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I put together the pic^
Even if it is only two google images
Y/f/n (your friend's name)
Y/f/d (your friends discord name)
I rub my eyes looking away from the video I'm watching checking the time. "God its almost four. . ." I stretch my arms and start getting up from my chair when I get i discord ping.

I open discord and check what's up on my phone while getting ready to sleep

1 new notification:
Y/f/d- look look look look look

I whisper a small "god damnit." To myself before checking it
Y/n- what do you want I'm tired as fuck over here
Y/f/d- hey shithead check what I did
Y/n- okay fine, what did you do
Y/f/d- planned a sesh with the goons
Y/n- im too tired to deal with your jokes y/f/n
I close discord and get in bed completely ignoring the short conversation

Next day

I wake up and check my phone, more messages from last night

Y/f/d - I'm being serious dick
- hey come back I fr meant it
-damn bro gonna sleep what loser. L

With a sigh I open discord again and
message y/f/n
Y/n- alright you have my attention
Y/f/d- finally, been waiting for that shit for years
Y/n- don't have to wait longer but it's slowly leaving so hurry uuuup, I wanna eat something
Y/f/d- eat me?
-no but actually I was talking with some other youtuber friends and I was able to set something up with the goons
Y/n- what friends? and your not kidding right?
- cause I don't believe a word your dumb ass says most the time
Y/f/d- the friends aren't important i pulled some strings, I'm telling the truth its in two days and it'll be a full sesh
Y/n- alright then. . .
Y/f/d- I KNOW
-we're gonna get our ass handed to us
Y/n- I'll be looking forward to that
Y/f/d- oh I should add you to the server now
-one sec

- invited to cancer-

Y/n- I think I'd die before I type anything there
*ping in cancer*
-I hate you
Y/f/d- I want to cut you into pieces so I can throw you in the ocean and kill turtles
Y/n- that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
Y/f/d- go reply dumbass you have to now
Y/n- fuck you
Y/f/d- @y/n hahah pussy
Y/n- you suck let me be a bitch quietly
Blarg- scared of talking to us?
Y/n- very.
- they won't let me silently panic
Mcnasty-worst type of panic, just do it in text
Dooo- me when nine eleven
Y/n- facts
-alright since I'm not gonna get anywhere
Mcnasty- hi
Dooo- sup g how we doin
Blarg- stop
Dooo- no we boolin
Mcnasty- shut up do
Dooo- make me
Y/f/d- my last words be like
- want me to drink drain cleaner?
-nah, make me
Y/n- shut the fuck up dumbass
Y/f/d- I would but then you wouldn't talk
Dooo- facts?
Y/n- nah y/f/n is just a jerk but i am kinda being a pussy
Mcnasty- imagine being a pussy
Blarg- wtf imagine?
Mcnasty- yes
Dooo- oh I wish a was a pussy let me imagine it
- not the worst thing
Mcnasty- dooo pussy moment
Y/n- dooo pussy moment
Y/f/d- perfect y/n is out of her shell
Blarg- incredible
Y/n- I'm really not, but i'm trying
Y/f/d- fair
Dooo- y/n shell moment?
Y/n- it's where I live half the time
-great thing isn't it?
Dooo- very
Y/f/d- don't be fooled y/n is secretly a snail
-bitch doesn't come out of that shell and will recoil at salt
Y/n- no I won't
-shut up
Mcnasty- idk seems like you're kinda scared of salt
Y/n- I'm not I swear

- they won't let me silently panicMcnasty-worst type of panic, just do it in text-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IM PANICKING WHAT THE FUCKDooo- me when nine elevenY/n- facts-alright since I'm not gonna get anywhere -hiMcnasty- hiDooo- sup g how we doinB...

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Y/n- going for food now!
y/f/d- told you she's scared!

I close discord and start to make cereal
I'll get back on later but for now the cereal is calling me
Alr first chapter, so much typing and yet I still have no idea what I'm gonna do with this story whahoo!
If you have any suggestions I might take them, i'm gonna try to make this like a slow burn type thing, but I am incredibly bad at making stories so ya know, this might just suck a lot idk

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