure heart in 'em. THOSE are the trainers Gym Leaders cultivate to be strong, so that they may preserve what's precious; that includes Pokémon above all else! 'Ow're battle done in your region?" "I-In Alola? I-I think we use an object called "Z-Crystals". At least...... That's what I remembered from what Lana told me....." "Interestin'. Anythin' else this "Lana" told you that comes to mind?" He asked, raising a brow. "Hmmmm...... Kiawe always said that to activate a Z-Crystal to activate the move whithin, it must be powered by a Z-Ring, much like your Dynamax Bands! It's kind of a writ of proof that you excelled through the trials and grand trials of Alola. Z-Crystals work better if the trainer and Pokémon are in sync, though..." I recalled, placing a finger over my lips as I recalled Kiawe standing above my desk as he lectured on about the importance of being in sync with your partner Pokémon. "Oh? Sounds like a grand time!" "Indeed, especially since it's like adding a new move to already existing ones! There's no altering them in ANY way; from what I know of at least, but I couldn't enjoy it for myself if I wanted to." " 'Ow come?" "Because think about how they'd look at me if I approached a Kahuna with a Z-Ring on my arm, and a Normalium Z, the crystal for normal types, in my hand and said "Battle me!". They'd look at me the same way Milo and Nessa did when I said I was using myself to battle!" I explained, resting my head in my palms as I messed with the studs on my shorts. "Yeah, I see what you mean. But everythin' in life's worth a try, yes?" He replied with a smirk as the train screeched to a halt. "Attention passengers! We have now arrived at Wedgehurst station. Those who are stopping here may now depart the train." The intercom sounded, and Piers sighed as he cracked his spine. "Finally! Thought this ride'd NEVER end." He sighed, stretching before shuffling along behind the multiple other bodies on the train. I collected the camera and made sure I had all my pictures before exiting the train myself, and meeting Piers on the other side of the platform. He held out his arm to me, and I quickly took it before briskly beginning to leave the station, cautious for any suspicious activity along the way. "So," Piers began, slowing to a nice stroll along the dirt path, "where's the house you're stayin' in?" "It's a long ways ahead, but I don't mind stalling a bit to look at the countryside." I replied, looking out at the crop filled fields, and rolling hills filled with bleating Wooloo running amok. "Quite peaceful. Though my kinda place is a shadowy area; somewhere nobody goes so I can be as loud as I wish!" "Like Spikemuth?" I suggested, only for him to shoot a glaring glance in offense. I gulped as I apologized, and he said in a warning giving tone, "Do well to mind your tongue..... You never know when you'll hit a raw chord....." "O-Of course, Piers. I'll be more careful next time!" I replied, sweating a bit before we remained in a silent stride. Wanting to change the topic, I asked him curiously, "What was Galar like for you growing up?" "Eh? Oh... It's not as different as it is now, only thing I CAN say was that I was a fresh faced Gym Leader at your age, and Chairman Rose was hammerin' on me to do the most outlandish requests! I told 'im I ain't no corporate slave, an' that was the last time we talked." "Is the Chairman THAT bad?" I asked, raising a brow. "Tch, YEAH! He was the reason Galar almost flopped as an entire region, what with 'im unleashin' a Pokémon straight outta Galar's history books, and every tapestry made in ancient times foretold. "The Darkest Day", it was called, and the legendary Pokémon of disaster: Eternatus!" "You're pulling my leg, aren't you?" I asked, the suspicion that this was only a children's tale creeping up my mind. Piers shook his head as he replied, "Oh no, love, FAR from in fact! You can ask Leon 'imself. Before he lost his champion title to the girl runt, wossername-" "G-Gloria. Her name is Gloria." I interjected. "Ah, yes. Gloria an' the previous champ's lil bro, Hop, if I remember correctly. The three of 'em were all there." "So what you're saying," I began, running through my head the thought of Leon, Hop, and Gloria banding together to take down a Pokémon with the fury and power of a God, "is that a grown man, and two kids single handedly saved Galar from ending?" "Well, two kids and two other legendary Pokémon from History o' course; Leon was close to subduin' the terror, but it ultimately overpowered what strength he 'ad." "You mean Zacian and Zamazenta?