Chapter Sixteen.... Third Strike Rule

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We were finally back at Hop's house, and I had just finished my next journal entry, leaving Hop and I in the lounge alone. We were feeling bored, and we were talking about having Gloria and Victor over when out of the blue my phone began to ring. "RO-TO-TO! YOU HAVE A CALL!" it exclaimed in a mechanical, female voice, making me wonder if Marnie was already missing us, or if Piers needed something when I saw the unfamiliar number illuminating the screen. In a state of panic, I dropped the phone on the coffee table, and leapt behind the back of the couch to hide as Hop asked in alarm, "Wh-What? What is it?!" "My phone, Hop," I quivered, "an unknown number is calling it!" "Oh, it's probably Piers or Marnie-" "They labeled their numbers when they put their digits in. It COULDN'T be!" I replied, and the phone began again, "RO-TO-TO! YOU HAVE A CALL!" "Call from who, Rotom?" Hop asked, but the phone simply kept repeating the same phrase. I grew frightened as my mind raced about whose number was just registered to my phone and how, and Hop cautiously held up his hand to quiet me as he slowly placed the phone to his ear. "Hello? Ex-Champion Leon's residence, may I help you?" "Are you bloody serious?! Did Marnie give me the wrong number on purpose?!" The voice sounded familiar, and my heart fluttered slightly as Hop exclaimed, "B-Bede?! H-How did you-" "I got it from Marnie, could you please hand the phone to Lele? I've an important question to ask." "That depends on if she wants to. She's here, you know?" Hop tried to hand the phone to me, and every part of me was screaming to take it from him, but I kept a cold expression to hide the desire as I told Hop to put him on speaker. "Hello? Hop, are you there? May I speak to Lele please?" "You're speaking to her now." I replied callously. "O-oh! Ummm.... I-It's been a bit, hasn't it? Since we talked?" "What? Did you expect me to forgive you in a snap with magic Blissey dust? That doesn't just happen, you know." I snapped in response. "R-Right....." he replied sullenly before going silent. I felt a bit bad for the show I was putting on, and my overflowing curiosity couldn't stay in as I asked calmly, "Why is it you're calling me at eleven in the morning? Don't you have a gym to be running mister?" "Heh.... Heheh.... See, I finished the chores Ms. Opal had me doing, and I just so happened to be free of time. I was thinking about the last few days, and I just wanted to ask if you could meet me in Wyndon tonight at seven fifteen.?" "Wyndon? Where's that?" I asked Hop, to which he replied quickly but quietly, "It's behind Hammerlocke, over the mountains. It's Galar's biggest city, AND tourist hotspot!" I nodded my head in understanding as Bede kept trying to get my response, and I finally said to him, "I don't know where Wyndon is, so I'll have Hop escort me there at our decided place, IF we decide on one." "B-But he'll be leaving AFTER.... Right?" Bede asked, and I couldn't help but ponder what plan he was cooking up. "So..... Th-This is a date?" I asked, unsure. "More like a chance for us to talk with each other, and see what happens. Maybe talk out our differences?" " "See what happens", huh? Very well. If you wanna meet in private, I'll do just that." I sighed, my heart pounding it's way into my skull. "G-Great! Seven Fifteen, and we'll meet up in the little park near the stadium." He finalized, and reluctantly, I accepted. Once he hung up, Hop looked up at me in confusion as he asked, "Why did you tell him we'll be there? Mum won't let you go as far as Motostoke!" "Well, I guess the only thing I can ask of you is to sweet talk your mother and brother into letting me, otherwise I'll never know what he wants. I suppose I should get something presentable on standby, no? I'm off..." I left the lounge, playing a little mobile game on my phone as I left Hop to his scheming. I waited till it was about five o'clock, sleeping soundly on Leon's bed when I heard someone enter the room. I woke myself up, and rolled over on my side to see Leon and Hop's mom come through the threshold. "Alola. Did you have a good day out?" I yawned. "Yes, but I didn't come up here to speak of that." She replied, her voice sounding strict. I sat up as she placed herself on the edge of Leon's bed, and she began, "On a spectrum of one to thirty, how much do you wanna meet up with this boy?" She asked, and I replied honestly, "A thirty-five, ma'am." "A thirty-five? Okaaaayyyy..." she placed a finger to her lips in thought. "Is something wrong?" I asked groggily, and she began again, "No! No, nothing TOO serious. But because your mum's not here to tell you, I'll do it in her place, because truth be told I love you like I love my precious boys." "What's that?" "Well, the reason I ask is, well, he hurt you twice before. I'm not saying you SHOULDN'T give him another chance, but you shouldn't mistake love with manipulation. Not all boys are