Chapter Thirteen.... Spikemuthified

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There was cackling as I ran down a rainy street, panicked and breathless as I tried desperately to keep myself standing; fighting the cold, hardened wind as it swept past me. "LEON! HOP!" I called, but the wind ate up my cries as the cackling grew. "LEON! HOP! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I fell weakly to the ground, unable to continue on as a shadow hissed, "Poor, tired Ditto can't find her beloved friends!" "No...... I WILL find them!" I replied, dragging myself along before hoisting myself back up with the little strength I've mustered. "I will...... I have...." I gasped, but I fell down once again in fatigue. "Dearest Ditto," the shadow hissed again, "what makes you think that you CAN?" "Faith.... I have faith that I will find them, or they shall find me first!" I declared, trying once again to stand my tired, weak body up a final time before tripping, and falling on top of something stone stiff, and chilling my already chilled body further as I looked up in terror at the face in front of me. It was Victor, but not like how he usually was, with his goofy smile and kind eyes. No, what now sat before me was a bluish, milky eyed piece of frozen flesh, and I began to howl in pain and disbelief as I looked around to find Gloria, Leon, Sonia, and even Nessa and Milo were all still! "No..... NOOOOOOO!" I cried as the shadow laughed, "It's all your fault, Ditto! They're all gone and it's all YOUR fault!" "NOOOOOOOO! NO, NO, NOOOO!" it was all I could cry out as my knees gave way in between the bodies sprawled on the ground, and I howled to the sky above; my sanity slipping from me as I reached out to observe the bodies, but losing my nerve to do so. I looked up at the sky, tears pouring as the shadows engulfed me from all sides, chanting "It's your fault! It's your fault!" "LELE!" A voice yelled, and I jolted awake with a loud gasp as I tried to remember the surroundings around me. "Lele, it's me!" Marnie exclaimed, looking worried as Piers watched in concern from the threshold. "M-M-Marnie?" I asked, hyperventilating as I continued to look around. She took my hand lightly, and I glanced over at her as she calmly replied, "It's okay. It's just a night terror." I continued to look about the room, calming myself as I breathed in and out. Once calm enough, Piers approached my side beside his sister, and asked quietly, "Lele, what 'appened?" "I-I-It's nothing.... J-Just a bad dream is all...." I replied, sighing, and trying to calm my shaky nerves. Piers shook his head, and began, "If we can't figure out what's wrong, 'ow can you expect us to help?" "I-I-I can't talk about it Piers, you'd think I was overreacting, or SOMETHING!" I said, rubbing my arm in embarrassment. Marnie and Piers had characters tough as nails, and I'm just a meek, wiggly noodle in their eyes. Why WOULDN'T they laugh at something as small as a reaction to a nightmare? "Lele, we aren't gonna be nasty if you 'ad a bad night terror." Marnie sighed, shaking her head worriedly. "Marnie's right. We ALL get 'em, even rough 'n tough blokes like myself!" Piers added sagely, almost like they were reading my mind. "R-Really?" I asked sheepishly, only half believing his claim. "Tell you what," he began, going to the other side of Marnie's bed to take a seat, "I'll tell you MINE, only, and ONLY if you tell me yours first. Deal?" He sat patiently beside me, looking upon me with gentle, bright blue eyes as he awaited my answer, and my blasted curiosity got the better as I leaned close to his ear and explained every detail of the fear, the cold and wetness, and the feeling of helplessness; expecting him to laugh at me as I pulled away from his ear in near tears. I was shocked when, instead of a laughing fit, Piers placed his finger to his lips in thought before quickly pulling out his phone to me. "Would you like to call 'em? It may make you feel loads better if you 'eard their voice." He offered kindly, and I took the phone from him gently as I scrolled down his contact list until I came across Hop's number. I put the phone up to my ear, hearing it ring twice before his voice said, "Piers, I'm busy now! What is it?!" Feeling relieved, I placed the phone happily to my chest as I refrained myself from crying. "HELLO?" He asked again, and I put the phone up to my ear as I said, "Hey Hop! It's me." "Lele? Are you alright?!" Hop asked urgently. