The Slumber

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I squint my eyes due to the sudden brightness. I sit back up straight from my slouched slumber. I gently rub my eyes to clear the cloudy glaze that blurs my vision.
'Where-where are we?' I croak whilst adjusting to my surroundings.
'My mum called and told me to come straight to yours instead of staying out any longer in this storm' he informs me
'Oh' is all i mange, as im still coming round from my disturbed sleep. From what i can tell we are parked on my drive way.

'C'mon then' he says opening his car door. I groan at the sudden need of effort. I roll my eyes and climb out of the car and run to the front porch as fast as i can. The rain feels like ice as it hits my warm skin.

Tate impatiently hammers on the front door without a care. I swat his arm to stop his rude, inconsiderate gesture. I hear my poor mum rushing to unlock the door from the inside. She probably thinks its some mad man banging on the door.Well i mean she wouldn't be wrong

She opens the door clearly flustered from the sudden demand. She looks up to see Tate and i wet from the rain storm. Worry and happiness take over her face at the same time
'Oh my god!' She exclaims with her voice full of care and concern 'come on in quick!' She says with one of her arms pulling me in with Tate following after, and the other holding the door open.

'You too need to change!' She says 'cant be having you two this cold and wrecked. Poor guys.' She turns to look at Tate 'Tate your mums just in the kitchen and your dads on his way now. I think your mum said he needed to change after being soaked from the storm at work. I can ask your mum to check if your dads been home yet or not to see if he can bring you a spare change of clothes?' She has hope in her soft eyes to try ease Tate from his sudden outburst of anger outside.
He just nods.

'Candy' my mum says. I can feel Tate's glare on me. That will be because my mum called me candy. Only people i like and love can call me candy, like my mum and Bri. Not Tate. 'I've sorted you some comfy clothes out in your room. They are led on your bed ready for you' she smiles and hugs me. Im not as wet as Tate, surprisingly.
'Tate dear, if you need to use the bathroom to sort your hair out or what not whilst i get your mum to phone your dad, your welcome to' she smiles. We both return the smile mine more meaning full than Tate's distant one.

My mum gives us both a sympathetic smile before disappearing through the door to living room. I kick my Jordan's off in a huff put my keys on the side table in the hall way. I trow my handbag down onto the floor and i take my phone out my pocket. Great its dead. Ughhhh.

I head up the stairs without a word. He doesn't seem to follow . THANK GOD. I reach the landing and turn towards my bedroom. Still no sound of him. I don't think he's moved at all. I sigh as i walk into my room. I give my door a gentle push and walk over to my bed. My mum has me ready a plain black crop tank top and my black and white lounge shorts. She knows me too well.

I ask Alexa to play 'Night Drive' by HENRY. This song is one of my faves at the moment omg. I walk over to my dresser and grab some hair clips. I take my hair bobble out and flip my head forwards before twisting it into a messy bun. I put the few clips in to keep it some what secure. If you think i was gonna brush my hair whilst its half wet/half dry then your insane. I wasn't going to put my self through that pain.

I look in the mirror and to my surprise my makeup hasn't smudged too badly. I re-apply my mascara and walk over to my bed. I bend down to pull out one of the trick draws from the lower side of my bed. I grab clean underwear and stand back up

I walk over to the foot of my bed. I pull my crop top off over my head. Surprisingly its almost all dry. I throw my clean top on. I walk over to the opposite corner of my room and throw my worn top into my laundry basket. I walk back over to my bed and go to put my shorts on. As i go to unbutton me cargos i hear a gasp covered by a cough. Oh god. I see that my door is half open and Tate stood about a foot back staring right at me. I cant tell what he's thinking. All i know is that his lips are slightly parted and he's stood dead still. His eyes are soft but look wide awake. He cant of seen me change my top..can he?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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