honest men, you know?" "Of course." I replied, getting the gist of what she was trying to say. "I hope he turns out to be exactly what you've dreamed of, Lele, but I also don't want to drag him by his ear for hurting you." We both laughed, and she moved my bangs behind my ear before pecking me on the cheek. It made me sad more than it did loved, for it made me think of all the times my mother had tucked me in, and kissed me goodnight. I remember, when I stayed at the school, Professor Burnet would do the same after reading me a story. My heart grew heavy thinking about them both.... I missed them so much..... Once Hop's mother left the room, I forced myself to rise, and I wobbled my way over to the desk that had my neatly folded clothes on top. Before we left Motostoke, Marnie and I did some early shopping, and I found a tropical blue, overall dress, and a cute blouse to wear under it. After I put all my clothes on, I decided to do my hair up into a half up, half down style before greeting Hop at the bottom of the stairs. Once we said our goodbyes, Hop and I headed towards Wedgehurst station, conversing about what Hop had learned from Sonia during his studies along the way. It was a fifty minute ride to Wyndon by train, and we stepped onto a crowded platform that held all sorts of wonderful people. "Oh my. This place is HUGE!" I breathed in awe, making Hop laugh as he said, "You haven't seen anything yet, mate. Come! Let's go before we get swept up into this mob." We weaved our way through the train station, and found ourselves in a massive community center, before being greeted by the sight of a massive cityscape beyond it's doors, glittering around us as evening fell. "WOW!" I gasped, looking around at the tall lamp posts, and the massive buildings that touched the sky and held giant, automated signs that produced a new picture every time. "Welcome to Wyndon. Galar's largest city, and home of the famous Battle Tower and Wyndon Stadium! It's here that the championship match is held, you know?" Hop explained, and I quickly brought out my camera to snap as many photos of the plaza that I could. "Where is this park Bede spoke of?" I asked, taking Hop's arm as we walked. "Well it's not far ahead. We're just a smidge early if you wish to look around some more." Hop offered, but I politely turned him down as I explained that I didn't want the boy to think I stood him up. We waited about five minutes when I saw Bede come through the entrance of the park, and Hop joked, "It's about time you showed. Was worried you had other plans at first!" "Oh shove off, I was only a minute late." Bede replied in defence, rolling his eyes at him in annoyance. "He was only joking with you." I snipped, crossing my arms over my chest in disapproval. "A-Ah! S-Sorry...." he replied awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head. I wanted to throw my arms around him, and ask him how he was, but I kept down the urge using a stone hard facade. Hop felt the discomfort in the atmosphere around us, and quickly said in a bright voice, "Well, you kids have fun. Tell me when you're ready to leave, Lele, and I'll get a taxi." "Alright Hop. You go have fun yourself!" I replied, sending him off with a wave as Bede watched his figure grow distant. Once he was sure we were alone, he took a seat one of the benches, and patted the seat beside him for me to take. Reluctantly, I took his offer, and I sighed, "Now, WHY was it you needed to see me?" "I-I was hoping we could just..... Talk...." he said, sounding a bit nervous as I continued, "About?" He went silent for a moment to gather his thoughts, then finally he replied, "Lele.... I'm REAL sorry that the match was aired, and understand that I didn't mean to hurt you." "Oh SURE! You didn't MEAN to trigger Miko into tattling, and you didn't MEAN to bring insane scientists to Galar looking to slice and dice me and everyone who gets in the way. Honestly, Bede!" I replied in a huff. "That's why I'm apologizing! I never meant any ill towards you; I just want you to know that." I scoffed as I stood up, and I began to power walk from him as he called, "W-Wait! I-I'm not through talking!" "Well I AM! The word "sorry" is as hollow as a tree where Decidueye makes it's nest! I TOLD YOU IN ADVANCE THAT IT WAS TO BE AMONGST YOU AND I ALONE; YOU THINK "SORRY" IS GONNA SAVE ME FROM MY CERTAIN DEATH?!" I cried, angry, and hurt inside. "NO, LELE, I DON'T!" "THEN WHY?! WHY DO YOU SAY IT?! IT HOLDS NO COMFORT OR LOVE TO ME, SO WHY DOES IT MATTER?!" I replied, retreating into an alley that held the veiw of the river, and the city lights showing in it's calm surface. I leaned over the railing, and sobbed harshly as my feelings caught up with my poker face; the loneliness seeped into me as I continued to look into the blackened water, and I heard Bede approach. Once he caught up with me, he leaned over the rail and sighed, "A beautiful evening, huh?" "No it's not! It's cold, and I want to go home. I want MY home!" I exclaimed, sobbing. "But