{Helpful, Worried and Kind Fredbear}

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Springbonnie POV: After I put the kids to bed, I realized that I almost forgot to take off my own clothes and make-up. I walked to my dressing room and took my purple bow out of my hair. I opened my wipes for my make-up and started to wipe it off. Fredbear POV: I wanted to check on the kids, but Spring already checked up on them. I heard her leave their room in her high heels. So, I went where the noise was. "Spring? You in here?" I asked. "Yes dear, I'm in here, you can come in if you want."She called out. Springbonnie POV: As I called to Fredbear, I heard him walk slowly into my dressing room. "What are you doing, Spring?" He said. "I'm wiping my make-up off." I said. "Oh, well do you need any help?" he said. I turned around in my chair and looked at him dead in the eye. "What help are you implying?" I asked, wondering if he was asking to take my performance outfit off. "Well, you're worrying about your make-up. So, do you want me to do anything else?" He asked. I smiled, a nice smile. "You can help me with my heels if you want, or you can take my overalls off." I said. Fredbear POV: Wait, aren't her overalls connected to her shirt? "Spring, aren't your overalls connected with your shirt?" I asked, concerned. "Uh, no, no actually they aren't." She said. She also turned back in her chair so that she was looking at herself in the mirror. "I thought you asked to help me." She said. "I did, what do you mean?"I asked, confused. "Well, you are just standing there, I can see you in the mirror." She said. "Okay, okay I'm coming."I said walking over to her. I bent over near her leg and moved my hands up her heels. I stuck my fingers into her heels and pulled them off slowly, not wanting to mess up her "make-up removing." I did the same with the other heel, and stood up after I did. "Where do you want me to put these?"I asked. "You can put them in front of my wardrobe." She said. I walked over to her wardrobe and put her heels on the ground in front of it. "So, do you want me to take off your overalls or not?" I asked, sharply. "I mean, half of me was kidding and the other half was being serious so that's your choice." She said. "Okay,I can do that I guess-" I was cut off by her. "Wait! No, don't. I just remembered that my overalls are connected to my skirt." She said. Wow, she almost didn't dodge that bullet. Springbonnie POV: My head was crazy after I said that. I was worrying that he would find me weird, or something else. Luckily, he didn't. Instead, he walked over to me. "Hey, Spring. I'm going over to my dressing room to change too, okay?" He said. "Okay." I said. After I finished wiping my make-up off, I decided that I would wear one of Fredbear's hoodie's. It's not like he would care anyway, right? I'm sure he wouldn't. The hoodie was very big on me since Fredbear was so tall, so I didn't wear any pants with it. Hopefully I didn't need to. I headed out of my dressing room, and went straight to our room to go to bed. Fredbear POV: I am pretty shocked at what Spring said. I think it was an accident, so I was trying to forget about it and put it behind me. I took my tuxedo off and pants also. I walked over to my wardrobe and put them in, with the other thousand tuxedo's and matching pants. Then, I took my flannel pants and put them on. I decided that I would put a short sleeved shirt on because it isn't very cold in our room.However, Spring thinks that it's freezing in there every night. I walked to our room to see Spring already in bed, that was usual. However, something that wasn't usual was that she wasn't sleeping. She is usually already sleeping when I walk into our room. I went up to her and crouched down to her eye level. "Spring? Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I feel bad that I said that to you." She said, sounding very upset. "Hey, don't stress yourself out by that. I could tell that what you said was an accident." I said, trying to calm her down. "I know, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." She said. "I forgive you." I said, walking over to my side of the bed. "Goodnight, Fredbear." She said. "Goodnight, Spring." I said before we both drifted off to sleep.

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