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay. I just got worried about you and Leon, and Piers offered for me to call you to check on you guys!" "Well that's very sweet of you, but last I checked it was Leon and myself that's to be checking up on YOU." He laughed, making me giggle as I said "Well I'm coming back home today with Piers, so you'll see me sometime before noon!" "Hopefully! Leon's been fretting about you since Piers called, and told him what happened. Not to mention mum was going mad about the news as well!" "I'm sorry I worried them so." "Naw, don't be! I'm just happy we got a call from you. Well, I'd better be going; Sonia'll talk my ear off if I don't get back to work soon!" "I understand. See you later then!" "Sounds great!" And with that, he hung up. I handed Piers his phone back, and he smiled in satisfaction as he asked, "Feelin' better?" "Much, thanks." I replied, flopping back onto Marnie's bed. "Now that Lele's kept 'er end of the bargain, what about you bro?" Marnie asked, an amused smile across her thin lips. Piers grinned as he asked, " 'Ow bout it? You wanna know MY nightmare?" "S-Sure!" I said, sitting back up as I guessed what his nightmare could be about. He leaned close to my ear, and began, "It starts with me gettin' woken up by a loud bang comin' from the front door. I go to see whose there an' there was nothin' in the room, but the door was pushed wide open! I was a fresh faced trainer in my nightmare, an' a VERY rational one as well, so I said to myself, "It's the wind, Piers. Ain't NOTHIN' to fret over!" but all the while I 'ad this feelin' in me that I needed to check on Marnie. Well, I brushed it off, an' returned back to my room when another loud bang went off, but this time, it was comin' from the direction of the kitchen. I looked, the cupboard was now open to it's widest, an' I told myself again, "It's an old house, Piers, go back to sleep!" but the urge to check up on my sis got stronger. Finally, I poured myself a glass of water, and went back up to my room to go back to sleep when I stopped. I looked back aroun' the house, all the while my mind is screamin' at me, "Go back to bed, Piers! There's nothin' there!" when suddenly I asked aloud, "When did Spikemuth EVER get wind?" see, we 'ad walls around us, an' because o' that we don't get no wind. As SOON as I asked, I heard a loud bang from upstairs, an' my lil' sis screamin' 'er lungs out; makin' my heart drop into the pit o' my stomach as I raced up the stairs, an' to my fright, Marnie's room was open! I called to 'er, got nothin'. I tapped 'er door, still nothin'. Finally I flip the switch to her room, looked around, an' to my horror, Marnie was nowhere to be found! I raced from the house, callin' 'er name, and lookin' frantically in Alleyways, old buildings, whatever place in Spikemuth where a child could get! When I still couldn't find 'er, I dropped to the ground; every seam keepin' me together snappin' until I forced myself to wake up. I looked aroun', an' immediately a gut feelin' told me, "Go check on Marnie." and when I went into 'er room, there she was in bed, 'alfway out o' her covers! Relieved, I tucked my sis back in, gave a peck on 'er forehead, an' went downstairs to watch the telly." "Do you have nightmares like that often?" I asked, curious about how the nightmare affected him. He pulled back, and replied in a chill tone, "Absolutely! Scares me to death they do, cuz I never know what 'appens to 'er in 'em. But I wake up, an' I see 'er, and that panic and fear melts away like ice in a thawin' river!" "Gee. I've often wondered what being an older sibling is like. A classmate named Lana back in Alola had a pair of young, twin sisters! I forget their names, but one day she got a call from her parents saying one of them was in the hospital, and she was an emotional wreck all that time until school let out. I think now I understand why!" "Simply hearin' a nightmare ain't enough to give context on 'ow an older siblin' feels. See, when you first become an older bro or sis, an' you see you're younger siblin' for the first time, somethin' inside you flips like a switch, an' suddenly, the stuff you used to find yourself doin' are no longer relevant! They become your world, an' your everythin'. It's a silent oath that you make that you will give your all for 'em, even if it costs you!" He reached over, and placed a loving hand on his sister's head to drive the point home, and I could really feel the bond the two shared. "Does Leon feel the same about Hop?" I asked, curious. "Trust me," Piers began, setting his hand back beside him as he turned his gaze back to me, "If your classmate in Alola feels it, and I feel it, then Leon most certainly feels it as well." After our talk, Piers left the room, and I tried to get dressed in my clothes from yesterday when Marnie quickly stopped me. "Why are you gettin' back into your icky clothes?" She asked in disgust. "Well I didn't expect to stay the night, and these are the only clothes I brought." I explained, still in my underclothing as Marnie replied, "No, no. Let me get you somethin' fresh to wear!" She dug around in her closet, bringing out tattered jeans and legging, short cropped shorts, leather jackets studded with silver, pink, and even rainbow, tattered shirts, crop tops, and even dresses that she piled up on her bed. Once she was done, she dug through the clothes, bringing out a pair of gold studded, jeweled, blue jean shorts, a tattered pair of black leggings, a casual, gray, graphic design tank top that was loose in fit, and a gray, leather