what if you can't?" Bede asked, and I looked up, heartbroken and shocked that he'd even say the thought. He was just like Hop's grandparents, and I could feel my rage overflow as I choked the urge to throw him into the stream for the Pokémon. "Lele? What if you can't go home?" He asked again, and I growled in response, "There is NOTHING here for me! And there isn't anything I want in YOU!" Bede's eyes grew wide, but then he sighed as he asked, "Are you certain?" "Well what else is it? You may've got me on the second bit, but I KNOW there isn't anything here in Galar for me. I mean, you only kissed me to save me from my crazy ex, I can't possibly know that you love me from that!" I sobbed, putting my head down on my arms. I felt him rest his hand on my back, and I looked up to see a gentle smile on his lips. "What? Why are you smiling?" I sniffled, confused. "Is THAT all you're worried about? You're silly." "But it's true! I don't even know if you feel the same or if I'm chasing a whisper of a dream that I've wanted forever. And now I'm going to die before I get to see that dream come true." I groaned hopelessly. "Lele, let's sit down. We can walk more after you've calmed yourself." Bede beckoned, and I joined beside him on a bench behind us as he began softly, "I want to protect you, Lele, no matter the cost. I want to be the one you call when you're in trouble, and the shoulder you rest on when you're weary. Of that, I am surely certain!" "But it'll only drag you into my problems... maybe it's for the best..." I replied, slumping my shoulders in sorrow. "That's not true. And it'd do me good if we could start off at square one again. Start fresh!" "Starting with what?" I asked, looking up at him. "With tonight." He replied, taking my chin softly, and kissing me on the lips. This kiss was different than the one he gave in Circhester in front of Miko. This one, I could feel the love he held for me, and just how important I was to him. My face heated up as we parted, and I set my head on his shoulder happily as he said, "I love you. I really, REALLY do, and I hope you feel the same for me." I simply nodded, and giggled like a silly child as I took him into my embrace. I couldn't hide it, but now I knew for certain how he had felt for me, and I was never happier. We sat and admired the veiw of Wyndon at night for a bit, silent and peaceful before we decided to go explore the city. Bede handed me his jacket so that I wouldn't freeze, and he showed me around the area; pointing out what each building was, which attractions were all the rage, and restaurants that had the best food and service. Wyndon was absolutely massive, and as beautiful as it was, it was frightening all the same as it was easy to lose yourself and become lost! I clung onto Bede tightly, admiring the surrounding area when he held open the door to one of the restaurants, and offered me inside. It was a nice place, with lights that strung up like glowing crystals and colorful designs cascading along the wall. Throughout the meal we conversed about how life was in our respective regions, and how Bede met Hop and the others during the Gym Challenge they had, all the while my heart pitter pattered happily as we enjoyed ourselves. After supper, he took me to a museum where he explained all of Galar's history to me in a nut shell, and in turn I told him about the traditions and history of Alola, which Bede found absolutely facinating! After our museum tour, we took a stroll down the avenue; passing by various parks and neighborhoods hand in hand as we continued to talk about little things like weather, and what we should do next when we ran into Hop, with Gloria on his arm. "H-Hop?!" I exclaimed, surprised to say the least. Bede looked up as the two approached, and he grinned as he taunted, "So, you've gone and got yourself a champion girlfriend I see?" "Oh, hush up will you!? I'm only hanging out with a friend." Hop replied, giggling as his cheeks turned a deep shade of cherry red. I let go of Bede's hand, and wrapped my arms around Gloria as I asked, "How've you been?" "I've been swell, actually. Hop's been taking real good care of me. I wager Bede's also been treating you swimmingly?" "You bet!" I giggled, Bede approaching me, and hugging me from behind as he kissed my cheek. "Oooooohhhhh, so YOU'VE a girlfriend too mister." Hop teased, to which Bede lightly waved him off before giving a confident smirk. "Well since we've run into each other, do you wanna go do something? Just the four of us?" Gloria offered kindly, and I looked up at Bede with a pleading gaze as he sighed. "Very well. We accept your invitation with open arms." He said, and the four of us decided that we'd go to, of all things, an arcade. I played a few of the games there, but it was mostly just Bede, Gloria, and Hop messing around with certain game booths while I lingered back. "Are you tired?" Bede asked, coming to do one of his regular check ups on me. "Meh, Just not one for games I guess." I