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled a little in response before continuing on, "So Leon's told you tale o' the two heroes of Galar, but not o' the tale what made 'em heroes? I was there when Gloria caught the mighty sword Pokémon Zacian, and Hop persued the mighty shield Pokémon Zamazenta. Was right wicked an adventure too!" He reminisced as we continued our gentle stride. I thought to myself when the sudden flash of being in Milo's Gym flashed through my mind, along with the same echoed voices from Bea's Gym as I said, "Th-This may be a hunch, but I think I heard the voices of the two heroes during my time in the Gyms. They were so gentle, and kind to me when no other Pokémon I met had! They helped me; taught me to dodge, counter, and strategize!" "Well lucky you. But not all hunches are right, though, so think before you go trustin' a stranger ya don't know!" Piers warned, and I nodded my head in agreement as we spotted a familiar face over the edge of a stone wall. "Hey, It's Leon! LEON!" I called, making him look up with a smile. "Well if it isn't Piers and Lele. Hope she wasn't TOO much trouble." He jested, pinching my arm. "Not at all! Marnie an' I quite enjoyed 'er company. She's a girl of MANY stories I assure!" Piers replied, patting me on the shoulder. "Leon! Look what Gordie gave me." I said, excitedly holding up the Camera to show him. "Ahhh, plan to take photos around Galar for your friends then?" He asked, stroking his facial stubble. I nodded as I walked through the gate, leaving Piers on the other side of the wall as I held the camera to my eye. "Say "Alola" you two!" I directed, and when the two gave their best smiles, I snapped a shot of the two men side by side, and quickly took a look at the photo. I laughed at the silly gestures the two gave, and turned the photo for Leon to look at, bringing a grin to him as he playfully slapped Piers on the arm. "That's not the only thing she acquired." Piers began, catching Leon's attention as I pulled out my Rotom Phone for him to see. Leon's eyes widened in shock as Piers explained, "She an' Marnie were talkin' when Lele brought up the lack of a phone, so I dug 'round my room, found my old phone, an' factory reset it 'fore givin' it to 'er. I added my contact as an emergency one just in case she finds 'erself in a rut!" "Y-You really needn't have, Piers." "Course I did! I'm an older brother to Marnie, sure, but I still look out for those who need to be looked out for. My friends, and my sister's friends are no exception by ANY means." "Th-Thanks man! Since you came all this way, would you mind staying for a cuppa?" Leon offered cordially. "Nah, I've gotta be gettin' back to Spikemuth, but thanks for the offer." Piers replied, straightening his slouched posture once more as Leon waved him good bye. "H-Have a great day, Piers! And thank you!" I called, to which he turned, gave a small wave, and spun back on his heel to continue forward towards Wedgehurst station. "Lele? Could I, mayhaps, see your phone right quick?" Leon asked. "Sure!" I replied, handing my new device to him as he tapped away on the screen. After a few seconds, he handed the phone back to me as he said, "There you go! Now you've got mine, Hop's, AND Sonia's number should you need to call one of us." "Thank you Leon!" I said, taking my phone, and turning to go inside when he stopped me, and I looked back up to him as he said, "Lele, I MUST tell you that my mum and grandparents are VERY old fashioned, and they're out right now." "S-So I should probably change out of my outfit, then?" "Yeah, for the best." He released my arm, and I returned to the house, bounded up the steps, and into Leon's room. I opened up my suitcase to find some casual, sporty looking clothes; quickly throwing off the clothes Marnie handed me, and placing it in the tote along with my other clothes that I wore during my visit with her in exchange for the more comfortable clothes instead. I didn't bother taking the braid down, mainly because I liked how it looked, and so I placed my other hairband in my suitcase before taking the other journal I had, and ripping out the last couple of pages. I never usually used the last two pages of any notebook, especially if I have a lot to write about, so I save it for a later use or if I'm bored and want to make paper decorations. I took the journal Marnie gave to me, and sat at Leon's desk with a glitter pen when a pair of footsteps bounded up the steps, and Hop swished