jacket with gold studs running across the back, and jewels down the pocket area with a zipper design. "There! I think this'll look lovely on you." She said, putting the clothes out in front of me for me to see. Not wanting to annoy her, or come off as picky, I swallowed my discomfort as I put the punk like outfit on. After putting on the outfit, Marnie placed me in front of the broken mirrored veranda, and began to take down my pigtails before running a brush through my long, white hair. "You're hair's pretty. I wonder why you choose to keep it put up?" "Well I used to help my mom make medicine, so I kept my hair pinned up and pulled back to keep from contaminating the yielded product, but eventually, I just liked how it looked when it was up so I kept it like that." "Well, I've got a style that'd look great with your outfit." She took my bangs, and added them in with a fish tail, dutch braid, and added only one of my gray hairbands at the bottom to keep the braid secured. "Aww, don't you look cute!" Marnie fawned as I blinked at the girl in the mirror. Was that really me? I ran my finger down the shattered mirror, feeling terrified of what I was doing, but feeling great that I had done it! "It's.... WOW!" Was all I could say in my shocked state, and Marnie turned me around to hand me a pair of black socks, and purple dyed, silver studded, leather platform boots that stopped mid calf. After quickly putting the shoes on, I stood up to show her the final result as she squealed delightedly, "You look fantastic! You're TRULY one o' us, now that I've Spikemuthified you." ""Spikemuthified"?" I repeated, confused as I tilted my head at her. "Yep! It's a new word that I pattoned an' everythin'." Marnie replied, slightly nodding her head. Taking me by the hand, she brought me downstairs as she exclaimed, "Big bro! Look at Lele!" Piers, who was busily preparing breakfast, glanced quickly over his shoulder before turning back to the food with a grin. "Look what you did! You've gone an' turned 'er into one o' us. It looks very nice on you, Lele." He said in an amused tone, making me giggle nervously as I replied "Thank you Piers." "I 'ear Gordie's in town today. Why don't you an' my lil' sis go an' visit a while? I'll call when breakfast is done, an', after all, it's a lovely mornin'." Piers suggested, keeping his eyes on some meat he was slicing. "Gordie?" I asked, looking at Marnie. "He's the Rock Type Leader up in Circhester. If Bede hadn't 'ave disqualified you, Gordie would be your third to last to beat before gettin' up to Wyndon!" She explained, pulling me toward the door before waving her brother a goodbye. Walking down the darkened street, Marnie began again, "I wonder why he's in Spikemuth. Last I remembered, our exhibition match ain't till next week!" "Exhibition match?" "It's a debut of sorts! We go up against each other to give an idea to other trainers what they're in for durin' the Gym Challenge next year!" "Oh, I see." I replied as we continued down the darkened street when the two women from yesterday approached us. "Oooooh, lookie what we got 'ere!" The second mused as they looked at me directly. "Miss sweet an' fruity got a taste of that Spikemuth life." The first teased, slapping me on the arm as she laughed. "Y-Yeah, I guess I did, hehe." I giggled nervously, rubbing where my arm stung slightly from the contact made. "You GUESS or you KNOW?" Marnie said with a smirk, and I could only look away in embarrassment as the first woman began, "You should feel glad! You're one o' the cool kids!" "Not everyone gets to roll with friends like us, y'know." the second boasted, and I replied nervously, "Y-You guys are really great to be around! I can't think of anything better than friends from Spikemuth." "Aww, 'ow sweet! Well, we gotta run now, but you two cuties 'ave yourselves a grand old time." "We will. Thank you!" and with that, the two women continued on by us, leaving only Marnie and I once more. We continued our way down the tiled path, my thoughts crossing through my mind as I observed the flickering neon signs over shops, and graffitied walls with postered ads around them when she asked, "Somethin' the matter?" "Hm? Oh, it's nothing..." I said, snapping from my trance, and, unconvinced, she led me to a bench for us to have a seat in before keeping her gaze patiently trained on me. Sighing, I admitted, "I-It's about the question you asked yesterday. About Bede?" "What 'bout it?" "Well..... I kinda got into it with him again because he led the Scientists to my location." "HUH?" Marnie asked, widening her eyes with shock as I continued, "Well he didn't directly TELL them I was here, but he made it obvious when I discovered that our match had been recorded, and everyone started calling me out- I didn't know what to do, and I felt betrayed! I called him a lying snake, and slapped him as hard as I could before he could say anything. I'm beginning to regret doing so.... WHY couldn't he have told me?!" Marnie looked away in thought, trying to find an