replied, leaning against a wall. "We don't HAVE to be here if you're bored." Bede replied, his voice suave and silky soft. "I-I don't mind; just didn't want to get in your way.." I assured, trying to calm my beating heart. Bede smiled down at me, and for some reason he looked much taller, and a lot more brawny than usual. He kissed me again before bringing me into his embrace, and he swayed with me until Hop and Gloria found us again. "We interrupting something?" Hop teased, making Gloria chuckle a little. "No, just checking on this gorgeous flower here." Bede answered, continuing his gentle sway as I placed my head on his chest, listening to the steady pace of his heart as it beat heavily. What would the professor say if he figured out I fell in love again, but this time to someone who loves me for me, and not just because I'm some rarity. He'd no doubt be happy for me, surely, but my mom.... Oh, what fit she'll have if she knew! "So, Hop," I began, trying to take my mind off of my mother, "how DID you find Gloria here?" "Eh? Oh! Same as how Bede and you were brought together here. Turns out that she heard the whole thing at her bro's show, can you imagine?" He asked, blushing a bit in embarrassment. "But it's alright." Gloria added, "Though, I DID give him an earful about not telling me sooner!" "And you two, if I recall, had yet to snog." Bede teased. "Naw, too early for that mate." Hop laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Aww, come now! I'm sure Gloria wouldn't mind it one bit." "I-I dunno..." I could tell Hop was still a bit self conscious, so I decided to encourage him with a little word of advice passed down from Kukui. "Hop, as my good Teacher once told me, "Lele, never put off today what you may not be able to do tomorrow. Life is too short to be worrying about the future ahead, so do what you can in the present to ensure it's bright."" "Exactly! So why not take the chance while it's still before you?" Bede pressured. Hop and Gloria's eyes locked for a moment before the two quickly turned away in embarrassment, remaining silent as they stood awkwardly. "C'mon Hop, you got this!" I cheered, making him cover his face as Gloria piped shyly, "D-Do you-?" "Course I do. A-And you?" "Certainly." The two locked eyes again, and before you could spell Nanab Berries, the two came close, and their lips touched. I never felt more happy for my goofy friend since the first time we met, and after a long kiss between the two, Bede and I congratulated the happy couple. "Now, how do you feel?" Bede asked, a sly grin on his face. "Absolutely smashing!" Hop replied dopily, followed by a shy giggle from Gloria. It was clear now what Marnie's intentions were, and I couldn't have been more appreciative of her for bringing us together. I look forward to the day that I can repay her this kindness! After a good night out, Bede took a Taxi with us back to Wedgehurst, and walked with Hop, Gloria, and myself all the way until we got home; first dropping off Gloria who gave a goodnight kiss to Hop before going inside. Bede dropped off Hop and I at his house, and he kissed me goodnight before lingering by the gate a bit longer. After the two of us were inside the house, we were greeted with Leon in the lounge as he asked, "So? How'd it go?" "It was amazing, Leon! Bede showed me all around Wyndon, and I learned some more of Galar's history, and I took lots of photos. I can't wait to write it all for the professor!" I replied, jumping up and down at the memories I've made. "And you, Hop? You look like you're seeing stars." Leon asked, turning his attention to his younger brother. Looking over myself, Hop did seem to be dazed, with a goofy smile across his lips as I teased, "More like hearts. He was with Gloria!" That seemed to snap him out of his daydream, for he quickly shushed me before covering his reddened cheeks. I laughed as his older brother mused, "Oh, so he's smitten with none other than champion Gloria, Eh? Haha, you HAVE grown up some haven't you?" "Sh-Shut your gob, Lee! It wasn't anything TOO big..." "Yeah, he only kissed Gloria on the mouth." I blurted, and Hop gasped as Leon laughed aloud. "I knew it was going to happen, I just wondered why it never happened sooner! I'm happy for you, Hop." Leon condoned. "Well, I wasn't the ONLY one who got smooched tonight." Hop replied slyly, looking over my way. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed as Leon raised a brow at me, and I admitted, "Bede kissed me on the mouth too..." "Ooooh, so you've BOTH grown up." Leon teased, and he let out a roar of a laugh before sending us up to get cleaned up and ready for bed. Laying there, looking up in the night sky, I had thought after thought coming and going like the tide, and I sat up quickly before leaping from the bed to go write in my journal. I wrote everything in that excerpt... My feelings.... My fears.... I had to get them all down! It was the only way I could find rest...

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