games and a surprise

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idea was given to me (not sure if they want to be @ so we'll see)
no art again just cause i just did a new prof and don't wanna draw more
the sleeping arrangements with eric were awkward to say the least i mean like it was fine but now. . . .

the night before

"so uhm, we made the joke of sleeping in the same bed. . .do you uhm- actually want to?" he asks me kinda nervously. it's cute how his confidence can go so easily. "i mean. . ." i walk to the bed and sit on it staring at him "yeah i don't see why not" i lay down and pat next to me he gets in bed in the same spot, but he doesn't move at all "th- uh this good?" i sigh and snuggle into him burying my face into his side and putting one of my legs over him "just relax dork, it's only awkward if you make it that way" he has a breathy chuckle followed by a "okay" and he turns over wrapping his arms around me and i look up at him "you know for someone who pulled me directly onto his lap and 'accidentally' kissed my neck you've lost a lot of that confidence"

current morning
i'm laying in bed on my phone, i woke up and his arms were tight around me and i couldn't get out so now i'm ignoring the need to pee and just scrolling through tiktok quietly while he snuggles into me "mmmm you're already up?" i get chills from his morning voice and push myself into him a bit "yeah, you always sleep this late?" he nods and puts his face against my neck watching me switch to twitter and check stuff there "you know, i got an idea of what we could do today from my dream" he says as he starts to sit up "okay do tell but like, after i pee you held me there for like two hours!" i say as i get up and run to the bathroom.

after i come back he explains his dream, so now later today we're going to head to a arcade to just have some fun right now we're just watching a shitty horror movie and clowning on it "you know if she actually cared she'd be like running not 'oh no. what shame.'" he laughs "yeah for real, she's gonna either die or have three other movies made about her!" we laugh at the movie and i instinctively lay against him and he stiffens up "w-uhm why lay on me?" i notice and look up at him wrapping my arms around him and fully snuggling against him "cause you're warm and i really like this." i say with a red face and a smile

it's about six pm and eric rushes into the room and smiles at me "okay so uhm- get dressed!" i look at him confused and ask why "because. . . .i want to go early so we can actually have fun for a while" he starts looking through his stuff and i grab some of my clothes and walk into the bathroom to change.

after i change i walk out with my dirty clothes and put them to the side "okay, uhm- ready" he looks at me, i'm wearing a oversized t-shirt and baggy pants "i dress like a homeless man" i say with a laugh as gets up and walks over to me "yeah maybe you do but you look great in homeless man attire." i start laughing more until he suddenly puts his hand against my face and rubs my cheek with his thumb "i- uh- e-eric i~ uhm-" i try to talk but fail miserably and he chuckles "sorry, i just had to do that" he says as he lifts my face close to his then suddenly lets go leaving me a flustered mess yet again

we get to the arcade get two cards for points and actual tickets and i immediately grab his hand and run to a racing game "i will smoke you right here, right now." i say and we put in our points and get ready he sits and looks fully ready "you know i suck at driving in pretty much every game but okay" we start racing and just as expected, eric sucks. constantly running off the track and he even went the wrong way once. i ended up getting first place with eric getting second to last i laugh and stand up "HA! i knew i'd beat you, suck it!" he stands up too and shoves me lightly "shut up, you knew i was bad."

we're now sharing a drink while playing skee ball "i. have. the. worst. throw. ever." i say while just barley making into a hole "yeah you really do, guess i just dominate you in this game." i stare at him and he looks at me confused "wha-" "dominate me?" i say with the most innocent voice i can do and he goes completely red "w-wha i- uhm- do-domin- uhm dominate y- uh you?" i nod and he turns even more red "what?" i say looking at him while he's trying to get words out "i- uh~ uhm- i-" i finally burst out laughing and pat the side of hit face gently "it's fine it's fine i'm kidding!" his face is burning hot and he just stands there while i finish the round and get a few more points

it's now eleven pm and were just now exiting the arcade "that was so much fun" i say while gently hopping around him "you're clearly still energized." he says while i stop hopping and hold his hand "yeah i guess so, i don't know i just really enjoy time with you i guess" he stops walking making me stop aswell "you do?"he asks walking a little in front of me and facing me "well yeah, i just genuinely enjoy being around you, you held me for two fucking hours and i didn't care cause it was you, and liked playing today and cracking jokes at the shitty movie was fun, i just genuinely enjoy being with y-" i'm cut off so abruptly that it took me a second to figure out what was going on but when i did my entire body got hot. he was gently holding onto my face with his lips against mine, he steps back slowly looking at me trying to figure out how i felt "eric i-" i managed to get out but nothing more than that

he turns away starting to pace "sorry sorry, i shouldn't have done that, fuck!" i watch him still speechless while he paces "n-no eric i- uh-" he looks at me worried then keeps pacing "shit i shouldn't have done that huh? fuck i'm sorry, god damnit!" i hold my hand up for a second and grab onto his arm making him stop and look at me "eric i- i uhm- i. ." i can't seem to find the right word so instead i stand in front of him and gently kiss him. he freezes for a second then melts into it wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer. i wrap my arms around his neck as the kiss slowly becomes more passionate, he bites my bottom lip gently and i lean back and look at him, we're both blushing and have the same look "you know it's a bad idea to go further than this right?" i ask and he nods "i know but that doesn't mean i don't want to~" he leans in again but kisses my neck a few times making me incredibly flustered "eric please. ." i say slightly breathy "we can't right now~" he bites my neck leaving a mark causing me to gasp and let out a small moan, he stops and looks at me "i know i'm sorry, but eight fucking months of having feelings for you and you not being here was driving me insane" i go quiet and kiss him once more before starting to walk back to the car again

we get home and it's a little later almost twelve, i walk into the bedroom same as eric and he lays down. i walk next to the bed and get undressed in everything but my underwear and he gets incredibly flustered "w-holy shit, uhm y-you uh gonna s-uh sleep like th-that?" i nod and get under the blankets cuddling up next to him feeling his entire body heat up "alright then, goodnight y/n" i give him a quick kiss "night eric"

okay so uhm uh sorry for changing how i write so much like i said it's my first book and i have absolutely no clue what i'm doing 💀
i uhm, i'll get better and have a style soon i promise but it was looking more like a script for a play than anything else, so uhm for now i'm just figuring stuff out sorry!

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