excellent response as she replied slowly, "And you are right to. Bede may act the part of a high 'n mighty snob, but in truth, he's nothin' more 'an a lonely boy. If it weren't for Opal, he'd 'ave 'ad nothin'! No 'ome, no friends, no one to call family." "But EVERYONE has a mom and dad! How could he be lonely?" I asked, only half believing her. Marnie shook her head, and replied, "Not EVERYONE 'as a mum an' dad, Lele! Those that are fortunate are the ones who 'ave parents. Others 'ave only their older bro or sis to care for 'em, an', in cases like Bede, you got only the flesh on your body. See, durin' 'is Gym Challenge, an announcer was givin' Bede's biography; said clear as a Sableye's eye that Bede was by 'imself! It was the Chairman of Galar who took Bede under 'is wing, the mad sod, but then even the CHAIRMAN rejected Bede; left 'im in a dark state o' loneliness, jealousy, an' helplessness to the point it made 'im sick. Imagine tryin' to please the one who practically adopted you, an' make em' proud o' you, only to be roughly pushed away by 'em!" I tried to imagine a crumpled up, devastated Bede, but it broke my heart at the near thought! I had no idea Bede had it so poor, and that chairman reminded me so much of someone.... in fact, a COUPLE someones.... I looked down in guilt, but tried to mask it in annoyance as I asked, "Well if Miss Opal's such a kind woman, then WHY is Bede so afraid of her? WHY didn't he say it was a recorded match?!" "If you've sat down with Miss Opal for even a SEC, you'd be internally screamin' for someone to help dig you out. It's not 'er actions that terrify everyone, it's just Opal in general! She's got odd ideas, an' a very, for lack of better term, out o' the box personality. She's not afraid to put it 'ow it is, but she's very subtle 'bout certain wants or needs, an' if it ain't to snuff, she'll spit on it." "But that's silly! She seemed like a sweet old lady to me, sprightly even." "Only if she finds you to 'er standards! The first day you met Bede, was Opal with 'im?" "Yeah? He was being fawned over, and flattered by a group of fangirls while I watched from a wall." "Did you see Miss Opal say anythin' to Bede, or 'ear her say somethin' to 'im?" "Yes, and it made him look my way. I never felt like more of an idiot that day!" "An' you found yourself talkin' to Bede, obviously. So tell me, Lele, what was so special 'bout you that Miss Opal told Bede to go an' speak with you?" Marnie asked, and my blood ran cold as I kept eyes to the sidewalk, thinking of a suitable answer. "Out of all them swanky, pretty, normal girls he was talkin' to, what made Opal decide to tell 'im to get to know you?" She asked again, but not finding a suitable enough answer, I shrugged as I stupidly said, "You tell me! I asked myself that since after I was disqualified." "You wanna know?" "Sure! Lay it on me." Marnie leaned in close as she answered in a quiet voice, "It's because she saw somethin' in you; somethin' that was different. Somethin' that wasn't borin' or average, but new an' creative! She wouldn't 'ave even considered the thought if you were one of the common majority, but you're not! She feels that, in a way, YOU are EXACTLY what Bede needs in life." "But I don't NEED to be told who I can and can't love, Marnie." "Then you end up with someone like that creep, Miko: always seein' you as a prize, Only cares 'bout what makes 'em 'appy, will NEVER provide for, or take care o' you cuz they come first before you!" She said, and I could say nothing more to counter her words. "I've always gave second chances, as to not be taken advantage of, Marnie..." I said, drooping a bit as she responded, "But it's YOU who decides when enough chances 'ave been given. An' CLEARLY, if you still feel for 'im, you 'adn't given 'im enough chances to prove 'imself to you. Test 'im, and you may know what he's capable of, an' what still needs work cuz, let's be honest, not EVERYONE is machine perfect." At that moment her phone rang, and she quickly pulled it out to answer the call as Piers's voice said, "Hey, it's time for you two to come eat." "A'ight, on our way Piers!" She replied before hanging up, and placing her phone back into her jacket pocket. "Well, we outta get a move on or Piers'll get a heart attack." She joked, standing up to dust off her pink, jewel studded skirt. "M-Marnie? Do you REALLY feel I should give him a third chance?" I asked, looking up at her. She extended her hand out to help me up as she replied, ""A third times the charm" as a good chap said once, but it's entirely your choice. Shall we go?" "O-Of course!" I grabbed her wrist, and she helped me to my feet as I considered her words deeply. "Oh, an' feel free to ask me or Piers for advice anytime! It may not be good, but it's decent enough." She offered, spinning on her heel before continuing ahead of me. "Th-Thank you!" I replied, running to catch up with her, thinking of what I'm going to do first when I get back to Hop's house.

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