Chapter Ten

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It had been a couple of days after Christmas and New Years Eve was in a few days. Katy wasn't doing the greatest and she hadn't been out of her house since Christmas Eve. Luke was coming over to see her but she refused to go anywhere with him. All she really wanted to to was be alone she felt like everyone was juding her all of the time. Just then there was a nock on her bedroom window. It was Luke. She walked over to the window and let him in. "Hey Babe." Katy said to him. "Hi." Luke replied to her.

"Can you come out for a little while?" He asked her. "If its just you and I yes." Katy told him. "Why would I want anyone else with me but you tonight?" He asked her. "Oh yes, our 6 month Annivirsary is today." Katy said as he reached in for a hug. "I just need to get dressed okay." She explained to him. "Anything you wear is beautiful Babygirl." He said to her. "I'll just leave you to it then." He said to her.

She opened up her closet and began to look for an outfit to wear. She decied on a black dress with purple heels. She went into her bathroom poped a diet pill in her mouth and then drank a glass of water from the sink. She put on a little bit of makeup on and then gazed at herself in the mirror. She began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. She sat down on the floor for a moment and then Luke nocked on the bathroom door. "Ready to go?" He asked her. "Yes, just a second she told him as she splashed her face with some cold water.

"WOW!" Lucas said as Katy walked out of the bathroom door. "Thanks." Katy told him. "So I have a really nice evening planed for us." He explained to her. "Our favorite reastraunt, a walk in the park." He said to her. "That sounds amazing but I told you that I didn't want to go anywhere." katy told him "I know you said that but it's our six month annivirsary and I want you to come with me and have some fun for a little while." He said to her. "okay fine let's go." She said to him. "Besides you probably havent eaten today." He said to her. "Well i'm ready to go Babe." She told him as she ignored his comment.


"Are you sure that all you want is just a salad?" Luke asked her. "Yes." Katy replied to him. "Like you don't even want a griiled chicken breast with a side of rice or buttered veggies?" He asked her. "Okay fine, you talked me into it." She said blushingly to him as they were looking over the menu on his phone. They decided to get take out and eat dinner on a picnic bench together. "The food should be done in a half an hour." "Is that okay he asked her. "Yes that's fine thank you." Katy told him. "Since were athe the park why don't we go for a run or a walk or something." She asked him. "It's our day Babygirl how about we just relax here in the car and wait for the food." He told her. "Besides my point its too cold today anyways why don't we just stay in here and warm up." He said.

Katy didn't answer him she just tapped her feet anxiously. "Babygirl you work so hard on your body and i'm proud of you but I also think you should rest yourself." Luke explained as he began to kiss her lips. She kissed him back harder than words could say and she fellt like in that moment that she was going to be okay. He placed his hands around her hips and they began to rock each other as she pulled his drivers seat down. It was dark out and no one else was around. She unbuttoned his pants and he unzipped her dress. Now they were getting more and more into it and he started to kiss her neck and she kissed his chest. She began to let out a moan and he started to go down on her some more and she was enjoying every minuete of it. They began to switch up their positions now and he whispered softly in her ear, "Figure out how you wanna finish this." Her heart was beating so fast and she kissed him hard. He began to moan, and she said "I wanna hear you say my name Babe." "KATY YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANNA DO!" He said breathlessley. "Good I just wanted to hear you say it." He told her. She began to go down on him and she could feel his heart beating. She removed his boxers and began to do what she knew he liked best. That was always her finishing move and he loved every minuete of it and so did she.

"Well that was really, really good sex," Luke said brethlessly as they were finishing up eating dinner together. "Yeah it was, she said as her legs were still shaking from everything they had just done to each other. "You almost ready to go?" He asked her. "Yeah just a second, excuse me." Katy said to Luke as she got up from the table. She felt so gross and hated herself for eating so she knew what she needed to do to feel better. She locked the bathroom stall door behind herself and knelt down by a the toilet seat and proceded to purge her dinner. It didn't take long and after that she put in a stick of pepermint gum flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

As she was walking back to the car she was starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded and her throat burned. She managed to push through it and get back to the car. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes. "Feeling okay Babygirl? Luke asked her. "Yeah, i'm f-f-fine." She lied. "I'm gonna take you home okay." Luke told her as he began to drive home. She just nodded her head at him as he drove.

He was now starting to get more concerned about her and he knew he had to do something to get her help. Katy was slowly killing herself and he just couldn't let her do it to herself anymore. He needed to get her some help and he had a feeling that it would be happening verry soon.

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