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Our prize for finding the last clue was a trip to town.

Jocelyn, Fred, and I were very excited, and the next morning, we had showered and were looking nice and fresh for our visit.

The only catch is that we'd be riding there.

I had to weigh the pros and cons before stepping into the stirrup again, but decided a trip to the town was more important than my disagreement with Whinny or whatever the thing's name was.

As we trotted along the countryside, Jocelyn and Frederick chattering excitedly in front of Jed and I, I noticed Jed's brother following us.

"Since when did he get here?" I blurted.

Jed looked back, a look of disgust crossing his face when he saw his brother.

"Beats me."

I figured he probably didn't want to talk about his brother, and changed the subject to something he would want to talk about.

"What's your horse's name?"

His demeanor brightened suddenly, and he rambled on about the beast. "His name is Prince, see his canter? He always walks so proudly," he beamed, patting the animal's mane. "That's what made me give him a sort of royalty name. I mean, doesn't he look like loyalty?"

I nodded, simultaneously jerking my horse's reins to the right so it would stop trying to run off into a nonexistent sunset.

"Prince has always been..." Jedediah droned on about his favorite companion, encompassing me in his memorable stories.

We reached the town within an hour. I was amazed by the excitement I felt when seeing other living beings again after being stuck in an outcasted ranch for so many days.

Mr. Rickler, our guide to the town, let us free when we finished unsaddling the horses so they could roam free in a well-known friend of Mr. Rickler's yard.

I took off as soon as he released us, dragging Jed along with me. I heard him chuckle behind me as we raced along the small town, Max keeping up beside us.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, breathlessly looking through a shop window. "Let's go in there!"

We entered the small store, a bell chiming above us to signal our entry. I darted around in amazement to see all the knick-knacks the old store had to offer, and examined some pretty glass beads that were marked down at the back of the store.

I got bored quickly, moving on to the next store. A clothing store. That was even more boring, but I was interested in something particular there. The mirror.

At the ranch, we took such quick showers to accommodate everyone to fit one in, we never got much time to look at ourselves. I reached up to comb my hand through my silky golden hair. It shone more than ever, and seemed to be wilder than before. It was now unruly and longer, displaying how long I'd been without a haircut. It almost grew in a mullet, except for the side bangs that covered my ears. I tucked it behind my ears, making it look neater, and hurried Jedediah out before feeling any remorse about how long I'd spent at the ranch.

A cute cafe drew my attention long enough to make me stay and eat a crispy croissant for brunch. Jedediah insisted I get more to eat, so I grumbled as he bought some strawberries and a chocolate bar for later.

We left the cafe and found Max waiting like the best boy he was, then stopped at a petstore next, where he was invited in and fussed over. The owner was ecstatic to see a real coyote, and made sure to spoil him with kisses and free treats. She also led him to the water bowl always on hand, and he was forever grateful.

I smiled at her kind gestures, and made sure to buy a few things to compensate for her good deeds.

We left with a shopping bag this time, Max nosing at it curiously.

"Wait til later, okay buddy?" I ordered, patting his fuzzy head.

By the time we got it back to the ranch, everyone was exhausted and had at least three shopping bags. Even Mr. Rickler.

I passed out as soon as I made it to my cot, Max snuggling up beside me. Snoring from Frederick kept me up later than I would've liked, but I soon fell into a deep slumber.

Until Jedediah woke me up.

It was around five in the morning, and I was shaken awake like usual.

"Psst, Elijah, get up," Jed whispered, tickling my ear. I groaned softly, but rubbed my eyes and woozily got up.

He led me to the back door, quietly creaking it open and guiding me through. I felt Max brush past me and dash off to run around the yard.

He carefully closed the door behind us, and led me off the porch, pointing up at the sky. I slowly blinked and tried to absorb what I was seeing.

A range of colors, from deep red to a vivid violet, then a scarlet orange and coral pink covered the sky, gorgeous hues painted perfectly together.

I stood there, speechless, staring at the heavenly miracle for what felt like forever. Frozen in time.

Speaking of frozen, I was fucking freezing. I scooted closer to Jedediah, touching our shoulders together, in desperate need of any extra warmth. I wasn't fully awake yet either, and didn't care what he thought. He felt me shiver, and seemed to remember how easily I got cold. His warm and strong arms wrapped around me, embracing me into his furnace of a chest, and I felt a fiery blaze start in my heart. He pulled me closer into him, letting me melt against him. I was taken aback by our height difference when I felt his chin brush the top of my head, but went back to admiring the sky. He smelled clean and slightly earthy at the same time, which matched him.

I had a feeling I liked him a whole lot more than I expected. 

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