Mr. Monet

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I can hear Tate and his minions trailing after me like some desperate swines, muttering my name in their so clearly put on chad voice. I just want this day to be over, for them to be out of my way, i pray.

Like an angel answering my prayers, my gay best friend, Duke Hudson pulls up beside me in his all white car, and his gleaming, blond hair. "beep beep bitch, hop in!" I smile at him, as he just saved me from literal torture. The gang of wannabe chads are now hovering at the side of Dukes door, and Tate is leaning on it. "text me later then, Candice," he says, in a manipulative tone, I roll my eyes in response. "Woah, first of all, take your dirty, yellow hands and unwashed football jacket off my brand new car," Duke threatens as he waves his brand newly pedicured pointer finger in Tates face. He tries to bark back but Duke interrupts him. "Now take your pack of betas and stop hovering around my bestie, you fat, donkey looking whores," A smile cracks on my face, but i look down to hide it. The footballer's expressions loosen, their anger beginning to flood through. "Please, and thank you bitches," Duke blows a kiss before speeding off, towards school. Tate almost falls to his feet, and one of his chads throw a can at the cars bumper. "little fuckers," i say before bursting out into laughter with Duke.

We pull up to school, with minutes to spare, and say our goodbyes, before heading to first period. Maths, with Mr. Thompson.. omg. Everyone says he's a pedo and literally nobody likes him. This day is going to be horrific. "Good morning, class!" Mr. Thompson exclaims, "i've made a new seating plan for the new year to come!" thank god. Last year i was sat next to Alex, the snotty nosed nerd. Maybe this year won't be so bad..

"and that means, Candice you're sat at the back next to.." the door bursts open, creating a deafening BANG, leading everyone's head to turn with haste. "Ah! Speak of the devil! Please take your seat, at the back, mister Monet," You've GOT to be kidding me..

I keep my head facing forwards, not wanting to look upon his smug, yet charming face. I could feel his gaze upon me, but i refused to even acknowledge him. "Candice, talk to me," he sounds desperate. I turn my head towards him, preparing to be insulted, embarrassed, or just plain annoyed. His stupid face just stared at me. I waited for him to speak but instead, he just smiled. He knew just how to get on my nerves. "what?" I say trying to sound unbothered. "you know what," he replies. This French bastard is starting to piss me off. He continues, still with his smug expression wiped across his face. "I want you to come to tonight's party," he offers. I roll my eyes and turn back around, assuming it's just another trap, to try and embarrass me. "i'm serious," Tate says, making me somewhat believe him. I contemplate for a moment, before responding, "If Bri is going, then i'll consider it.. but think yourself lucky, Tate,"
Another cheesy smile spreads across his face, which aggravated me even more. I had to turn around before i ended up reaching over and ripping his perfect hair off of his big fat head.

The bell rang for the finish to school. I got through the day.. barely. Duke said that he couldn't give me a ride, since he has gone to hook up with another douchey guy. So, i have to walk. I should be fine though, since it's only a 25 minute walk..
I began to walk home, with the weeknd playing through my earphones. Until i heard chad voices and slag voices behind me, approaching closer and closer. I tried to speed up, to avoid confrontation, but then i feel a tap on my shoulder. "Candice?"

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