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It wasn't hard for me to fall back into a deep slumber after that. I could still hear small pecks at the window, but i chose to ignore it, avoiding any conflict with a drunken idiot. The pecks soon faded, and before i knew, my alarm was flooding my ears.

I should make an effort today. I throw on some black cargo pants and a cute white cropped top with 'angel' printed on it in red. Then i spot some blush around my cheeks, brush my brows and add some light mascara, before throwing my hair into a semi-tight pony tail. Then i hurry downstairs.

I see my smoothie and granola, pristine, on the island counter. Before digging in, my mother enters the kitchen, a sad expression wiped across her face. 'Candice?' she questions. She sounds downhearted. 'yes, mum?' i await her response, in curiosity. She approaches the island, hesitantly. 'Gemma said that the only day she can make the family tea is tonight.. i know that you were going to Bri's, right? If you want me to, i'll call it off,' for gods sake. This tea is the only chance for me to make it up to Gemma, and my mum will be disappointed if i don't at least make an effort to come to it. 'Mum don't worry, i'll tell Bri to reschedule,' i smile, and one is returned by her. Me and Bri were supposed to be hanging out after school at her place, to catch up on some school projects, but i guess it'll have to be postponed.

After wolfing down my food like an unfed lion, i began to shove my jordans onto my feet. I just know that today is gonna be another boring repeat of yesterday. 'honey, someone's outside for you," what? Oh, it'll be Duke. I hurry putting on my shoes and hear two loud honks of the car horn. 'I'm coming!' i holler. I say bye to my mum before rushing out of the door. I scramble my keys while trying to lock the front door.'hold on, Duke' i say still scrambling. 'Oh, is that my new name now?'

I turn around to see Tate grinning uncontrollably, in his all black convertible, with blackout shades covering his eyes and cringey rock music blasting through his speakers. 'what are you doing here?' i say, staring at his half drunken face, yet still perfect hair. 'what do you think, i'm giving you a ride,' he waits before saying, 'get in then'. Is this boy crazy? He thinks i want to turn up to school with him? 'I would rather gouge my eyes out with spoons, thanks,' I say while making my way down the isolated neighbourhood. He drives slowly after me, keeping at my pace. 'don't be like that,' Tate hesitates, 'Candy' he jokingly mocks. I stop dead in my tracks. Tate used to always call me Candy, short for Candice, as a way to irritate me. 'i told you not to call me that,' His dark hair blows slightly in the wind, as another smile spreads from ear to ear. 'just this once..' he persuades as he unlocks the car door. It's quite windy out and the clouds look full with rain. So i hop in.

We drive down the road, Tate picks up the pace. 'You shouldn't be driving, you were literally black out drunk last night'. I say. he turns the music down a little before replying. 'how do you know? You didn't even come to the party' he interrogates me. 'you were outside my window, throwing pebbles,' i cover my laugh, 'the big and tough Tate Monet that I know would never do that,' I expect him to be embarrassed, but instead, he keeps looking forward and replies calmly, 'well then,' he hesitates 'you don't know me'
We begin to approach the school. Tate takes a turn and turns up the rock music again. 'School is right there what are you doing?' i question, becoming uneasy. He stays silent, eyes glued on the road. 'HEY' I shout, my voice piercing through the music. He turns his head, smiles devilishly, and parts his lips before answering. 'we're skipping school'.

I stare at him, blankly, my emotions overflowing with confusion, frustration, and hatred. Why does he want to skip school? And why with me? Where are his chad mates? 'You can't be serious' i say in awe. He smiles, making my blood boil even further, 'oh i am' he says. I cant deal. 'stop the car' i demand. He ignores me. 'Tate,' i cant hold my anger back, 'stop the fucking car'. He comes to a harsh stop, forcing us forward, and making the tires create a screeching noise. He turns to look at me, 'You're overreacting,' i ignore him, scrambling to find my phone. he lets out a huge sigh, like a stroppy toddler, as i climb out of the car and slam the door shut. His overconfidence irritates me. I can feel his eyes glued on me as i walk further and further away, until he finally breaks the silence inbetween my footsteps 'I knew you were always a boring little goody two shoes'.

I turn around to see him forcing back a smile. I can't give in to his little games. I should just ignore him and get on with my day. He's just not worth my time or effort. He is just a self centred dick. I check my phone. 9:00 AM. I'm already late for school anyway. Is there any point in turning up late? I stop in the middle of my path. I walk over to Tate's car, then break a question. 'What are we doing then?' I open the door and sit on the leather car seat. 'Just catching up, ya know? We've grown distant'. He replies, starting up his car again. I let out a small sigh.We set off down the road, a slight breeze blowing through our hair. Highway to hell blasting in our ears. I was actually excited. Excited to spend time with Tate.

'You know, this doesn't mean that i'm just another one of your hoes,' I say, with a hint of sarcasm. He grins, 'of course not, Candy,' I begin to slightly smile uncontrollably.
Did i just smile at Tate Monet?

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