you think?

293 10 3

no art againx2
cause like idk lol

eric and i are on the couch with me laying against him as we watch some random show "so uhm- you wanna do anything today?" i look at him and shrug "not sure, depends on what, ha." he nods and starts tapping his fingers on my shoulder "you okay?" "huh oh- uhm yeah sorry just kinda thinking about stuff i guess. ." i sit up and ask what "oh well i mean, uh- are we gonna just like be in a 'relationship' or is one gonna have to ask the other?" i take a moment to think about it starting to reply then stopping taking a second longer and finally talking "well i mean, we both agree we really like each other yeah?" "yeah." i pat his leg "well then we'll see how things play out, i want a relationship yeah. . .buuuut you'll have to ask me, maybe. . .i'm not sure." he nods again and looks at me "y/n. ." "yes?" "i uhm- we've known each other for a while and uhm- i just hope i can ask you out soon." i smile and give him a kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking to the kitchen

he walks in shortly after me and watches me get a drink and sit on the island "you know chairs exist right? it's not just counters and my lap." i laugh and nod "yeeaaahh but chairs are for chair people and that's not me, you should see my set up- it's secretly just a bunch of books and a pillows" i whisper while laughing and he laughs as-well "alright alright well uhm, i was gonna head out later i recommend you come too, gonna go to the mall so we can just chill and go do whatever we want to do. wanna join?" i hop off the island and agree

a few hours later and i'm running after eric as he excitedly shows me things he likes and does "heeeeey, long legs! slow it down pleaseeeee!" he looks behind him to see me jogging after him and laughs while slowing down "sorry sorry there's just a lot!" i hold his hand and nod "i get that eric but oh my god you're fast." he blushes and my sudden action and let's go, fully puts his arm around my shoulder and continues walking

we're in a hot topic while i look at shirts, chains and rings trying to decide if i want anything "oh eric, look at these!" i hold up a set of three necklaces all different lengths and sizes and he smiles "you'd look good in those, and that." he points to a collar and i blush heavily and pick it up deciding 'why not actually get it' "yeah okay." he looks shocked that i actually picked it up but then smiles "good."

we bought a couple more things, mainly video game and show merch and then left going to the food court. i stop walking and just stand still for awhile taking in all the different places "so what are you feeling?" he looks at me and shrugs "maybe like- we could just get two different things, we don't have to eat the same thing you know?" i nod "i know but it feels weird if we don't, what about pizza?" he looks at me for a second ". . . yeah sure i could go for pizza." we get what we want and sit down talking about nothing important when i suddenly hit the table gently and make a "ah!" sound "eric eric eric eric, we neeeed to get one of the big cookie things if you don't let me get one for us i will fight you." he laughs at my eagerness and puts one of his hands on one of mine "we can do that just calm down y/n, calm down." i smile and keep eating the pizza

it's a little later and we've seen basically everything, we got some games,clothes, the giant cookie and just stupid shit and now we're just kinda talking while looking at random things. "you know. . . if i like it here, i might actually decide to move." i say while looking at small booth that was selling random things like keychains,paintings and stickers "y-you would?" i nod and buy a spider man picture that changes into the three live action spider men if you look at it from different angles
(actually something i saw at the mall last time i went, wanted it so badly but didn't get it ;-;)

"yeah well i mean i got nothing going on in y/s so...." he smiles and hugs me "oh would you please, please move here if you like it?!" i laugh while blushing and hug back "yeah, that's kinda the plan."
he lets go and gives me a small kiss "that would be so fucking cool."
i blush a lot more and agree as we keep walking around.

it's been a few hours and now we're going back to the house, we're sitting in the car right now just holding hands listening to the brobecks, If You Like It Or Not comes on and i look at him "this song might be how i feel about you." he looks at me confused and i start to sing a long but wave it away until it gets to the chorus "oh my girl oh my girl, just give me a chance! i don't want explain, i just want to dance, on the graves, on the graves. .of every girl that i knew before you, they're all dead to me too" he glances at me while i sing along with a flustered expression "listen it's good okay, but it's not the best part, or how i think, not fully, not yet." he looks away and nods "okay then, but whe-" "i'm yours and you're mine, if you like it or not." he glances at me and i'm looking directly at him he looks back at the road quickly and i lean over slightly to kiss his check and i can feel how hot his face is. "you know, you can switch from direct to flustered real easy with me" i tell him in a flirty voice and he nods and clears his throat "i- listen it's not on purpose you just uh- you just have that effect on me i guess." he says sounding more flustered the more he talks and i smile at him and lean back continuing to hum with the song.

we finally get back and get inside, i immediately run to the bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes and eric follows this action. after i'm changed i lay in bed and call him over, he lays down with me and i snuggle into him and pull up a movie on my phone. "we watch a lot of movies like this huh?" i giggle and look up at him "not my fault i like cuddling with you while watching something i like." he smiles and gives me a small kiss "fair enough, guess it's not your fault i'm starting to love it either?" i nod "nope! nothing to do with me!" he chuckles and pulls me closer while we watch the movie. after a while i start to get tired and turn to face him noticing he's already asleep, i smile,kiss his cheek, pause the movie, cover the two of us up more and fall asleep soon after.

today was great, i think i'm hardcore in love with him now. . .i just wonder if he loves me this much back.

i've been distracted with stuff and meant to post this and write it a thousand times earlier, ima make a chapter where y/n and dooo do actual things soon i'm just- it's turning into one shots with lore lol
hope you liked it, thank you for 300 reads.
i cant thank you guys enough, i know i've posted a thank you already but like guuuuuuuyssssss! i really appreciate your support and liking of my book (even if it kinda sucks sometimes x-x)
until next chapter! (which will be in ???? days lol)

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