through the threshold with a smile. "Man, I was hoping to see you in you're new gear before you switched out." He teased, and I chuckled softly as I replied, "Leon told me it was best to change before your mom and grand folks came home and chopped my head off for it." "Well I don't think they'd "chop your head off", but they'd certainly give you an endless sit down. How're you feeling? Sonia and I got worried about you yesterday!" "Oh, I'm fine. Fortunately Piers brought me back with no problems! I tell you, he's got smarts sharper than a Rowlet using Razor Leaf." "Yeah, he's the absolute coolest! He's not too shabby a trainer, either." Hop fawned, making it clear how much he looked up to the eccentric Dark Type trainer. Sonia's head peeked through the threshold, grinning wide as she said, "Hey there! I saw Piers bringing you back while I was in the market and thought to call it quits for today so we can spend time with you." "Awww, you didn't have to, Sonia." I replied, opening up my journal in embarrassment before taking out my camera. "Say "Alola"!" I said, and the two smiled their best as I clicked the button on the top to activate the shutter. Once the photo slid out, I placed it among the other photos as Hop observed each one. "So you're taking pictures around Galar for your little journal?" He asked, picking up the one of his and Marnie's eldest brothers with a smirk, and showing it to Sonia. "Yeah, Gordie came by their place today, and bought me a camera so I can share my experiences visually. Piers also gave me his old phone as well, and Leon added both of your numbers in so we can stay in touch! Marnie also did my nails, see?" I lifted my hand, and Sonia took it as she observed the tiny sunrises they portrayed. "That's SO cute!" She fawned, letting go of my hand so I can place it back on the desk beside me as I replied, "I know! She's so talented! I wonder how many sleepovers she's had to be able to do such a feat so flawlessly." "Seems you had a grand time in Spikemuth, Lele. Maybe I should talk Lee into getting Victor, and the other male Gym Leaders together for a guys day out!" Hop suggested, closing his eyes in thought as I flipped open to the very first page, and catching eye of the two tickets I placed for safekeeping. "OH YEAH!" I gasped, holding up the tickets back to back with each other before him, and his eyes bugged with excitement as he said, "No way! How'd you get THAT?!" "Piers gave it to me as a gift for being Marnie's friend, and paying her a visit. He didn't give me just ONE though!" I slid the second ticket out from behind the first, and he slumped his shoulders as he said, "He gave you TWO?! Man! I wish I was that lucky." "Well, the second ticket is for a plus one, so if you asked your mom, I MAY be inclined as to saying you can come with me." I replied with a smirk of my own. Hop tilted his head back in thought, staring blankly at the ceiling before quickly rushing over to his room, presumably to call his mother for permission as Sonia giggled. "Seems you've gone and made him a happy camper. That was right kind of you to offer, Lele!" She said cheerfully. I shrugged, and replied,  "Can't think of a better plus one to accompany me to such an event. Besides, he's been working hard these last few weeks! It's the least I can do for my greatest, and first friend EVER." "Aww, I bet he'd be pleased to hear that!" At that moment, Hop swished back into the room, grinning his meowth like, toothy grin as he said ecstatically, "My mum says I can go. YES! This is going to be AWESOME Lele!" I laughed as I handed him the plus one ticket, and he threw his arms around me happily before going back to his room to store the ticket in a safe place as Sonia and I giggled. "Well, I'm going to talk to Leon for a spell. It's nice to see you, Lele!" "Likewise, Sonia." She gave me a quick embrace before heading back down the stairs, and I turned my attention back to the notebook again, and wrote with glittering, pastel blue ink, "Dear Professor, this entry is going to make up for today, and yesterday, as I had left my journal here while I was away at a friend's house! Her name is Marnie, and she lives in a place called "Spikemuth"; a run downish, nearly deserted town placed inside of a warehouse looking structure!" I taped the picture of Marnie onto the page before labeling her name underneath, and I chose one of the two images of Spikemuth that seemed to capture more of the town's depth, and placed it beside her photo before labeling it as well. "Marnie was