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Germany sat besides by Philippines as if refusing to leave his new friend's side. The German pushed back his glasses and layed his head on Philip's shoulder.

They are now on the way back to the airport after a long time of exploring the clean of vast grass that represents the nature of the good. Copenhagen earlier, bidded his goodbyes and talked to Denmark before they left.

All of them are booked with six charter bus that can fit two-hundred and eighty-two people. With two-hundred and thirty-seven countries and over forty organizations, they all fit in.

There's no seating arrangement here, you can choose what bus you're going to ride on and sit with. Actually, the bus that is with the organizations, if you're a country then you can't sit with them there.

That's why, Germany ofcourse choosed to be with his european fellows. But not without dragging Philip to sit besides him in the bus full of europeans. North Korea actually tried to get on there but the europeans kicked him out of the bus.

Even there's no seating arrangement, the europeans, asians, africans, americans and oceanians chose to be in the bus with their geographical neighbors. But all the Africans can't fit in one bus so they chose to sit with the oceanians.

There's still alot of space for each country to choose on but they aren't exactly comfortable without their fellow continent countries around.

That's exactly Philippines' situation right now but he don't feel hated by much because....

Most of the europeans thinks that Philippines is one of the balkans.

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"Hah- I'm glad we all could leave that island once in awhile! The air in your country is very refreshing Denmark and I'll give you that." Britain commented and everyone on board agreed.

Norway shrugged along with Sweden. "Yeah it's kinda nice but why can't we atleast eat something there, we really had to take our own food?" Norway groaned as his stomach grumbled, he hasn't ate anything since morning since he thought that Denmark will feed them in Copenhagen.

Denmark laughed and got comfortable besides Greenland who played with Denmark's hand. "Nothing's free now, just be grateful you aren't charged with using the toilet unlike in...." Denmark trailed off as he peeked at the front where France is seating and the French woman is literally staring right at him with a death glare.

Numerous laughs were heard around as they loved the funny fact.

Europeans threw jokes around and most of them are about France, UK and Spain. They love joking about those three while the three themselves hate it but laughed along anyway.

Germany was quiet the whole time which is very unlikely because he would always throw jokes too or scold someone on how unrespectful their joke it but no, he enjoyed the comfortable 'silence' he have with the Filipino besides him.

Philip was over the windown and he watched as they pass alot of people riding their bikes and some waved at him and he would send a smile. He didn't mind the weight over his shoulder. He actually loved the warmth that was with Germany as it was passed onto him.

Switzerland and Austria sat by each other and they were turned against each other. Yeah they still have a beef with each other because of Liechtenstein. The small country was always ushered to join one of his neighboring countries but he doesn't know who to pick.

Switzerland side glanced towards Philip and Germany, The Swiss had no idea why they let Philippines in when he's an asian country. Probably because Germany was the one who dragged him hear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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