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After our berry bonding, Jedediah and I have been getting along a little better. No longer does he glare at me across the dinner table, which started out unsettling, and I had to get used to it.

My horse bite was nearly healed, and every night Jedediah and I would sit in the bathroom, me on the rug, him on the side of the tub, and replace the bandages. We liked to sit in silence during these procedures.

It was Friday again, and tonight we were free to do whatever we wanted, as long as no one got hurt. I couldn't guarantee anything, and bounced off into the woods to explore.

I'm not sure what made me think it would be a good idea to explore in the woods at night at an unfamiliar ranch.

I got lost.

Soon enough, I was wandering in every direction, squinting to see if I could spot a light or something to tell me where I was. Nothing.

I ended up farther from the ranch, actually, and decided to sit down under some pine trees that sprouted up everywhere. The needles were pretty cushiony, and I decided I'd wait until someone rescued me.

It wasn't long until I heard someone, and I sighed in relief.

"Jedediah? Is that you?" I called out, waiting for a response. I never got one.

Instead, the figure got closer until I could make out who it was. Or what it was.

I gasped in excitement.

"Puppy!" I squealed, moving to sit on my legs and pat them.

"C'mere boy, c'mere! It's okay... I'm not gonna hurt you," I coaxed, and saw the dog wag its tail.

"That's it! Good boyyy, c'mon now," I spoke sweetly, holding out my hand for the dog to sniff. It stepped closer and sniffed my hand, taking in the smells that lingered there.

I moved slowly and sat criss-cross applesauce, patting my lap. I praised the dog when it jumped in my lap, licking at my face and rolling around, leaving hair on my pants.

"Aw, I've always wanted a pet..." I say, stroking the soft fur of the animal. In the dark, I couldn't tell what it looked like, but it felt like a German Shepherd mix, the signs being a bushy tail and erect ears. It was pretty big as well, and reminded me of a husky my grandparents owned before it passed from old age.

I sat there against a pine tree, the dog falling asleep in my lap, until I fell asleep too.

"Get up, you dumbass," someone whisper-yelled at me, shaking me awake.

I groaned, flipping over.

"Five more minutes..." I mumbled, pushing away the hand shaking me.

"Get. Up."

I knew that voice now, and it belonged to a very angry young man.


"What?" I heard him question, then he went back to roughly shaking me. "I've been looking all night for you, c'mon, we need to make sure your bite isn't infected."

I snap awake, the realization hitting me.

"Ahhh, I was wondering why my air mattress was poking me." I say groggily, sitting up and stretching.

Jedediah rolled his eyes and stood up, hooking his thumbs in his belt and looking down at me.

I got up shakily, my legs numb and my main support being the pine tree I fell asleep against.

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