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Now we are in the office reading the case file of the missing girl.

ME: Now I will summarize the case.

Missing child: Girl

Age: 10

Missing from xxx mall, while playing in children's park. Checked CCTV, and found that a man of middle aged was with the kid and he was holding her, but after that we don't know where he is.

Abhi: doesn't this look a bit mysterious.

Deepak: yah, but I don't think for her, and I think she already found where she is, isn't it?

Me: wait, how did you know that?

Deepak: do not forget that I am your brother.

Abhi: yah, you are amazing observer, now stop the suspense and tell us where is the girl?

me: ok, the thing is the CCTV has been hacked and I have hacked it again and found out that the girl child is now in abandoned house near the mall and investigator, go there and arrest him and I think there is no need of confession since we have caught him red handed

Investigator: yes ma'am , and your uncle was right by choosing you.

I already teared up, with in all these days of busy, I already miss him.

Me: Thank you.

And they went to arrest him.

Abhi: are you alright, and I can say that.

Me: no I am fine.

Deepak: since you are fine, let me ask you something?

me: yah sure.

Deepak: are you by chance afraid of needles?

Me: no never, never in my life, I am brave girl.

Deepak: so brave girl, let us go for a blood test

Me: sure.

Abhi : why short answer?

Me: nothing, I am really not afraid of needles. promise.

Abhi: then you can continue doctor.

Deepak: ok here we go.

He went and brought a fresh syringe to draw blood. He came near me and got ready to draw the blood from the vein.

Deepak: no sister, look to your husband, I prefer you not looking into it.

Me: no I really want to see it.

Abhi: why are you so adamant , cant you listen to him.

Me: why dont you look into it.

Deepak: stop this and I am starting.

me: ok

He slightly inserted the syringe. it really felt and was painful.

Me: ahhh.

Deepak: shhh. relax... it is over.

Abhi: I already told you not to look and see now.

me: oh is it because of me looking into it that brought pain to me.

Abhi: she is indeed you sister, with full of logic.

Deepak: definitely she is. And after the result you will see more of the brother sister relationship.

Me: doesn't that sound like a threatening.

Abhi: dont worry he know how to handle you.

Me: wow.





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