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As our 'vacation' was nearing to an end, we got the last four days to do whatever we pleased. This was most likely because Mrs. Rickler ran out of ideas for what to do.

Max and I headed out into the 'flower field' I called it, an open weed range wildflowers thrived madly in.

The clip-clop of hooves alarmed us of Jedediah's presence as he rode over with Prince to join us in weaving the flowers into crowns.

"My older sister taught me how to do this," I happily explained, loving the feel of working the tangled weeds into art.

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, we didn't spend much time together," I confessed, braiding the flowers into one another with delicate ease. "She was much older and moved out as soon as she got the chance."

Jedediah nodded in response, clumsily piecing together his own crown.

I lay mine atop my head, proud it turned out so well.

"Watcha think, peasant?" I ask, grinning with satisfaction.

He glances over from his sloppy attempt, looking defeated when he sees how nice mine is. I smile softly, taking his and fixing it.

"There, all good," I declare, handing it back. His eyes light up and he places it gently on his messy waves.

"Now we're all royalty. Mr. Max over there is more supreme than a regular dog, Prince is literally named Prince, and we're wearing crowns!" He exclaims, looking over at me giddily. He's too fucking adorable.

I raised my arm back as far as I could, then launched the ball. Two furry blurs zoomed after it, colliding into one another when they reached it. Missy was triumphant, and won the rubber ball after they wrestled together. She trotted up to Jedediah and I, tail raised in victory and a happy expression covering her lovable face.

"That's my girl," Jedediah praised, reaching down to get the slobbery toy from her jaws.

His biceps flexed as he reached back to throw the ball, drawing my eyes in. The ball flew almost twice as far as my throw, making me scowl. Whatever.

"You excited to go back home?" Jed asked, hands on his hips as he watched the canines play, reminding me of a proud parent.

"Not at all." I spat, pouting about it.

Jedediah turned towards me, about to say something, but I interrupted.

"Your branch-attack is healed!" I exclaimed, closing the distance between us and running my finger along the faint line that remained. Jedediah flinched, inhaling sharply before he locked his eyes on mine.

"Elij- Don't do that," he threatened.

I was taken aback, crossing my arms and scrunching my eyebrows together. "Why not, Jedediah?" I taunted, reaching up to touch it again.

I really should stop pushing his buttons.

Lightning quick, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into him. My body lit up, fiery sensations burning me everywhere we were connected. I felt his muscular build against my thin one. I felt blood rushing to my lower half. I felt his fingers hook my chin, lifting it up delicately. I felt his other hand against the back of my neck, pulling me closer ever so slightly.

Then, I felt his lips against mine.

Fireworks exploded inside me, and I leaned into his soft lips, placing my hands on his chest. I moaned from the sensation, making him hungrily kiss me again, rougher this time. We slotted together like a puzzle piece, moving our mouths in a rhythm we could only understand.

When I pulled away, gulping heavily for air, I looked up at him passionately, then grabbed his neck and pulled him back in. His hands slid to my waist, finding leverage there. He tenderly bites my bottom lip, making me moan, giving his tongue entrance to my mouth. I shiver from how good he feels against me, kissing me with strong desire.

The second time we separate, reasoning returns.

"Fuck. You're leaving in three days."

My head falls to his shoulder. "Yeah."

"Fuck it. Let's make them your best three days." 

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