Party monsters

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I take an earphone out and make it clear that i am obviously annoyed that i have been interrupted during one of my fave weeknd songs 'party monster'.

I turn to see a slut faced whore staring at me with a conniving smirk on her face. I have no idea how this is going to go..

'So are you going to come to Tate's house party tonight' she turns towards Tate whilst twirling her hair with big doe eyes. Ew. Tate's staring at the ground with a blank expression. What is up with him?

'Do you think she should come Tate ?' She asks in a sly way. I already hate this girl and I've only known her 5minutes.
Tates head snaps up and his eyes look lost and harsh not like their usual gentle nature.
'Yeah she can if she wants, but she wont be missed if she doesn't.' He says distantly obviously discomfortable as he's cracking his knuckles.
'Oh come on Tate don't you think it would be fun having her at a house party, thered be so many temptations for her, no doubt she'll blow and make a fool of her self' she laughs, and so do the other chads and sluts but Tates glare remains on me. His harsh green eyes try dive into mine with his perfectly straight eyebrows slightly crossed. I stare confused and still annoyed that I've been interrupted

'Yeahhh no i don't think ill be able to join ur guys pity party, i think id rather go cut my eyes out than have to face all you for hours on end,' i smile sarcastically and go to resume my music

I hear them all call me stupid names but its not worth my time fighting back. It's getting old and boring, i turn the corner without looking back and i head straight home.

When i get in i head straight up and I face time Duke. I tell him that my day was exactly how i expected it to go like. Absolutely shit. I tell him about maths and that we got chemistry homework on the first day back. I told him that the best part of my day was break and lunch where i sat in the shade under some trees to read my book and played Chase Atlantic and the Weeknd. I tell him that i didn't find myself in too much trouble with the likes of Tate and his mates until after school. Duke apologies multiple times for not being there for me but i just laugh and play it off. We say bye bye for the night and i play my playlist on my Alexa

I chill along with my fave songs and i decide im most definitely not going to the house party to save myself the trouble, i call Bri to tell her im not gonna bother and she said she doesn't feel any better from this morning and that shes not up for it anyways.

I head to the bathroom and get in the shower. I pin my hair back and have a wash about 5 times. I feel filthy just but talking to those sluts. I hate them so much you don't understand.
I get out and throw my shorts and tank top on from Victoria Secret. I put my fave perfume on and I remove my make up and do my skin care.

I put my gold studs  in and i slide my slippers on before heading downstairs. My mums in the kitchen with a garlic bread fresh out the oven ready for me and her. She knows these are my fave. We sit and chat and i tell her how annoying my day was and i tell her i don't want to go to the house party. She seems a bit disappointed but understands from the responses i got from the slutty girls. She tells me that we will have to make up for it during the week by inviting Gemma -Tate's mum-round for tea.

We finish off our tea and chat and i head back up to my room. I sit on my bed and go on my laptop to do my chemistry homework. Im not happy at all that Tate and his parents have to come here for tea but i cant exactly tell my mum she can't invite her best friend round for tea. Ive got it sorted though. Ill be down just for tea and i will eat as quickly and as quietly as possible and then i will be straight up stairs to avoid any and all contact with Tate.

I wish Tate was more like his mum. She is so kind and loving and her husband Troy is funny and such a family guy.. then theres Tate . A mean sarcastic rude guy with no self respect.

Another annoying thing about Tate is that he says he's french when he's only 1/3 and thats from his granddad who lives in a different state. He thinks he has everyone fooled but if he was fully french then he would be much better looking than he is.

I've finished my chemistry homework and i walk onto the landing to look out the window to two doors down to see what the party's going like.

The front garden is littered with red cups and theres groups of girls with mini skirts on and the tiniest crop-tops, clearly craving male attention. It makes me sad it really does. I walk back into my bedroom with the dreadful frat music creeping in. I look out my bedroom window into the back garden to Tates house to see him on his own tossing his basketball into its hoop, near the pool. I stand there for a good 10minutes hoping to catch him fall in the pool or at least for the ball the fall in but i have no luck so i return downstairs into the living room.

me and my mum continue the series we are watching which is the vampire diaries, this is our 4th time watching it together and we are almost on season 8 again. I think my mum likes it more than me.

I tell her I'm going to go to bed and that i can catch up with what i miss tomorrow. I give a kiss night night and i head up stairs and turn my LED's  onto low, i close my blinds and climb into bed. This day has been exhausting. With out a surprise I'm flat out within minutes

I wake up to multiple pecks on my window. What the hell is that. I climb out of bed and stammer over to my front window and open my blinds in my half zombie state. Its Tate. Throwing stones at my window ?

I open my window 'What do you want Tate?' I shout my voice croaky from my disturbed sleep.
'I want..i want you- to come down here' he stutters with his eyes half closed and a smile on his face.
'Your drunk Tate, go back home please' i shout back slamming my window shut and closing my blinds. I rub my eyes and climb back into bed and fall back to sleep.

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