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no art this time, didn't want to draw
enjoy the chapter
i'm at the airport and on the phone with y/f/n rambling about how overly excited i am to meet with eric

y/f/n- "dude if you're so eager to meet him why don't you just call him, pass time while you wait to get on"
y/n- "okay okay sorry"

y/f/n tells me to go call him again teasing a bit then hangs up
i call eric and he picks up immediately
eric- "hey!"
y/n- "hi! y/f/n told me to call cause i wouldn't shut up about how excited i was"
we laugh and i start making sure everything is ready for when my plane is
eric- "you know dallas did the same thing to me."
y/n- "you're kidding right?"
eric- "nope! we were talking and he just told me to talk to you cause that's all i was talking about anyway, i think i might've annoyed him with my excitement"

i blush a little at the thought of him only talking about me

y/n- "i uhm, it's gonna be crazy to see you, i mean like you'll actually be in front of me. it's kinda nerve racking!"
eric- "yeah, i was thinking the same thing, we'll actually be spending time together and like living together"
y/n- "you think you can handle me big guy?"
i ask in a flirty and jokey tone
eric- "i uhm- yeah i can handle you, but can you handle me~?"
he asks in the same flirty tone but he doesn't sound like he's joking, he just waits for me to reply
i clear my throat, my face being completely red

y/n- "i uhm, yeah- yeah i can handle you."
he laughs and i can hear him start to mess with his piano playing random notes together seemingly mindlessly
eric- "you know, i've been getting my place perfect for you right?"
y/n- "yeah i kinda figured ha, hope i'll like it there"
eric- "if you don't i'll literally kill myself"
y/n- "you do that i do it too."
eric- "oh?"
y/n- "we go together or we don't go at all"
i say sounding a bit too serious for it to be taken and a joke and he's silent

eric- "i'll keep that in mind."
"you gonna be my partner in crime by the end of this or something?"
y/n- "maybe i will be, maybe i wont. you never know"
he's quiet again and i can hear him shift the way he's sitting
eric- "i uhm- wow"
i hear my plane get called and give a quick goodbye to eric as i get on

middle of the flight time skip

i see the kid in front of me watching a video of mine and giggle starting to watch it too
as i'm reading the subtitles i realize how much me and dooo flirt and stop watching starting to just think about if he actually shares the feelings i have for him. . . and why the hell my editors like to tease so much

another time skip, end of flight

i get off and text eric that i've landed and he replies that he'll meet me at the luggage pick up. i walk over and get my bags looking at everyone around me when i suddenly have hands covering my eyes as i practically jump out of my skin

"guess who?"
y/n- "no! you scared the shit out of me you don't get a guess."
he laughs and uncovers my eyes as i turn around to face him

eric- "god damn you're short"
y/n- "i'm aware of this eric."
". . ."
"god now i'm awkward. ."
eric- "yeah i can tell"
i stare at him for a second and hug him and he returns it immediately
y/n- "see you're a great hugger now you really are my favorite goon" i say into his chest
he laughs and hugs me tighter as i blush
eric- "and i think you're just my favorite"
we both lean back and i look up at him
y/n- "so are we gonna go or are we just gonna stay here?"
eric- "follow me"
he grabs my hand and walks me to his car and we both get in
y/n- "nice car you got here, smells very car like" i say as i get in
eric- "if it smelled like anything else i'd be concerned."
he puts on music as we drive and i hum along to it. after about ten minutes i get bored though. .

y/n- "why don't you put on your music? it's just as good as this stuff"
he laughs and hands me the aux
eric- "if you wanna do that, here"
i immediately put on jungle by mome boys and start rapping along with it while he's glancing at me knowing what's about to come
eric- "this isn't technically my music but okay. ."

we continue listening to the song and once it gets to his part i turn it up and start saying it louder
y/n- "they call me virgin. . .but i've been the imposter, cause i venting into you're grandmas room and downed that hag with my coom!"
eric- "you're grand daddy's so clingy after we boned had to go to bank, just to get alone"
y/n- "while you're simpin in twitch chat all naked and lonely i'll have you're mom speechless like we're on emote only"
eric- "to see these are lies you don't need a brain surgeon cause i am most definitely. ."
y/n and eric- "still a virgin"
i turn the music back down and laugh

y/n- "not too bad of a rapper big guy"
eric- "don't lie to me."

i put on a playlist of just his music and stuff he's in and we listen to that for awhile until i feel the car stop and look at him
y/n- "this your place?"
eric- "yeah cmon"
we both get out and he helps me bring stuff in, while i'm walking in i take a moment to look around
eric- "you want me to place this in the room? or. . .?"
y/n- "oh yeah, uhm i guess the room for now yeah, sorry"

he leads the way to his room and puts my stuff on his bed, after a bit of unpacking i sit on the bed and he sits on the chair parallel
y/n- "oooooo~"
eric- "what?"
y/n- "nothing nothing, i just like seeing your set up it looks pretty good, besides your chair"
he turns the chair a bit so i can get a better look and it's not a bad set, three monitors, good looking desk top and a so so chair, not bad at all.

y/n- "anyway. . . we planned how i was gonna get here, where i was gonna stay and all that but we didn't plan what we were gonna do."
i say in the most awkward tone imaginable
eric- "shit- how did we not plan actual things to do"
he laughs and then looks at me like he's had a perfect idea
"cmere cmere, let me set up my camera for a second but i know what we can do"
y/n- "alright then"
he puts his camera to the side of him like he does for the podcast then opens discord and pings the group chat
dooo- @everyone sorry not sorry for the ping

a few seconds later there's a call and he joins it along with the rest of them
blarg- "okay what did you wanna call about?"
eric- "oh nothing nothing just this"
he turns on his camera and pulls me onto his lap, i make a small squeak at the sudden action and start blushing a deep red. they all hear the squeak and start laughing until mcnasty yells
then the laughing turns into whooping and monkey sounds

eric wraps his arms around my torso and puts his face against my neck and i start blushing even more feeling his breath
soup- "okay okay good that he's gonna loose it but woah not on call buddy!"
eric laughs and just keeps holding me
eric- "guys calm down calm down if i was gonna loose it you would only get to imagine it"
y/f/n- "not y/n being completely silent for this whole thing"
y/n- "i uhm, listen listen i- uh. . i-. . . . .god damnit"
they all laugh again at my horrible attempt to have a come back and then the call ends and i look at dooo

y/n- "why'd you leave?"
eric- "cause i just want to stay like this for a bit without them teasing and yelling"
he says while getting more comfortable and picking me up on his lap a bit more
y/n- "oh i uhm- o-okay"
"pretty forward aren't you?"
eric- "yeah i'd say so"
he gives my neck a small "accidental" peck and continues holding me while i'm still a blushing mess.

at least i can say this trip will be fun

literally the most i've typed for this book omg, hope you liked this very forward dooo chapter idk if i'm gonna continue making him like this, probably not honestly but we'll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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