scary when I first met her, but she turned out to be the greatest person I've ever met! She has an older brother as well, named Piers, who is a full time singer on top of being a Pokémon Trainer of the Dark Type category! He used to be Spikemuth's Gym Leader before retiring, and he gave the role to Marnie to fulfill in his stead." I took the photo of Piers and Leon at the stone wall, as it was more clearer than the previous one I took of him, and taped it just beneath the text as I labeled who was who, and drew arrows to the corresponding person as I wrote, "He may look scary, but, like his sister, he has a heart of pure gold, and an affinity for watching over others! The man beside him is named Leon, and he was the former champion of Galar before Gloria took his place. He's a strong trainer, and a fierce battler, as Hop showed me almost ALL of his championship AND exhibition matches! Did I tell you that they have a process called "Dynamax" and "Gigantamax" that they use during those battles as well? It's VERY different from the Z-Crystal concept we have in Alola, though there IS a similarity between the Dynamax Bands they use here, and the Z-Rings we have there! Hop is Leon's younger brother; the first friend I've made in Galar whose around the same age as me! He works for the new professor of Galar, a lady named Sonia." I taped the Picture of Hop and Sonia, and labeled it as well before continuing, "Sonia's really pretty! I hope that one day I could be as pretty as her when I've grown up some. Did you know she's related to Professor Magnolia? She's Sonia's Grandmother! OH! I forgot to mention that Marnie taught me how to read, and write in Galarian in exchange for me teaching her Alolan. She also painted my nails to look like the sunrise there as well, AND her brother and her teamed up to suprise me by making Akala Medly for lunch! It wasn't quite how it would taste if I were back in Alola, but they both put their all into it, since it's not an easy dish to acquire the ingredients to and recreate from the very letter. I never felt so accepted in Galar until yesterday... OH! But that's not all I saw!" I tapped the picture of Hammerlocke Gym, and Raihan beside it as I continued to write, "This man here is named "Raihan". He's a Dragon Type Gym Leader of Hammerlocke, and the picture beside his is the Gym that he runs! It's quite extravagant, even for what I've seen on Alola, and I've seen some extravagant things back at home. There are so many more sights I'd like to show you, and wonderful people to see for yourself, and I'll keep you posted as the days fly. None of these images, however, couldn't have been possible without the Rock Type Gym Leader: Gordie." I placed Gordie's photo, and continued, "He bought me a camera so that I can extend to you the things that I experience now! He's kind of annoying in my opinion with his uppity attitude, but at least it's more bearable than Raihan by an Eggsecutor's neck length! Anyway, that's all for now. Tell the others I said Alola! -Lele" I ended my adventures there, taking a look at the photos one last time before shutting the hard cover of the decorated journal before looking up at a photo of Hop and Leon when they were small. I smiled at the photo, as it represented the loving bond the two had for each other, and really drove how inseparable they are as I wondered what mom was doing back at my little house in the woods of Akala Island. "Lele! Lunch, sweetheart!" I heard their mother call, and I quickly left the desk before making my way down the steps, and into the dining room where the family, and Sonia sat. "Hey! You decided to stay for Lunch?" I asked, taking a seat between her and Hop as she sighed, "Well, more like Hop INSISTED I stayed. I was just going to grab a bite on my way back to my Gran's!" "Why do that when you can stay and have a chat with your friends?" Hop asked, winking, and letting out a hearty laugh. That night my emotional cup was overflowing with so many emotions that I had asked Hop to stay up just a tad bit longer with me, and he sat in the floor while I remained on his bed, watching him play with the Pokémon shaped toys he had scattered around him. "And Charizard wins again, with a critical hit!" He exclaimed, mimicking the sound of cheering fans as I asked, "Do you suppose you'll be champion one day?" He shrugged his shoulders before replying, "Maybe. I'm content with being a Lab assistant for Sonia, though. The trouble is, if I did decide to do the Gym Challenge again, would I have to