Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 66

Wang Ying has never lived in the countryside for a long time in her last life. The biggest impression of the countryside is that she is a colleague. Her parents don't want to live in the city or are still an old housekeeper. From time to time, she send all kinds of agricultural products to her daughter. So this colleague often gives them green wheat during the wheat harvest season.

The so-called green wheat is that the wheat has not yet turned yellow, but the wheat kernels are fresh and tender enough to eat directly. Every year, between more than half a month and a month before the wheat harvest, the cyan wheat kernels emits the fragrance of the grain itself. The little nurses who lose weight all year round like this colleague the most and ask her to help them every year. Then mix the green wheat kernels with chicken breast and carrots and apricot mushrooms and then stir-fry them. It tastes chewy and reduces fat.

As for Wang Ying herself, she boiled sugar water with green wheat kernels every time. Green wheat kernels are matched with cornstarch, and a few glutinous rice balls are added to the boiled sugar water. The color is particularly small and fresh, and it tastes fragrant.

Colleagues saw them eating green wheat like this and sighed: "In the past, in our hometown, if the wheat was not cooked, it would have been poked to death. As a result, in recent years, there has been a lot of people's demand for green wheat. Some time ago, my parents also said that someone came to our place to collect green wheat, saying that they would take it back to feed the cattle... If it hadn't been stopped by the village cadres, it would have been estimated that many people would sell it. The price of green wheat was higher than cooked wheat.

Who would have thought that in just 30 or 40 years, people will be able to eat wheat in various ways in the future?

But don't think about it at this stage. Wang Ying also stood on the field in a straw hat. Participated in the vigorous harvest season.

As the agricultural proverb says, "Wheat harvests for a long time" means that wheat matures quickly. How fast is it? Wang Ying recalled that a day ago, the wheat in the field was still green and was exposed to the sun for two consecutive days. On the morning of the third day, the brigade sounded a gong.

Whether you eat at home or work in the field, you will gather directly on the threshing field.

Tian Youfu waved his hand and shouted in his voice, "Comrades, it's a critical moment!" We bear the heavy responsibility of grain production. The hard months are now the time to test!"

"We should seize the time to grab the collection. The captains of each group should follow the places we have previously divided. If the collection is not completed, we won't go home!" Each family's own food is delivered to the ground! Let's go to bed early after receiving it early!"


Wang Ying stood on the periphery and was also infected by this atmosphere.

Cheng Shufen, Cheng Yu and Qian Juhua also came. One of them in the brigade counted as one, and Tian Youfu fell and all called.

Wang Ying looked at Tian Youfu's blush and thick neck. She was full of energy and heard whispers beside her.

"Blessed, what's wrong? It's not like this year in previous years!"

"Shh... don't you know the other brigades?"

"What's the matter?"

"The two brigades next to us can see their wheat fields pulling from over there... I heard that they have not been seeded well, and the lazy commune downstream is now out of food..."

"Is that hail in spring? Oh, my God!"

"Blessed, you are also afraid of chaos. As soon as you see Mai Shu, you asked us to collect it quickly. Before other brigades began, we quickly handed in the score..."

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