re-earn the badges I collected then!" "What if Victor wins next year?" "Oh, THAT would be trouble in a bread basket! He never usually has his head on his two shoulders, so it'd be a wee bit more difficult for him if he became Champion. Me personally, I hope Gloria remains Galar's Champion!" "How come? Wouldn't you want to seek retribution for your brother?" I asked, crossing my legs as he set his toy Pokémon on the floor beside him, and he replied sagely, "If there's ONE thing I've learned from Gloria, and the Gym Challenge is that I will NEVER be happy if I try to recreate a path that's been traveled by someone else. There's a dream in everyone, and a desire to fulfill it, but it takes the right kind of steps and mind for that to happen. As for me, that dream was to learn more about Pokémon, so that I may further understand them, and help them should they need it in the future! I never realized that until I saved Zamazenta...." He looked at the tip of his toes in thought, and I was rather moved by his dream and desire to know Pokémon for their greater health! "Lele? Do YOU have a dream?" He finally asked, looking up at me? "Hm? A-Ah! I have MANY dreams, but I fear that none of them will ever come true as long as I'm hunted." "But if you WEREN'T, what would they be?" He asked, lying flat on his stomach to set his toys back up. "Well...." I began, my face heating up as I looked up at the starry night sky, thinking intensely my answer to him. "My dream, is to one day find someone who'd protect me, and care for me. Someone who sees past the Ditto in me, and accepts me for who I am." "What do plan on doing if you find them?" "Well if it's a boy, I'd marry him. If it's a girl, I'd keep in touch, and we'd travel together, learning to deeper understand Pokémon while living our best lives." "Would you settle down ever?" He asked, flipping onto his back as hecstared up at his ceiling. "Of course! And we'd have children too, my future husband and I. See, I have a near zero chance of bearing daughters because of the Ditto part of me, but it's okay since I wanted sons anyway!" "Wicked. Surely difficult, but absolutely facinating! Me personally, I'd want daughters so I can be their protector, as well as my wife's protector. Course, not all girls share that same feeling these days, seeing as how most of them nag when you try to ask them how they feel!" "I'd be open, and honest with my husband. I'd WANT him to comfort me when I need it!" "Well then, you'd be the first." He yawned, and I asked in concern,  "A-Am I keeping you from your rest? I tend to talk one's ear off when I'm uneasy." "Nah, Lele. I can last a bit longer if you wish!" He replied, stretching. "Alright... If you say you're okay...." I said, flopping back on his bed to stare up at the ceiling as well. I checked the clock on the wall, which read midnight, and I sighed as Hop asked, "Something weighing on your mind?" "Just something your Grandmother said, since we're on the topic of significant others." "What was it?" "She told me that when she was younger, and she met your Grandfather, all of their friends were the reason they grew closer, and got married...... Do you suppose, that you guys will help me the same way?" I asked, glancing to the side at him. He yawned again, and replied, "If you'd like, I'll lend all the hands I can give, but now that we've crossed into that bit of territory, I'd like for you to consider forgiving Bede. I know you're still a bit raw by what he did, but he's not Hatterene that can predict everything going on! He's insufferable at times, sure, but he's still a human, and we all make mistakes now and again. You needn't answer right away, but I feel like it'd be some food for thought. Now it was my turn to yawn as Hop giggled tiredly, "Seems we've both spent our reserves, huh?" "Yeah, you're right." I replied, stretching. Hop forced himself off the floor, and slumped his way over to his closet to pull out a spare pillow, and a green sleeping bag before placing it on the floor beside his toys. "I-I can go to Leon's room so that you can have your bed." I said, sitting up as Hop nestled up in his sleeping bag. "Don't worry yourself about me, I'll be fine here, so you can sleep up there all you'd like." Hop murmured quietly, and instantaneously began to breath in a gentle tempo. Having no strength to fight off sleep myself, I curled up under the blanket before slipping off into my own slumber, feeling slightly satisfied by our little talk.

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